China Biden continued

Started by Bande, Jul 20, 2022, 02:43 PM

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ChinaBiden a TRAITOR, No way. LMFAO.

Let us see if they pull through on serving this families CRIMES.

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the thing about Hunter is, he doesn't work for the government of the usa. Trumps kids did and got $2 billion from the Saudi's. anyone one know why?
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


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'WHEN HE WAS VP' Hunter DEMANDS 'dad''s CHARGES after 'Mexican' email...Obama faces JAILTIME



Bando, the claims made in this propaganda video were debunked last month. Just because they say things that match your preconceived biases doesn't make it good information. In fact, if you had any desire to be objective you'd recognize that and make sure to check it out for yourself.

These liars know their viewers won't look at actual facts, however, and that's why they continue to spew their bullshit.

Here's what the fact-checker for the Washington Post concluded:

The Pinocchio Test
Comer may soon be in a significant position of power. But he needs to get his facts straight. Even if as many as 150 SARs were filed concerning Hunter Biden's business dealings — a number that remains unconfirmed — that does not mean that he committed "serious crimes" or that banks were "pretty confident" that a serious crime was committed. Instead, these reports are merely tips that something may be suspicious — raw intelligence that still needs to be vetted, confirmed and possibly investigated.

Comer earns Three Pinocchios.


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