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Started by Romanticlover, Jun 14, 2023, 05:54 PM

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Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: HighStepper on Jun 14, 2023, 05:49 PMSpeaks more to physical agility than mental ability. President Gerald Ford tumbled down the stairs of Air Force One. He had a few more falls, one was even up the stairs. Franklin D.Roosevelt could not even walk.

There is no objective clinical evidence of Biden being in cognitive decline. We have previously discussed this. Link

We have had this discussion about dementia before in a previous thread.
Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. CDC Link

Of course not.
The Demoncrats have covered up so much, what makes one think they would release this.
Nevermind ChinaBidens mob family taking bribes...
Crazy how people would rather a Country to go to SHIT, Sell out, and ChinaBidens family reaping the rewards to fall a Country.
All over someone who hurt ones feelings. Pathetic..
One can not get the last 6 years Demoncrats have been proven to falsify evidence and try to derail Trump. In actuality they make a person like Trump Stronger..
Politics in General is corrupt and has been for years we need to Clean House and put some major limits on time to keep this shit from happening again.
One thinks Demoncrats and Republicans are enemies. This is a public facade. Behind closed doors they are all friends per say. In the meantime saying how DUMB the people are..


we need to Clean House

trump promised to drain the swamp, everyone he knows went to jail. lol
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


If you have a concern about crime families, look at the Trump crime family.
  • Criminal charges brought against Trump family business, CFO goes to prison.
  • Judge fines Trump $2 million for misusing charity foundation.
  • Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of sham university.
  • Trump kids get 2 billion from the Saudis
  • Questionable Trump business connections with China.
  • Trump hotels profiting off of secret service bookings.
  • Too much crime in the Trump family to keep up with.
Trump has started and failed in one phony business after another.  The Trump Organization's core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit.
Too much sex is still not enough.


the best one is that failed as a casino owner. lol
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Add one more:  Francis X. Suarez, Mayor of Miami.


Quote from: Danno on Jun 15, 2023, 04:14 PMthe best one is that failed as a casino owner. lol
ROTFL How bad of a businessman do you have to be to lose money owning a gambling casino.
Too much sex is still not enough.


@HS on the surface of it yes because one might think the house always wins at a casino, but it was a business and like any business if your expenses exceed your revenue, then you may have problems.

@Danno:  not just once but his casinos in Atlantic City went bankrupt something like 5 times.  They racked up a huge debt, declared bankruptcy, started over, then accumulated too much debt again, and so on.  He benefitted as usual while his financiers and employees lost their ass.


read kiplinger letter. hit the first casino machines closest to the door. scored. bought us a meal and still had a surplus


So tell me, what is the republican plan to fight inflation?  Is it more top-end tax custs, last time they tried that in 2017, deficits went up in 2018 and 2019.  Tax cuts that lead to increased debt are inflationary.  Or is it threatening to shut down the government if they don't SS and Medicare cuts, shutting down the government will be devastating for the economy.  Or perhaps holding, and/or delay, funding for Ukraine, all that will do is extend the war causing continued energy/food inflation.  Or it may cause Ukraine to lose, giving Russia over 1/3rd the world supply of wheat, think of the leverage they will have then.


On crime, do you mean defund the FBI?  One of the first things Biden did was push for a bill that provided additional funding for police departments, every single republican voted against it.

Inflation is a worldwide issue, the difference is our unemployment rate is much better than Canada and the EUzone.  So Biden's actions didn't create inflation, but he did produce great employment numbers.  This is just one of the reasons why republicans can't resolve inflation, besides they have no proposals, they don't understand the causes.  I prefer to trust the guys who gave us great employment then the guys with no ideas to resolve and no idea of the cause.


Don't divert, rather address the economy/these numbers, and tell us how republicans can solve it.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Biden had nothing to do with the economy or the unemployment, he doesn't even know what day it is.
"God save the queen, man"
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 23, 2023, 04:01 PMBiden had nothing to do with the economy or the unemployment, he doesn't even know what day it is.
"God save the queen, man"
So,you can't blame him for inflation. lol
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 23, 2023, 04:01 PMBiden had nothing to do with the economy or the unemployment, he doesn't even know what day it is.
"God save the queen, man"

So which is it?  He's too stupid and checked out to govern, or he is a puppet for others, or is it he is single-handedly causing inflation?  Because your story constantly changes...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 23, 2023, 11:48 PMSo which is it?  He's too stupid and checked out to govern, or he is a puppet for others, or is it he is single-handedly causing inflation?  Because your story constantly changes...

My story has stayed the same, Biden needs to be in a retirement home.
He's senile and has dementia, his handlers are running his administration as you can see in the video I posted.
After Biden says "God save the queen, man" he looks off stage asking where he should go. You're the fu.king President, man.
Are we having fun yet?


for a guy that doesn't know what day it is, he sure owned the GOP on the debt ceiling deal. The Republicans don't know what century we are living in.

Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 23, 2023, 04:01 PMBiden had nothing to do with the economy or the unemployment, he doesn't even know what day it is.
"God save the queen, man"
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome