Conservative News Paper Turns on Trump

Started by HighStepper, Mar 24, 2023, 10:13 PM

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The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox News.

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Too much sex is still not enough.


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Too much sex is still not enough.


This is what I've been thinking for a while now. Trump might get the Republican nomination, but if he does, too many "sane" Republicans will stay home in droves in the general election. They know he's a fraud and a crook, and they're sick of him.


How many would have to not vote for Trump to loose?  I don't know exactly but if it's like 2020 a small percentage that do not vote could make a huge difference in some districts.  Also sometimes voters will vote for the better devil because the worse devil is worse.  Do Republicans hate Biden more or are fed up with Trump more?