Trump 2024

Started by Bande, May 28, 2023, 09:51 PM

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Great Interview.
Get the book. You might learn something.
So much more articulate than ChinaBiden.


Uh I might watch a bit of it even though I hate watching videos but there is no video there.  No link to a book.

Off topic but perhaps related, I am impressed Trump is so far ahead of DeSantis in polls.
Polls can be wrong and such leads often get narrower as elections get closer so I'm very interested to see where DeSantis ends up.  It won't be Disneyland....haha.....but otherwise hard to say.


The only thing I fear more than a Trump win is a Biden win. The Democrats may be fine with having people like Feinstein and Biden in office with onset Dementia but not me. Regardless, if either one wins, we all lose... except for the raving lunatics.
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So you think Trump a "demented" criminal, would be better from the perspective of cognitive ability.

Why not have a refreshing general election race, like Democrat Marianne Williamson running against Republican Asa Hutchinson.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: thaikhan on May 29, 2023, 09:16 AMThe only thing I fear more than a Trump win is a Biden win. 
Sure. What could go wrong putting back into office the guy who led a multi-pronged effort to overturn the last presidential election? JFC


Quote from: Bande on May 28, 2023, 09:51 PMGreat Interview.
Get the book. You might learn something.
So much more articulate than ChinaBiden.

The video was probably filled with so much BS and lies that the uploader was to embarrassed to keep it up.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I doubt the election will be primarily determined by the age of a candidate. 
That's a BS topic the media is magnifying out of proportion once again.
It's usually more about alignment with people's lives.....economy, health care, personal beliefs, religion, etc.
The VPs will be younger if anyone has to take over, although Trump has not picked a VP.
De Satanist is 44.......but he is not leading Trump in the polls at this time so if only age mattered he would be leading..


votes may already be in. I like vivik. cant spell last name


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I'm not reading any book.  I know everything already. Next advice?


Quote from: HighStepper on May 29, 2023, 01:25 PMSo you think Trump a "demented" criminal, would be better from the perspective of cognitive ability.

Why not have a refreshing general election race, like Democrat Marianne Williamson running against Republican Asa Hutchinson.

So you are Ok with ChinaBiden taking $$$$ for favors.
ChinaBidens Crime family has taken millions selling out Our Country.
People apparently are OK with the treasonous acts done.
All parties have issues. Shits got so out of control and worse now that the Justice Dept is politically motivated instead of Rule Of Law for EVERYONE.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 09, 2023, 09:03 PMSo you are Ok with ChinaBiden taking $$$$ for favors.
ChinaBidens Crime family has taken millions selling out Our Country.
People apparently are OK with the treasonous acts done.
No I'm not OK with a scenario you describe, IF it were true. What I have said repeatedly before, BRING IT!  As discussed previously they don't have anything (yet) on Joe Biden. Take the case before a grand jury, get an indictment, try Joe Biden before a jury of his peers. (Of course with Trump we learned they don't indict a sitting president).

Hunter Biden, who never held a position in the White House, is still under investigation.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, who worked in the White House, 2 billion from the Saudis are not under investigation. 

And of course the MAGA crowd doesn't want to talk about the Chinese trademarks granted to Trump, daughter or Trump's banking interests in China.

Quote from: Bande on Jun 09, 2023, 09:03 PMAll parties have issues. Shits got so out of control and worse now that the Justice Dept is politically motivated instead of Rule Of Law for EVERYONE.
Trump was the worst when it comes to tying to "weaponizing" the Justice Department.  Rule of Law for everyone except Trump who acts like he is above the law. His followers don't want him to be held accountable. Trump claims the he had the RIGHT to take whatever documents he wanted.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 09, 2023, 09:03 PMSo you are Ok with ChinaBiden taking $$$$ for favors.
ChinaBidens Crime family has taken millions selling out Our Country.
People apparently are OK with the treasonous acts done.
All parties have issues. Shits got so out of control and worse now that the Justice Dept is politically motivated instead of Rule Of Law for EVERYONE.

According to YOU and all the legal scholars you keep quoting charges CAN NOT be brought against Biden as he's a sitting President just as they couldn't against Trump. So why do you keep bringing that up?

