Vote Speaker of the House

Started by HighStepper, Jan 03, 2023, 01:11 PM

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The way they talked last week, Biden would be impeached and gone by tomorrow.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


LMAO.....yeh the Republicans plans and agenda are a bit on hold for now.

Impeach Biden might he the Republican's #2 goal now though (?).
Sounds like they are hell bent on not hiring more IRS agents.....bizarre.
As long as whatever that cost brought in enough revenue to pay for it, I'd be ok with that.
(even though I am not a big fan of taxes or the IRS)


Quote from: dogwalker on Jan 04, 2023, 08:19 AMI did some research.
Thus disproving your repeated claim that you don't care about any of this stuff! lol




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Quote from: dogwalker on Jan 04, 2023, 10:26 PM@bats---yes YOU-----well geee....sometimes people change their minds....and "any" is a bit extreme....but you GOT
As usual this forum devolves into direct or sometimes "cutely disguised" but veiled attacks on others instead of staying on topic and having a discussion about the topic at hand.
For example.....the topic of this thread is "Vote Speaker of the House" NOT whether dogwalker said he was going to post here or not or whether he cared about anything here or not.. 
dog, if I wanted to attack you it wouldn't be disguised, cutely or otherwise. I know you've got a sense of humor, so maybe laugh along with me at the silliness of it all. Or don't. Whatever.


The Republicans don't need SNL to parody their incompetence they're doing a good job of that themselves!
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


MTG   "I'm the only Republican that has zero committees," Greene told C-SPAN after a conference meeting. ROTFLMAO
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Danno on Jan 05, 2023, 07:34 PMMTG  "I'm the only Republican that has zero committees," Greene told C-SPAN after a conference meeting. ROTFLMAO

She's embarrassing and catty, it's like watching "The Real Wives of DC"

I'd still do her though. lol
Are we having fun yet?


These few Republicans are doing this to get on TV. It makes them money.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Kevin McCarthy elected Speaker of the House on the 15th ballot with 216 votes. Jeffries received 212 Votes.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jan 06, 2023, 09:41 PMKevin McCarthy elected Speaker of the House on the 15th ballot with 216 votes. Jeffries received 212 Votes.

Apparently, the extremists extracted enough of what they wanted from him. Should be great for the country. /sYou cannot view this attachment.


Great.....time for another topic.....


Too much sex is still not enough.


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