Biden is old and feeble.

Started by Romanticlover, Jun 01, 2023, 02:31 PM

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Yes but then he got up (with no assistance) and jogged back to his car later.  Love it how manipulators never tell the whole story just the bit what suits them. None of us have ever tripped over anything? An accidental trip and fall is proof of nothing so why MAGAfy it?


Biden tripped over a sandbag that NOBODY else tripped over, he also needed help to get up by Secret Service.
Biden is old and feeble.
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lol....what "logic".  So, you never been on a hike where one person tripped over (for example) an exposed tree root or rock and no one else did?  Sometimes events are accidental, not guaranteed for all.  That said Biden should be IMPEACHED for tripping over a sandbag no one else (like physically fit Secret Service) did.  PROVES he's got dementia!  Doesn't meet articles of impeachment criteria though so....who the fuck cares.....I don't.  IF he died and Harris became President I'd be interested.  That didn't happen so YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNN!


When Reagan became President some people said he was too old, he was only 69. Hell he even got shot and came close to death but he was tough and pulled through, served two terms.

Biden is the oldest President the US has ever had at 80, this is the fourth incident(that the public is aware of) of him falling. Biden won't debate anyone next year because he knows he will look like a fool, his mind and body are slipping fast.

Kamala Harris is a babbling idiot.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 01, 2023, 06:49 PMBiden is the oldest President the US has ever had at 80, this is the fourth incident(that the public is aware of) of him falling. Biden won't debate anyone next year because he knows he will look like a fool, his mind and body are slipping fast. 
So what if he's old? He's still on the job, and he's apparently in good health.

It's so lame when right-wingers talk about is supposed cognitive decline or his general fitness for office. I mean, I get that it's the best you've got, but it's just so incredibly weak.


Quote from: bats on Jun 01, 2023, 07:52 PMSo what if he's old? He's still on the job, and he's apparently in good health.


QuoteIt's so lame when right-wingers talk about is supposed cognitive decline or his general fitness for office. I mean, I get that it's the best you've got, but it's just so incredibly weak.

Biden refuses to take a cognitive test and many in Congress are demanding he take one and so are many Americans:
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 01, 2023, 08:09 PMBiden refuses to take a cognitive test and many in Congress are demanding he take one and so are many Americans:
In this context, "many in Congress" refers to some extremist Republican nutjobs like Ronny Jackson, while "many Americans" refers to those who support said nutjobs.

Please try to be serious.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 01, 2023, 08:09 PMBiden refuses to take a cognitive test and many in Congress are demanding he take one and so are many Americans:

These people requesting Biden take a cognitive test don't even know what a cognitive test is. It certainly should not be the silly shit that Trump touted that he past. Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV

Cognitive ability, sometimes referred to as general intelligence is essential for human adaptation and survival. It includes the capacity to "reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience" Link

Let's have all members of Congress and the US Supreme Court take a cognitive test.  With that we could get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Clarence Thomas for starters and a host of other nut jobs.

I took the Cognivue test in the doctor's office. It was determined that I do not have cognitive impairment.

Cognivue Thrive utilizes the same FDA-cleared technology that's been used by neurologists and other physicians to test for cognitive function. This 5-minute self-administered computerized screening is simple to implement in any clinical environment and requires minimal staff involvement. Link

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jun 01, 2023, 10:32 PMLet's have all members of Congress and the US Supreme Court take a cognitive test. With that we could get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Clarence Thomas for starters and a host of other nut jobs.

That I agree with, we can also get rid of Fetterman and Feinstein.
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Biden is old.  Few would dispute that.
Along with someone that age there is going to be some degree of feebleness.  No news there.
However those 2 factors alone do not prove dementia as so many in this forum (few of which are doctors and none of which have probably ever given Biden a medical exam btw) attempt to prove.  People here can judge dementia in a person 2000 miles from them they never met?  Hilarious.
Dementia has different criteria related mostly to memory and mental (not physical) aptitude.
Someone that is too young as a leader often makes mistakes because they are inexperienced so there is a balance between the issues of being either too young or too old.

The Biden haters can rejoice about one thing.  If he wins in 2024 that will be his last term, at least until 2032 when he would be eligible again.....lmao.


Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 02, 2023, 09:46 AM...Along with someone that age there is going to be some degree of feebleness.  No news there.

Yup, I'm 6 months older than Biden. I don't fuck standing up while holding her up in my arms anymore. When I go up and down stairs, I take one step at a time. In some ways I'm better in bed now than I was when I was 18, lol.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 02, 2023, 09:46 AMThe Biden haters can rejoice about one thing.  If he wins in 2024 that will be his last term, at least until 2032 when he would be eligible again.....lmao.
Am I missing the joke here? I think I must be.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jun 02, 2023, 11:32 AMYup, I'm 6 months older than Biden. I don't fuck standing up while holding her up in my arms anymore. When I go up and down stairs, I take one step at a time. In some ways I'm better in bed now than I was when I was 18, lol.

Yep and your mind still seems pretty intact.

People here can whine that Biden has A, B, C, and Z.  Maybe, maybe not but NONE of the whining here matters because none of you are in any position to do much of ANYTHING about it and nothing said here (I'm pretty sure) will convince anyone here to vote bashing Biden (or Trump) accomplishes what?  Some of it is pretty entertaining......that's fun......but otherwise.......reminds me of those tug of wars with 50 people on each side and the rope never moves an inch.

