Paul Pelosi Beaten in Home

Started by Romanticlover, Oct 28, 2022, 08:01 AM

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Depape is mentally ill just like that shooter that wanted to kill Republicans at that Congressional baseball game a few years ago, Sen. Rand Paul was attacked a few years ago on his property by a deranged neighbor. Lets not forget that leftist lunatic that drove from Cali to DC to kill Justice Kavanaugh.

There are crazy people in both parties.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 01, 2022, 08:14 PMDepape is mentally ill just like that shooter that wanted to kill Republicans at that Congressional baseball game a few years ago, Sen. Rand Paul was attacked a few years ago on his property by a deranged neighbor. Lets not forget that leftist lunatic that drove from Cali to DC to kill Justice Kavanaugh.

There are crazy people in both parties.

Nobody said it doesn't happen on both sides. That's a red herring. Right-wing incitement drove this incident, as well as January 6th, as well as gun-toting idiots "observing" voters in Arizona, and far more.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 01, 2022, 08:14 PMDepape is mentally ill just like that shooter that wanted to kill Republicans at that Congressional baseball game a few years ago, Sen. Rand Paul was attacked a few years ago on his property by a deranged neighbor. Lets not forget that leftist lunatic that drove from Cali to DC to kill Justice Kavanaugh.

There are crazy people in both parties.

That is a simplistic nothing can be done because they are mentally ill. What sane person would believe the shit these people believe and act it out in violence on other human beings? Yeah, they are all fucking mentally ill. The dramatic increase and normalization of hate speak activates these sick assholes. MAGA Maniacs Incite Violence

Schumer's remarks were made during an abortion rights rally "I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh - you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions," Schumer told the cheering crowd. Insightful rhetoric from a political leader.

Newt Gingrich pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America's political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction. Gingrich's career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence. Link

The radicalized extreme Right gets a steady diet of hate the Godless evil Democrats.

When it comes to "domestic terrorism" 1/3 of the violence comes from the extreme Right and 1/5 of the violence comes from the extreme Left.

Too much sex is still not enough.


So now it's Newt Gingrich's fault, give me a break and place blame where it belongs.  ::)
The Beatles made the Manson family do heinous things...Helter Skelter.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 01, 2022, 08:14 PMDepape is mentally ill just like that shooter that wanted to kill Republicans at that Congressional baseball game a few years ago, Sen. Rand Paul was attacked a few years ago on his property by a deranged neighbor. Lets not forget that leftist lunatic that drove from Cali to DC to kill Justice Kavanaugh.

There are crazy people in both parties.

Ah, the great excuse of conservatives. They shot up a theater after posting conservative manifesto "MENTALLY ILL!", school shooting after commenting on social media about the Demoncrats "MENTALLY ILL!", assaulting a man in search of his wife who is one of the heads of a party demonized by conservatives "MENTALLY ILL!"


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 02, 2022, 05:52 AMSo now it's Newt Gingrich's fault, give me a break and place blame where it belongs.  ::)
The Beatles made the Manson family do heinous things...Helter Skelter.
The blame belongs on the people that do heinous acts of violence. One cannot dismiss the contributing factors by media personalities and the algorithms on social media that promote hate and anger.

As to Newt Gingrich I was just giving you a history lesson. He moved party politics in a new direction.

"The Beatles made the Manson family do heinous things...Helter Skelter." Is not a good analogy. Much like rock and roll leads to unwanted teen age pregnancy, a belief in the 1950s
Too much sex is still not enough.


I would add Rush Limpdick to the list of people preaching hate. it all started right here in Sacramento.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 02, 2022, 01:45 PM"The Beatles made the Manson family do heinous things...Helter Skelter." Is not a good analogy. Much like rock and roll leads to unwanted teen age pregnancy, a belief in the 1950s

I think it's a perfect analogy, if you read the book Helter Skelter you would know Charles Manson blamed that Beatles song on why he did what he did.

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 02, 2022, 04:51 PMI think it's a perfect analogy, if you read the book Helter Skelter you would know Charles Manson blamed that Beatles song on why he did what he did.
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A sick fuck reinterpreted a musician's song about a playground slide to describe the rise and fall of the Roman Empire into something sinister. The evil was in Manson not the song. Qanon bullshit conspiracy theories that claim Democrats are Satanist pedophiles that kill children and drink their blood is not open to interpretation. It is a direct attack.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 02, 2022, 05:59 PMA sick fuck reinterpreted a musician's song about a playground slide to describe the rise and fall of the Roman Empire into something sinister. The evil was in Manson not the song. Qanon bullshit conspiracy theories that claim Democrats are Satanist pedophiles that kill children and drink their blood is not open to interpretation. It is a direct attack.

I'm glad you finally get it HS, these crazy fucks are responsible for the acts they commit not someone on the radio or on social media.

When I was young my parents told me this when I said "My friends are doing it and I want to do it."
Parents: "If your friends told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?"
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There has been a long history of politicians being attacked.

It's a despicable act what happened to Pelosi husband. 

But, it been going on for a long time:
Abe Lincoln.
Gabby Gifford.  Shot
Ron Paul attached by his liberal neighbor
Steve Scalise shot.
Squeaky Frome shooting at Gerald Ford.
Brett Kavanaugh windows at his home being knocked out.

There is a long list that goes on way beyond my memory of butt hurt wackos who are wanting to confront or cause harm to their political leaders. 

Some of you are butt hurt by some of the Comments in this thread. It's awful what happened, but intodays highly politically charged environmental not surprising.  It's part of being in the public eye. 

I am surprised there wasn't an armed guard for the family for a visible speaker of the house.  You would of thought, at least the house would be monitored by cameras and an alarm.


Well said sir.

I will add these two:
Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk by the "Twinkie defense" dude, I can't believe they acquitted him.
Pres. Reagan being shot by that wacko who was trying to impress Jodi Foster, he was influenced by the movie Taxi driver.
I remember reading about Squeaky Frome(she was in the Manson family), that happened here in Sac in front of the Capitol.
Are we having fun yet?


Forgot about Harvey Milk and Mascone.  Diane Feinstein was swarn in as Mayor and became a national name with in hours. 

How could I forget Regan? 

I am old enough to remember Squeaky Frome and Gerald Ford.  Just a kid at the time, but lived in downtown Sacramento at the time

Also rember when one of the SLA hideout was found.   We lived two blocks and saw all the police activity. This was April 1975 after the murder of Myarian Opsel (sp?). 


Quote from: Fathernature69 on Nov 02, 2022, 06:52 PMIt's awful what happened, but intodays highly politically charged environmental not surprising.  It's part of being in the public eye.
Each of the other incidents you noted was a one-off by someone in their own disturbed world. The attack on Pelosi's husband was a continuation of the same right-wing extremism that led to the violence on January 6th.

There are a lot of people in the country who genuinely believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. Do you know who knows it was NOT stolen? Trump! As well as most of his co-conspirators. He and they deliberately stoked the "politically charged" environment to the point where it is a raging inferno.

You guys can minimize and dismiss this shit all you want, but these times are far more dangerous than ever before, and that is a direct result of the psychopath a lot of you supported (or would still support).


"Hate speech begets hate crime." "Leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral clarity."
Josh Shapiro
Too much sex is still not enough.