McCarthy Out as Speaker

Started by HighStepper, Oct 03, 2023, 02:00 PM

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Kevin McCarthy ousted as Speaker of the House. Link

Patrick McHenry pro tempore speaker until a permanent speaker is elected.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Almost every Democrat voted "Yea" to oust McCarthy but he is a moderate that is willing to reach across the aisle to get things done as was seen with the recent budget agreement, now they will be stuck with a MAGA speaker that won't want to reach across the aisle. Eight Republicans also voted "Yea".

This is the akin to "Cutting off your nose to spite your face".

Just a bunch of dysfunctional juveniles in Congress, if they aren't wearing hoodies they're pulling fire alarms.
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McCarthy could have remained speaker if he had not lied on TV "Face the Nation"
There was talk among the Democrats to do "not voting" to change the threshold for a measure to pass or fail. The majority of the Republicans could have out voted the  Republicans that wanted to oust McCarthy as Speaker.

Then McCarthy screwed up big time. He went on the Sunday Talk Shows lying and trashing the Democrats. This morning when the Democrats saw what he said on the news they decided to let him get ousted. McCarthy screwed himself.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on "Face the Nation" bashing Democrats telling lies about the Continuing Resolution.

McCarthy cannot be trusted. "In trying to please all, he had pleased none."― Aesop

Too much sex is still not enough.


The Democrats voted him out because they want to spite the Republicans, they can't stand that the Republicans are the majority and they had an impeachment inquiry against their dear leader. It had nothing to do with what McCarthy said on some TV show, they would of done the same no matter who was speaker.

"Only the party matters, screw the country" - unknown
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No, the Democrats did not vote out McCarthy. The Republicans voted out McCarthy.

The Democrats could have given McCarthy a "lifeline" had he not been so untrustworthy. They decided to let McCarthy stew in the mess of his making.

When it comes to who is going to be Speaker of the House it is up to the majority party. The Democrats voted as a block when it took 15 ballots to make McCarthy Speaker. The Democrats voted as a block on his ouster. The Republicans cannot keep their caucus together. 

BTW, McCarthy is not running for Speaker again.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Oct 03, 2023, 06:06 PMNo, the Democrats did not vote out McCarthy. The Republicans voted out McCarthy.
BTW, McCarthy is not running for Speaker again.

That's not true, every Democrat voted for his ouster...only 8 Republicans voted him out. The vast majority of Republicans liked the job he was doing. I watched his news conference afterwards and he said he was blessed in all the positions he has held in Congress. I also listened to a few lawmakers interviewed afterward and they said that the disfunction will continue and Republicans will be less likely to reach across the aisle.

I don't blame McCarthy for not running again, I wouldn't put up with that backstabbing either.

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He didn't deserve to be speaker in the first place


Quote from: Romanticlover on Oct 03, 2023, 06:20 PMThat's not true, every Democrat voted for his ouster...only 8 Republicans voted him out. The vast majority of Republicans liked the job he was doing. I watched his news conference afterwards and he said he was blessed in all the positions he has held in Congress. I also listened to a few lawmakers interviewed afterward and they said that the disfunction will continue and Republicans will be less likely to reach across the aisle.

I don't blame McCarthy for not running again, I wouldn't put up with that backstabbing either.

Backstabbing by the Democrats? LOL

McCarthy is a lying POS who gets credit for agreeing to fund the government only because he was just barely smart enough to see that it was his best political move. In the aftermath, he talked like he had stood up for the good of the country, but nobody who's been paying attention believes that coming from Kevin the Khameleon.


This is a serious question that nobody seems to be asking:

Why did the Democrats get a vote when they aren't in the majority?

If you look at just the Republican vote McCarthy got 204 "Yay" and 8 "Nay".

So now we will get a MAGA speaker such as Gaetz or MTG, maybe Boebert will get the vote if she gives enough HJ.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Oct 03, 2023, 09:05 PMThis is a serious question that nobody seems to be asking:

Why did the Democrats get a vote when they aren't in the majority?

If you look at just the Republican vote McCarthy got 204 "Yay" and 8 "Nay".

So now we will get a MAGA speaker such as Gaetz or MTG, maybe Boebert will get the vote if she gives enough HJ.
The Democrats get a vote because the rule forever has been that a floor vote majority elects the Speaker. That means the entire House, both Ds and Rs. (This is easily googleable.)

We won't get a MAGA Speaker because those clowns don't have enough support in their own caucus. The problem is the rule that allows ONE member to call for a vote on the Speaker's continued leadership. Again, that's the GOP's fault; it was part of McCarthy's deal with the crazies.


Yes, the House rule allowing one person to force a vote is stupid but so is allowing the minority party to vote. According to House rules they could elect anyone(inc a non-member) as speaker, how about Trump as speaker?
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Not just "anyone" can be House Speaker but almost.  (discussed before in a prior thread---perhaps in Jan when McCarthy was elected---- what the qualifications are).

I look at McCarthy's loss mostly mathematically.  Needed a majority of votes to vote McCarthy out.  210 Democrats (all but 2 current vacancies) voted against him.  Only needed 6 Republicans to vote him out but 8 did. 

Who contributed the highest % of votes against McCarthy?  97% of them were from Democrats.

If you ask what votes were most critical it was probably the Republicans that voted against McCarthy because without those the other Republican votes to keep him would have won (which is rather ironic considering Gaetz criticized McCarthy for working with Democrats).

So, as it goes with numbers, you can pick only one of many to support your view but not see the whole picture. 

The fact is he's out no matter what the reason (many----in an extreme he was born....if he was not born none of this would have happened) or who caused it (many, depending how far back in time you want to go to dig up one fact to support your argument).  He claims he won't run again. So it's time to move forward.


McCarthy + Mr.Trump = great friends, tells me why he was kicked out (birds of a feather flock together).  And I love how Gartz and McCarthy are against each other.  I'm seeing it all over, Republican party, how they fight with each other, how those who supported Trump are shifting over to constitutional truth.  They know they were deceived and wronged.  It's Republican Party chaotic entertainment, be like, their Messiah Orange King who can't shut up.  They all use Hitler bull-trolling, evil tactics like Trump.  I'm having a huge street party when Trump has his sorry ass thrown in jail (coming soon).  Trump can't shut up.  Keep trolling the lawyers, witnesses and judge Mr. Toxic.  I love how big mouth loser is throwing himself in jail minute by minute.

. . . and if some humans don't like the government, move out, stop complaining, stop crying about it.
Don't go around spreading crap, the gov is falling apart.  It's the Republican Party that has fallen apart.  Go to Russia!  It's better over their the Nazi communistic way of life.  Enjoy yourself.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


McCarthy was not a friend of Trump that's one reason Gaetz wanted him out as speaker, the other reason is McCarthy worked with the Democrats.

Pelosi had promised McCarthy that she would have his back but she wasn't there to vote, not one Democrat voted for him which is a backstabbing since he worked with them.

The new speaker won't work with Democrats so be careful what you wish for, Gaetz is the villain here not McCarthy.
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when Kevin threw the Dems under the bus on the Sunday morning talk shows. he put the nail in himself.
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