Bills Republicans are trying to pass

Started by Blkfyre, Apr 17, 2023, 07:16 PM

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The following are just SOME of the things conservatives are trying to pass in Red states:

Tennesse - allow officiators to discriminate on not only same sex but interracial couples
Will charge people with class B felony for getting an abortion outside their jurisdiction. The penalty for Class B Felonies is imprisonment of 25 years or more.

Arkansas - LOOSENS child labor laws including that 16 year olds don't have to verify age. This means that for a job that has a minimum age of 16 a 13 year old could apply and they wouldn't check to make sure they are of age.

South Carolina - EXECUTE women who get an abortion (21 republicans signed on to this bill). So, a baby's life is sacred, but it's ok to kill a woman.
Can prosecute women who have abortions, this includes misarranges, ectopic pregnancies, INCLUDING when a doctor says that the abortion is to save the life or preserve the health of the woman

Florida - Can take away kids who have gender affirming care. This can include just talking to a therapist about it or telling your child that if they feel more comfortable with short hair and no/wearing nail polish that's cause.

West Virginia - Voted no on a bill to STOP marriages under the age of 18

Mississippi - Create an unelected court system. This means that in a state which has some counties that are primarily black, the voters have no say and the Republican majority can appoint whatever judges they want