Biden's Plan for Electric Cars Was Just Made Illegal

Started by Bande, Sep 19, 2022, 07:11 PM

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Biden's Plan for Electric Cars Was Just Made Illegal


Interesting conclusion on illegality of the vehicle due to Supreme Court action regarding the EPA
I wonder if Scotty Kilmer can recommend the best blinker fluid for our cars.
The Clean Air Act directs the EPA to regulate stationary sources of any substance that causes, or contributes significantly to, air pollution and that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.

The court stated that the EPA could not transform the power industry through a generation-shifting scheme without clear statutory authorization from Congress. The court found it "highly unlikely" that Congress would leave the decision of how much coal-based generation there should be over the next few decades to EPA agency discretion.

Dissenting Justices argued that Congress charged EPA with addressing potentially catastrophic harms, including through regulation of fossil fuel-fired power plants.

Do scientists agree on climate change?
The majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here.

Climate change science is the study of the Earth's changing atmospheric composition and the resulting climate and environmental impacts worldwide. Since the Industrial Revolution, the planet has experienced a massive spike in emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs) produced by human activities, from about 280 parts per million, to more than 400 ppm. This rise in emissions has led to a corresponding rise in the global atmospheric concentrations of these GHG pollutants. As humans increase the volume of climate pollutants in the atmosphere, average global temperatures rise. This is because of the greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and other greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun, making the atmosphere warmer than it otherwise would be. The greenhouse effect makes life as we know it possible: without it, the average temperature on Earth would be a mere 0 degrees Fahrenheit (instead of the 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit recorded in 2013). But too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere can destabilize its balance, leading to much higher global temperatures and disruptive climate change. Link

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Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Bande on Sep 19, 2022, 07:11 PMBiden's Plan for Electric Cars Was Just Made Illegal

This is a Scotty Kilmer video. If you follow Scotty (as I do) you know that he almost always tags his YouTube videos with a clickbaity headline. I suppose that's part of how he has amassed more than 5 million followers.

But Scotty's clickbaity headlines are always tongue-in-cheek. This becomes obvious rather quickly if you bother to watch his videos because the headline never matches the content.

In the video you posted, which you either didn't bother to watch or didn't comprehend, Scotty didn't say what the headline says. All he does is talk about the recent ruling against the EPA and pose a bunch of questions. He also acknowledges that climate change is a real problem, because he's not an idiot.

Scotty's a good guy who knows about cars. He's not the person you go to if you're looking for political soundbytes.


Quote from: bats on Sep 20, 2022, 12:06 PMIn the video you posted, which you either didn't bother to watch or...

No wonder he can post so many videos. He doesn't have to watch them.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Sep 20, 2022, 04:28 PMNo wonder he can post so many videos. He doesn't have to watch them.

I've seen that before. Lots of conservatives search for "damning" videos and don't go any further than the headline on them before sharing it so they can be the first to "own the libs".


All internal combustion vehicles will be banned by 2035 in Cali.
How are we suppose to charge all these EV when we don't have enough electricity now?

The average cost in 2022 for an EV is $56,000USD, in 2035 the price will probably be 50% higher.
How can the average person afford one?

Then there's the problem of the batteries, lithium and cobalt are in short supply.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Sep 20, 2022, 05:53 PMAll internal combustion vehicles will be banned by 2035 in Cali.
How are we suppose to charge all these EV when we don't have enough electricity now?

The average cost in 2022 for an EV is $56,000USD, in 2035 the price will probably be 50% higher.
How can the average person afford one?

Then there's the problem of the batteries, lithium and cobalt are in short supply.

All that gas and oil going towards the 14.2 million cars and over 13.8 BILLION gallons of gas that are currently used by cars on the road today could be used to power the EV stations maybe?


Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 20, 2022, 06:36 PMAll that gas and oil going towards the 14.2 million cars and over 13.8 BILLION gallons of gas that are currently used by cars on the road today could be used to power the EV stations maybe?
The battery waste will be worse than anything, How are batteries disposed of?
Bringing ev vehicles will not rid us of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are needed for everyday life.
 Imagine road trips with the battery life lasting so long then having to charge so long to get the maximum charge. Long trips than may take 2 days can take up to a week. To me, thats going back to horse and buggy days.
The people now days could not handle that.
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Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 20, 2022, 06:36 PMAll that gas and oil going towards the 14.2 million cars and over 13.8 BILLION gallons of gas that are currently used by cars on the road today could be used to power the EV stations maybe?

So instead of burning it in an internal combustion engine you want it to be used to create electricity?
That doesn't make sense because you will still be releasing the same amount of CO2.
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Quote from: Bande on Sep 20, 2022, 08:22 PMTo me, thats going back to horse and buggy days.

The Babylon Bee had the same idea...

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Bande on Sep 20, 2022, 08:22 PMAll that gas and oil going towards the 14.2 million cars and over 13.8 BILLION gallons of gas that are currently used by cars on the road today could be used to power the EV stations maybe?
The battery waste will be worse than anything, How are batteries disposed of?
Bringing ev vehicles will not rid us of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are needed for everyday life.
 Imagine road trips with the battery life lasting so long then having to charge so long to get the maximum charge. Long trips than may take 2 days can take up to a week. To me, thats going back to horse and buggy days.
The people now days could not handle that.

Quote from: Romanticlover on Sep 20, 2022, 08:26 PMSo instead of burning it in an internal combustion engine you want it to be used to create electricity?
That doesn't make sense because you will still be releasing the same amount of CO2.

Thanks for sharing the myths pushed on us by conservatives/gas companies. Here are some facts to fight your myths:

FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging.

Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions. Generating the electricity used to charge EVs, however, may create carbon pollution. The amount varies widely based on how local power is generated, e.g., using coal or natural gas, which emit carbon pollution, versus renewable resources like wind or solar, which do not. Even accounting for these electricity emissions, research shows that an EV is typically responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than an average new gasoline car. To the extent that more renewable energy sources like wind and solar are used to generate electricity, the total GHGs associated with EVs could be even lower.

FACT: The greenhouse gas emissions associated with an electric vehicle over its lifetime are typically lower than those from an average gasoline-powered vehicle, even when accounting for manufacturing.

Some studies have shown that making a typical electric vehicle (EV) can create more carbon pollution than making a gasoline car. This is because of the additional energy required to manufacture an EV's battery. Still, over the lifetime of the vehicle, total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with manufacturing, charging, and driving an EV are typically lower than the total GHGs associated with a gasoline car. That's because EVs have zero tailpipe emissions and are typically responsible for significantly fewer GHGs during operation (see Myth 1 above).

For example, researchers at Argonne National Laboratory estimated emissions for both a gasoline car and an EV with a 300-mile electric range. In their estimates, while GHG emissions from EV manufacturing and end-of-life are higher (shown in orange below), total GHGs for the EV are still lower than those for the gasoline car.

Recycling EV batteries can reduce the emissions associated with making an EV by reducing the need for new materials. While some challenges exist today, research is ongoing to improve the process and rate of EV battery recycling.

Today's gasoline driven cars have engine efficiency of 20-35%. An oil refinery may have a thermal efficiency of about 90%, depending on how complex it is. With a hydrocracker and the supporting hydrogen plant the efficiency may be lower. There is also some loss during transportation of the crude oil and the gasoline. So the total crude oil to hp efficiency may be about 22%.

At the present time, most electric cars are re-charged during the night. That means that they are re-charged with electricity made from fossil fuel. A fossil fuel fired power plant is about 50% efficient. An electric motor in a car is about 90% efficient, assuming that the motor will mostly be operated at part load. That gives an overall fuel-to-power efficiency of about 45%.

So, you are burning twice the gas to power cars and oil refineries (Funny, conservatives ALWAYS mention power plants when talking about EV, but NEVER mention oil refineries when talking about gas-powered cars) to get the same efficiency as you do with power plants and EV, making it BETTER for the environment than gas powered cars.[/quote]