California? Are you ready. Socialist Movement is moving.

Started by Bande, Aug 19, 2023, 08:17 PM

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SMUD is non profit and has some of the cheapest power in the country. 11cent/kwh off peak
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Blkfyre on Aug 20, 2023, 01:49 AMHmm, lets see some facts rather than scare tactics and echo chamber regurgitation:

The utilities jointly proposed a plan that would "support affordability and increased bill stability," according to their testimony to the CPUC.

It incorporates four income tiers, starting at the federal poverty level for a family of four. Because they're different sizes and cover different regions, each company would charge their customers a different dollar amount.

Proposed fixed rate scale
Household income    Fixed rate SoCal Edison    Fixed rate PGaE    Fixed rate San Diego G&E
$28,000 or less                   $15                               $15                      $24
$28,000 to $69,000            $24                                $30                      $34
$69,000 to $180,000          $51                                $51                      $73
$180,000 or more              $85                                $92                      $128
Average customer              $49                                $53                      $74

The retail price for electricity in California is among the highest in the nation. In March, the average per-kilowatt-hour rate was about 27 cents, almost double the national average.

With a fixed charge in place, SCE estimates its customers' per-kilowatt-hour rate will decrease by about a third, KTLA reported.

SDG&E customers, who pay the highest price for electricity in the continental US, will reportedly see their volumetric rate drop by 42%.

Lower- and middle-income customers will see savings right away, Crider said. Many high-earners will eventually benefit, he added, as the popularity of electric vehicles and heat pumps increases.

But Faruqui warned the plan would punish customers who use less electricity, especially higher earners.

"They would be penalized for using less energy, which is the opposite of the state's goal to use energy efficiently," he wrote. According to Faruqui's calculations, a household in the highest bracket now paying $50 a month would see their bill soar 140%.

"Millions of customers fall in this category," he added. "Many spent thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, to make their house energy efficient and to supply it with self-generated solar energy. Their investment will be rendered wasted."

Andrew Gong is a research engineer with Aurora Solar, a software company that develops rooftop and commercial photovoltaic systems.

Gong said it would be "unfortunate" if the power companies' costlier plan was chosen, "but we're not worried."

"It may take longer to pay back, but solar will still be a good value for most homeowners," he added.

The Sierra Club said its proposal would come to, on average, $28 for PG&E customers, $37 for SCE customers and $30 for SDG&E customers. The environmental group has historically opposed flat fees.

You are so GULLIBLE.
There will be a line fee as well.
I would guess they will tack other fees on as well.
If one has Solar they have to pay as well even though they are off the grid. That means if one is self sufficient (Battery) they have to pay.. Crazy Shit.
In April they changed the $$ given to solar houses to near nothing for what power is fed back to the line.

I would post audio or video for some to comprehend. Many can not handle other point of views therefore no post. LMAO
Hard to comprehend how so many trust the Government with all the deceit, media lies, and so fourth.
And wonder why California ant the States are going to shit.

Pretty sad when you have a influx moving to Mexico, and yet no changes being made in Our Government.
Hispanics (Mexico) are so upset do to being priced out..

Just like people moving to other States, Not changing their ways and wondering why that State is FUKKED up now..
Crazy shit.. NATION OF PUSSIES that are followers and not leaders..

What you want me to do next MASTER...  LMAO


I was skeptical about solar----like whether it would be a good investment LONG TERM (in CA)----- so I never got it.
One plus is you'd have power if a fire resulted in dead lines or power company cut off power, anticipating fires.
Can achieve the same with Generac-type generator (for less cost) too though.


Quote from: Bande on Aug 23, 2023, 03:04 PMYou are so GULLIBLE.
There will be a line fee as well.
I would guess they will tack other fees on as well.
If one has Solar they have to pay as well even though they are off the grid. That means if one is self sufficient (Battery) they have to pay.. Crazy Shit.
In April they changed the $$ given to solar houses to near nothing for what power is fed back to the line.

I would post audio or video for some to comprehend. Many can not handle other point of views therefore no post. LMAO
Hard to comprehend how so many trust the Government with all the deceit, media lies, and so fourth.
And wonder why California ant the States are going to shit.

Pretty sad when you have a influx moving to Mexico, and yet no changes being made in Our Government.
Hispanics (Mexico) are so upset do to being priced out..

Just like people moving to other States, Not changing their ways and wondering why that State is FUKKED up now..
Crazy shit.. NATION OF PUSSIES that are followers and not leaders..

What you want me to do next MASTER...  LMAO

So, your argument is they will tack on fees. But, the program has been going on for THREE YEARS now, and nope, no fees.


Quote from: Danno on Aug 23, 2023, 10:25 AMSMUD is non profit and has some of the cheapest power in the country. 11cent/kwh off peak

I didn't say their power was expensive. I said SMUD, just like other CA power companies PG&E, SDG&E, SoCal Edison, all have to pay their workers, from office admin to the lineman doing the real work, higher wages than the national average because we live in CA.

Being non-proift SMUD does not have stockholders and hence does not pay dividends. That's why they can have lower rates.


Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Aug 23, 2023, 03:04 PMI would post audio or video for some to comprehend. Many can not handle other point of views therefore no post. LMAO
You are more than welcome to post a video to make your point. Ideally hour long clickbait videos should be avoided. As previously discussed, from now on just posting a video without an introduction/explanation of the political opinion/assertion the poster is trying to make, will be considered spam and be deleted.
Jun 29, 2023, 01:07 PM
Too much sex is still not enough.