ChinaBiden on the Boarder

Started by Bande, Oct 05, 2023, 04:01 PM

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ChinaBiden resends 26 regulations and starts building the Boarder Wall.

I guess Trumps program was a good thing. LMAO

Pretty stupid to stop in the 1st place when the Project was paid for...


Quote from: Bande on Oct 05, 2023, 04:01 PMChinaBiden resends 26 regulations and starts building the Boarder Wall.

I guess Trumps program was a good thing. LMAO

Pretty stupid to stop in the 1st place when the Project was paid for...

"Mayorkas said the construction project was appropriated during the prior administration and the law requires the government to use the funds, with an announcement made earlier in the year. "We have repeatedly asked Congress to rescind this money but it has not done so and we are compelled to follow the law," he said."

So, to sum up, he tried to stop it, Congress wouldn't overturn the fact that the funds had been allocated so he was obligated BY LAW to use the funds.

But yeah, go ahead and say it was a good idea...


watch the view. gain a function.give it a go.


Trump wanted a wall built and the money was allocated in 2019 but the Democrats said a wall was racist and it would violate environmental laws.

Now Democrats in sanctuary cities are screaming to stop the buses because they are overwhelmed by immigrants.

Mayors of said sanctuary cities are travelling to Latin America to beg their governments to do something.

Biden oks wall to be built and will bypass environmental laws.

Got to love the hypocrisy of Democrats.
Are we having fun yet?


Since President Eisenhower, presidents through Executive Order, without the support of Congress, have tried to deal with immigration. Way back when, George Bush tried to get Congress to enact immigration reform. Obama, Trump, Biden have all mishandled immigration.

Each party, both Democrats and Republicans, like using immigration to rile up their respective bases.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Oct 06, 2023, 07:54 AMTrump wanted a wall built and the money was allocated in 2019 but the Democrats said a wall was racist and it would violate environmental laws.

Now Democrats in sanctuary cities are screaming to stop the buses because they are overwhelmed by immigrants.

Mayors of said sanctuary cities are travelling to Latin America to beg their governments to do something.

Biden oks wall to be built and will bypass environmental laws.

Got to love the hypocrisy of Democrats.

You aren't following the facts. The issue is the money HAD to be spent on what it was allocated for, BY LAW.

Regardless of how Biden feels about it, unlike Trump, he actually does things legally...


Biden explains the legal requirement for the wall.
"The money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn't. They wouldn't," he said. "In the meantime, there's nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated for. I can't stop that." Biden was asked whether he thought the border wall was effective and responded "no."

So they are following the rule of law that requires the Executive Branch to administer laws passed by Congress. 

However, 26 federal laws have been swept aside for a new section of border wall to be built – right through a wildlife preserve, farmland, and small towns that will likely be affected by the project. Link

I suppose the Biden administration could have gone to the courts to not be mandated to spend the money due to environmental concerns. One has to wonder if perhaps the political hot potato of immigration drove the need to do something whether it works or not in reality.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Oct 06, 2023, 05:16 PMSo they are following the rule of law that requires the Executive Branch to administer laws passed by Congress. 
However, 26 federal laws have been swept aside for a new section of border wall to be built – right through a wildlife preserve, farmland, and small towns that will likely be affected by the project. Link

I was skeptical of the claim that the administration was legally obligated to spend the money for the purpose for which it was appropriated. But a little digging bears this out.

And it is apparently the case that they would have had to go to court if they were to withhold the funds. However, the legal clock was ticking, so they instead decided to spend the money as required, even waiving environmental reviews in the process.

Interestingly, in the analysis that I read, they compared Biden's delay in spending the money until now with Trump's withholding of funds appropriated to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia. The conclusion was that Biden's delays were justified based on having to go through certain hoops. In contrast, Trump's withholding of the Ukraine money was an illegal "impoundment" of money that Congress had authorized.


Thanks. Interesting article:

What's the penalty if Biden violated the impoundment law? Murphy explained that GAO can sue to force compliance. "But the biggest consequence is political. Clearly and deliberately flaunting the will of Congress is generally not looked upon highly by Congress,"
Too much sex is still not enough.


Biden is also stepping up deporting more Venezuelans...

This reversal of policy is due to pressure from fellow Democrats who have to deal with these immigrants, also there's an election next year. I applaud Biden for implementing these policies but it's too little too late, it's like closing the barn door after the horses have bolted.
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Quote from: Blkfyre on Oct 06, 2023, 04:22 PMYou aren't following the facts. The issue is the money HAD to be spent on what it was allocated for, BY LAW.

Regardless of how Biden feels about it, unlike Trump, he actually does things legally...

Facts are ChinaBiden stated the wall would not be built per say.
Before such a statement is said Im pretty sure staffers inform him of the probability of his statements.

What a liar. What the hell hypocrisy does not exist.. LOL


We can add IranBiden to the long list of blunders this administration has done.
Biden gave $6 billion to Iran for the release of American hostages and the money will probably be used to fund Hamas, Hamas is holding some Americans hostage and will ask for ransom.

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All this hate going around, will Trump's magas be positive?  No Not Never, their traitor brains are wired, destruction of life, like Nazi Commie Trump's brain (mentally ill posts are piling up, one day fall down).  It hilarious millions support mentally ill traitor, their big orange mouthpiece.  I will not humiliates the mob or gangsters.  The mob would take care of his mouth.  Trump's magas love demonic demon traitors.
Magas check your egos, your egos will destroy you!  Trump sanctioned a wall that fell down.  It was never finished.  Another failure Trump.  Devils got Trump with magas.  It's the Devils Crowd.

Communism is a political doctrine that is an extreme form of Socialism, and anyone belonging to this particular political party is called a communist. A handful of countries call themselves communist, including China, Cuba, Russia, North Korea — many communists would disagree.  All theses countries are traitors to life.

Albert Einstein, Trump loves war!

I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


These blunders are all on Biden.
Trump wanted a wall built to keep out illegals and he didn't want to give money to Iran, in fact Trump enacted new sanctions when he was president.
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