Trump taxes

Started by Blkfyre, Dec 30, 2022, 11:45 AM

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No wonder Trump didn't want his taxes to be shown. Let's start with the first thing:

Trump supporters keep saying Trump donated all his salary showing how good of a man he was.


Trump claimed no charitable deductions in 2020
During his presidency, Trump pledged he would donate the entirety of his $400,000 salary to charity each year. He frequently boasted about donating parts of his quarterly paycheck to various government agencies.

"While the press doesn't like writing about it, nor do I need them to, I donate my yearly Presidential salary of $400,000.00 to different agencies throughout the year," Trump tweeted in March 2019.

If he donated his 2020 salary, he didn't claim it on his taxes. Among the six years of tax returns the House Ways and Means Committee released, 2020 was the sole year in which Trump listed no donations to charity.

And before you say it, Trump claimed so much on his 2020 taxes he paid a mere $750 dollars in tax that year, so no, if he had donated his salary he certainly would have reported it.


Trump claims he was under audit from before he was president for his entire term:


According to a Ways and Means report released last week, the IRS was severely outgunned in its efforts to audit Trump, whose returns weren't audited during his first two years in office despite an IRS policy of examining the taxes of sitting presidents.

A single agent at the IRS was responsible for examining Trump's voluminous returns and was pitted against partners at a global law firm and a former IRS chief counsel. Trump's representatives protested when it was suggested that the IRS bring in two more auditors to help handle the sizable paperwork.


Trump and his followers keep trying to have connections between Biden and China, saying ANY type of connection to China is bad. Except, you know, he paid China more in taxes than he did the United States and continued to have a business presence and Chinese bank accounts the entire time:

Trump reported having foreign bank accounts between 2015 and 2020, including a bank account in China between 2015 and 2017, his tax returns show.

Trump was required to report the accounts to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The filings show that the former president maintained foreign bank accounts in countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland and China.

The China bank account, which was reported by The New York Times in 2020, was tied to Trump International Hotels Management's business push in the country, Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten said at the time.

The 2020 disclosure of business dealings in China came as the Trump campaign sought to portray opponent Joe Biden as a "puppet" of China. Biden's income tax returns and financial disclosures showed no business dealings or income from China.

The returns also show that Trump paid more in foreign taxes than in US federal income taxes in 2017, the first year of his presidency.

In 2017, Trump paid just $750 in US federal income taxes because of large carry-forward losses that he claimed in prior years, negating virtually all of his American tax liability. Yet Trump paid nearly $1 million in taxes to foreign countries that year.

On his tax return, Trump listed business income, taxes, expenses or other notable financial items in Azerbaijan, Panama, Canada, India, Qatar, South Korea, the United Kingdom, China, the Dominican Republic, United Arab Emirates, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Grenada, US territory Puerto Rico, Georgia, Israel, Brazil, St. Maarten, Mexico, Indonesia, Ireland, Turkey, and St. Vincent.

So, while he was claiming Biden was bad for having China ties his Hotel companies were pushing to have business there. ChinaTrump indeed...


Also, A second series in 2020 showed that Trump paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years because he generally lost more money than he made.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Must be nice not to pay income taxes (or $750).  I've paid federal and state income taxes every year I've worked.  One benefit to that is eventually I'll get a decent social security benefit.


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 30, 2022, 04:54 PMMust be nice not to pay income taxes (or $750).  I've paid federal and state income taxes every year I've worked.  One benefit to that is eventually I'll get a decent social security benefit.

Trump people will be here soon I am sure to say "Oh, he's too SMART to pay taxes, he's just working the system" even while they are complaining the government doesn't have enough money and that welfare people are a drain on the system/cheating the system by being poor.

Imagine how much better the country would be if he actually DID pay taxes? How many essential services would have been funded?


His tax payments would almost not make ANY difference considering how big the US budget is.....trillions....and how much is wasted on crap.   



I'm not going to defend Trump other than say he paid what he owed and filed his taxes every year, yes he lied but he didn't cheat the IRS. If you don't like the tax code then contact your representatives. I agree with DW, our nation is in debt and Congress is wasting our money on stupid shit. Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion spending bill and Biden signed it into law, it's filled with pork. 
Are we having fun yet?


I'll say what I've said at least 56 times before.  I care the most about approximately 5 things.  What Trump paid or didn't pay in taxes isn't one of  Yet some people always (ALWAYS) have to get their panties in a bunch about what others do.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Dec 30, 2022, 07:42 PMI'm not going to defend Trump other than say he paid what he owed and filed his taxes every year, yes he lied but he didn't cheat the IRS. If you don't like the tax code then contact your representatives. I agree with DW, our nation is in debt and Congress is wasting our money on stupid shit. Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion spending bill and Biden signed it into law, it's filled with pork. 

I love that you can just pass off Trump's lies.

And, every President signs into law pork filled budgets. Or at least that's what the other side says so this is just business as usual.


I find these debates useless unless someone has enough power to actually do something about it which I'd guess no one here has.    Otherwise arguments and discussion can go on forever and change little and therefore are meaningless.  Y'all are here on a ho forum....and the impact of that on national policy is ?  I've known some amazing ladies that for example stood up for sex worker rights.....can't say the same about most guys I know.   They'd rather blow smoke out of their ass and pretend they stand up for something.


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 30, 2022, 10:28 PMI find these debates useless
Yet you continue to comment as if you're above the fray or in some way superior to the other people engaged in the discussion. The condescension is obvious, but I don't get the motivation. It's as if you believe that you can be the agent of whatever change it is that you wish to bring about here.

There's a certain hypocrisy in your complaints.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Dec 30, 2022, 10:09 PMI love that you can just pass off Trump's lies.

They all lie dude, Biden has been telling lies for 50 years.

Every time Biden meets with a labor group he lies:
If he meets with the Teamsters he says he was a truck driver - lie
If he meets with a teachers union he says he was a teacher - lie
If he meets with the auto unions he says he drives an electric car - lie
When he ran for president in 1988 he lied about his education and work experience.

That new representative from NY, George Santos, lied about being Jewish and his work experience.

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Dec 31, 2022, 07:19 AMThey all lie dude, Biden has been telling lies for 50 years.

Every time Biden meets with a labor group he lies:
If he meets with the Teamsters he says he was a truck driver - lie
If he meets with a teachers union he says he was a teacher - lie
If he meets with the auto unions he says he drives an electric car - lie
When he ran for president in 1988 he lied about his education and work experience.

That new representative from NY, George Santos, lied about being Jewish and his work experience.

I'm curious...can you link me to a news organization reporting Biden doing all three of those?  I'd like to see them


Here you go, you can find a bunch more on YouTube:
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Are we having fun yet?


It's a sad state of journalism these days, back in the day journalists did their job and fact checked politicians. If the media searched Biden's past lies on YouTube they would of reported this in 2020. Some of these videos have been on YouTube for over 10 years, journalists could also access CSPAN videos for a small fee.

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