Do We Need Ads?

Started by Hobby, Apr 02, 2022, 08:09 AM

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Maybe we do not need to have classified ads, at least not right now.

We could use the Gallery to post pics of providers along with a link to their ad followed with comments below.

The Gallery can be set up for city locations etc.

Members here would do the postings

Also the provider can be rated.

I will set up a test gallery and see how this goes...

Comments? Suggestions?


I like the concept but am afraid if we don't get ladies to come to the Saloon and become members and post their own ads, we will never get much provider participation.  I'm wondering if we shouldn't start letting outside people know about the site?  Invite the general hobbyist / provider community to come and sign up.  I'm not super active on a number of Discord chat rooms but I have not seen the site brought up on any of them yet.

I'd like to see ladies having a place to post an ad where she knows those who are VIP are legit gents that have been vouched for.  That is the one value in addition to free ads that the saloon can provide that PD cannot.   Just my thoughts...


Wondering if we should let outsiders in to join?  You got to be shitting me. Of course the members here should be telling hobbyist and providers to join! This is not GLC! This is not NS! This is a blend of the good parts of past sites. Private groups can invite and have only the members they approve. If the group only wants members from a certain past site exclusive then that is how it will be for that group only.  If members here are not letting providers and other hobbyist know about the saloon keeping it private then I have wasted my time and money...


Most providers are on Twitter and IG, maybe we could mention it on social media.


Are we having fun yet?


Using social media to advertise the site would see like the fastest way to attract more views but better have content for the masses or the will just plan the site.

Asking a lady if she has a free ad here seems like a good move. Reminding her there is a vouching/screening system in place is also wise, otherwise, why does she need to post here if she already has you following her on the site you contacted her on.


Providers can post their pics in our gallery themselves or hobbyist can post pics. Other members can rate and leave comments.  Provider can have their own private room or channel like other social media IG Switter etc they have accounts with but do not have to worry about getting kicked off. Our services are limited to Bay Area, Sac Area, Central Valley, Coast and Nevada of course.  We are not hosting a site for the entire world.

These are the things besides chat and forums providers need to know about.


Hobbyist or Providers can take a screen shot of the ad if they want and post the screen shot in the gallery along with other pics. Then follow up with comments.  In comments the provider can describe and share what she likes in Debauchery and hobbyist can verify the provider is legit.  The gallery pics are not ads they are pics taken of ads.


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 02, 2022, 09:57 AMProviders can post their pics in our gallery themselves or hobbyist can post pics.

Just a cautionary note on hobbyist posting pictures of providers.

If these pictures are posted in areas that all Saloon members can see, then It is important for the hobbyist to have gotten the permission of the provider to do so. Reposting pictures from a provider's current ad or pictures she has posted herself in various places on this site would carry an implied permission.

Many of us have a lot of personal pictures we have taken of providers. Even pictures taken from ads that are not current should not be publically posted without permission. The ladies are often very particular about how they look in pictures. They want to maintain control.

I realize that once a picture is on the internet, it is there forever. However, as a provider friendly website, we don't need to be reposting pictures she doesn't like.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 02, 2022, 05:02 PMJust a cautionary note on hobbyist posting pictures of providers.

If these pictures are posted in areas that all Saloon members can see, then It is important for the hobbyist to have gotten the permission of the provider to do so. Reposting pictures from a provider's current ad or pictures she has posted herself in various places on this site would carry an implied permission.

Many of us have a lot of personal pictures we have taken of providers. Even pictures taken from ads that are not current should not be publically posted without permission. The ladies are often very particular about how they look in pictures. They want to maintain control.

I realize that once a picture is on the internet, it is there forever. However, as a provider friendly website, we don't need to be reposting pictures she doesn't like.

Not if the pic is from a public ad running on another website!


I am not getting into a debate about posting provider's pictures.  If a hobbyist wants to post a provider ad running on another site and comment about it I have no issues with it. Its not ad stealing if anything will expand her advertising.  If hobbyist decides to post a pic of a provider he took a pic of and wants to share it and comment providing it is not compromising the provider's privacy just a candid pic of her then I have no issue. Now if a provider does not like her pic posted or comments in the Saloon she is more than welcome to register become a member and contact Admin with her complaint.  Remember our boards are freedom of speech boards!


In the test category Sacramento Gallery I added a field question Do You Have Provider's Permission? Yes/No  If they say Yes how do you enforce and verify this? I am not going to chase down and verify. Only for a dispute will a photo be held in moderation, we don't hold anything for approval or disapproval.  If they say No then at least they are being honest about it... then what do you do if there are no complaints take it down because no permission?


I have worked under conditions that the pic was removed if the poster didn't state that they have permission. I don't think that needs to be done here. No need to create and enforcement nightmare.

As a provider friendly site, with gentlemen hobbyists, we could go on the honor system that we have a ladies permission before posting her picture in the Public Square.

Your comment of "...pic is from a public ad running on another website!" or she has posted her picture on this site gives implied permission.

Ladies can bring a violation of their privacy to Administration's attention and it will be taken care of. The key is that having a policy in place action can be taken quickly.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Just exactly what is a provider friendly website suppose to look like? Honor system? Everybody lies!

The general public at large can not view the gallery only registered members. The saloon is open to a wide variety of people some may have manners some may not, some are real characters. How do you control a bunch of horny dudes? No fun having to walk on eggshells?


Could keep it simple. If a lady requests to have her picture remove, just remove it.
Too much sex is still not enough.


From my POV, I think a hobbyist should ask the lady first if it's ok he post her picture IF the picture was taken in confidence between them two or something she personally sent him. As a lady, I would appreciate the respect of being asked with a scenario like that BUT if it's a pic I already posted on Social Media or in an ad somewhere,  then I don't care if those or my Ad link is being shared because it's already public! We just can't go around disrespecting the ladies.  If word got out the gents were allowed to post personal pics, they will be pissed and no one will ever come here and We all know ladies who don't want their face shown, EVER! SMH this whole topic has ME mad right now. We are human and have feelings and gents should be respectful to our wishes.  Luckily,  the gents I know will ALWAYS ask!