Trump's Very Special Master

Started by Blkfyre, Sep 22, 2022, 11:33 AM

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Since there seems to be some misinformation on the Special Master that was assigned: The history on the issue, why they were assigned, what Trump's response to the government was, and what exactly the Special Master is and will be doing.

Unlike the talking heads on Youtube who have no actual legal knowledge or entertainers on Fox who had the following said about them: "The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

The person in this video is an actual defense attorney/former DA, so can speak on all the legal topics with authority.


So, the same lawyer reviews what they kindly described as Trump's Beatdown in the 11th Circuit (Cannon Rebuked)

Again, a Lawyer who was a prosecutor giving an INFORMED legal opinion on what went on, not some know-nothing Youtube yutz or a political puppet talking head on a conservative news program.

They break down all the legalese so it's easy to understand and makes sure to go through each of the major points in the ruling including:

A court of appeals said that Judge Cannon had NO LEGAL RIGHT to appoint a Special Master in relation to the classified documents.
They said that Trump should not even have had the documents in the first place, that Trump did not even ATTEMPT to show why he needed the documents, and even if he had, the court's opinion was it wouldn't matter, he shouldn't have had them in the first place.
And they refuted the fact of Trump saying he declassified the document.
They also said that explained in meticulous detail that unlike what Trump asserted, there was no evidence of any harm that would come to Trump for the government to inspect the documents.
And that even by considering that would cause a chilling effect on any future government cases as agents would have to consider their being sued by simply doing their jobs and that causing some cases to not move forward because of that.

So, the upshot, the Special Master can still talk about all the OTHER documents that were found, but NOT the ones marked CLASSIFIED.