Trump 2024

Started by Bande, May 28, 2023, 09:51 PM

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He failed on Hillary and had 4 years to do it so I'm not so sure.


Just goes to show that Trump doesn't care anything about America. He is interested in using the power of the Presidency to wreak vengeance on his political enemies. 
Too much sex is still not enough.







It's not surprising that Trump's core supporters continue to believe in him. They're wedded to so many lies that they can't extricate themselves.

That's the reason some compare the Trump following to a cult. Of course, it's not a literal cult, but the level of self-delusion accompanying their loyalty is cult-like.



Quote from: bats on Jun 19, 2023, 06:08 PMIt's not surprising that Trump's core supporters continue to believe in him. They're wedded to so many lies that they can't extricate themselves.

That's the reason some compare the Trump following to a cult. Of course, it's not a literal cult, but the level of self-delusion accompanying their loyalty is cult-like.

It is Sad that some Demoncrats, despite all the lies, fake evidence, Manipulated media, Pelosi Made video project that skews Jan 6th still side with the DEMONS. Much much more decisiveness as well.
As media has stated Demoncrats have crossed to vote for Trump.




preach on. word will not get out though bro.don't ax me how i know yo.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 19, 2023, 06:21 PMIt is Sad that some Demoncrats, despite all the lies, fake evidence, Manipulated media, Pelosi Made video project that skews Jan 6th still side with the DEMONS.
Trump's particular skill is knowing that part of the big lie is claiming it's the other side telling the big lie. He reinforces this by constantly playing the victim and claiming that anything that doesn't go his way results from unfairness toward him.

Your comment is a perfect example of his manipulation of the masses.