John Steward destroys Senator Nathan Dahm over gun control laws

Started by Blkfyre, Apr 12, 2023, 11:53 AM

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Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm went on The Problem With Jon Stewart to advocate against even modest gun control laws and got blasted by Stewart's debate bazooka.

The Republican politician has authored bills loosening Oklahoma gun restrictions, including the first law in the nation that's against red flags, thereby making it easier for people who are deemed dangerous to get access to guns.

In the video above, Dahm says he believes the solution to America's gun violence epidemic is more guns and focusing on the problems facing people who commit crime.

"Because the person is the threat, not the firearm," Dahm replies.

"But you don't want anything that could help law enforcement or society determine whether or not a person is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun," Stewart counters. "I don't understand why you won't just admit that you are making it harder for police to manage the streets by allowing all of these guns to go out without permits, without checks and without background stuff."

Dahm insists any such checks would infringe on a person's Second Amendment right to bear arms, to which Stewart shoots back: "Is voting a right?" and asks Dahm to detail what a person has to do to legally vote. "So you have to register to vote," Stewart says. "Is that an infringement?"

Stewart also points out Dahm supports banning drag performers from reading to children.

"Are you infringing on that performer's free speech?" Stewart asks.

"They can continue to exercise their free speech," Dahm says. "Just not in front of a child."


"Because the government does have a responsibility to protect —"

Stewart touches his ear, as if to say gotcha. "I'm sorry?"

"The government does have a responsibility, in certain instances, to protect children."

"What's the leading cause of death amongst children in this country?" Stewart asks. "I'm going to give you a hint: It's not drag show readings."


Gun controls do not keep guns from the criminal.
How should one protect themselves? Call the police? Get real..
Enjoy our Freedoms.
If one wants a controlled Country move to China or Russia.


Quote from: Bande on Apr 12, 2023, 03:28 PMGun controls do not keep guns from the criminal.
How should one protect themselves? Call the police? Get real..
Enjoy our Freedoms.
If one wants a controlled Country move to China or Russia.

Sure, in studies paid for by people to prove their point, it doesnt

Of course, if you go to a COUNTRY other than the US with it's rampant bias and things are different. And no, instead of your favorite complaint country China, how about the UK?

"As Americans continue to reel from the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas that left 19 students and 2 teachers dead, headlines and commentators repeat a common refrain: The U.S is the only country where this happens.

Nowadays that may be true, but 26 years ago, it happened in Scotland. In March 1996, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School, killing 16 students, a teacher, and injuring 15 others. To this day, it is the deadliest mass shooting in UK history.

But that's where the similarities end. In the aftermath of the shooting, parents in Dunblane were able to mobilize with the kind of effectiveness that has eluded American gun control activists. By the following year, Parliament had banned private ownership of most handguns, as well as semi-automatic weapons, and required mandatory registration for shotgun owners. There have been no school shootings in the U.K since then."

What was that about it not working again?


How many kids die each year and how many of these kids were killed each year by guns?  Are we talking about in the millions?  Hundreds of Thousands?  Tens of Thousands?  Everyone's talking like it's an epidemic unto our society.  How many of those gun deaths were by suicide?  Is the CDC lying when they say it's not the leading cause of death in kids each year?


Quote from: thaikhan on Apr 12, 2023, 06:20 PMHow many kids die each year and how many of these kids were killed each year by guns?  Are we talking about in the millions?  Hundreds of Thousands?  Tens of Thousands?  Everyone's talking like it's an epidemic unto our society.  How many of those gun deaths were by suicide?  Is the CDC lying when they say it's not the leading cause of death in kids each year?

The answer to your first question is way too fucking many.

And does it have to be the leading cause of death for it to be a problem worth doing something about? That's one of the dumbest straw men I've ever encountered.


Quote from: thaikhan on Apr 12, 2023, 06:20 PMHow many kids die each year and how many of these kids were killed each year by guns?  Are we talking about in the millions?  Hundreds of Thousands?  Tens of Thousands?  Everyone's talking like it's an epidemic unto our society.  How many of those gun deaths were by suicide?  Is the CDC lying when they say it's not the leading cause of death in kids each year?

The fact that people who excuse guns want to minimize that even ONE death is too many astounds people who are not gun nuts. You ask how many are by suicide as if that should change things. How many kids had access to their parent's guns and used them to take their own lives? Is it less tragic because they died by suicide? A death is a death that might have been prevented if the proliferation of guns were not so prevalent.

There Have Been 376 School Shootings Since Columbine. The UK has *STOPPED* school shootings for two and a half DECADES by regulating guns.

More than 300,000 school children have been witness to gun violence in US schools since the infamous Columbine massacre of 1999.

Your issue is you want to take ALL the ways people die and say "Oh, guns are such a small percentage".

Problem is, you used generalist arguments for a specific issue. When the CDC drills down to the deaths that really count for gun violence, Violence-Related Injury Deaths, your argument falls apart:

10 Leading Causes of Injury Deaths by Age Group Highlighting Violence-Related Injury Deaths, United States – 2010

Death by firearms is the FOURTH HIGHEST CAUSE of people dying starting at age FIVE and is NEVER lower than that in any age group.

It is the SECOND HIGHEST CAUSE from 15-24.

From 25-64 it is the THIRD HIGHEST CAUSE.

Note, these are just the DEATHS. These numbers do not reflect those who were merely injured or maimed due to being shot. These numbers also don't reflect the families of all those people whose lives lives were irreversibly changed

*YOU* brought up the CDC as being an authority on this, so kind of hard to argue with the real numbers, right?


MTG said 14,000 gun deaths is just a drop in the bucket.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 13, 2023, 05:53 PMYes, because Florida is the bastion of levelheadedness...

More so than Caliunicorina.

You can pass all the gun control laws you want but the crazies and criminals will find a way to get them.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 13, 2023, 06:15 PMMore so than Caliunicorina.

You can pass all the gun control laws you want but the crazies and criminals will find a way to get them.
Standard default conservative answer. You do realize that suicide by firearm is per the CDC document I linked, the 5th leading cause of death by violence for 10-14 year olds and 4th leading cause for 15-24.

This is NOT just about bad guys getting guns, it's about CHILDREN getting access to WAY too many guns and using them on themselves or others as well right? This is about a housewife deciding rather than leaving her husband she'll use her legally acquired gun to take care of his cheating. This is about the three law-abiding citizens deciding they didn't like a black guy in their neighborhood so chased him down and ended up shooting him to death because they had a firearm handy and COULD.


all these school shooting have been done by people that bought the guns legally. not criminals with illegal guns. no back ground checks or waiting period. California has waiting period 10 to 30 days and limit to one semi auto gun per 30 days

Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 13, 2023, 06:15 PMMore so than Caliunicorina.

You can pass all the gun control laws you want but the crazies and criminals will find a way to get them.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome