Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Out

Started by HighStepper, Jan 15, 2024, 11:50 PM

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Biden has been on TV everyday for months, just not on FOX.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


No he hasn't other than MSNBC telling us how great the "dear leader" is.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 18, 2024, 03:41 PMAt least Trump talked to the press, he's an egomaniac and loves to hear himself speak but at least he talked to the press. Biden hasn't had a press conference in months, is he still alive?
This is rich. Trump may have talked to the press, but it was always for his own purposes, and he consistently demeaned their critical role in our democracy.

It's normal for a president to be somewhat at odds with the press. It's not normal, however, to call them the "enemy of the people" and "fake news." You know who does that? Fascist dictators.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 18, 2024, 03:41 PMAt least Trump talked to the press, he's an egomaniac and loves to hear himself speak but at least he talked to the press. Biden hasn't had a press conference in months, is he still alive?

You mean, like this which was done on 1/18/24?

Or maybe this on January 6th?

Or this which was one month ago?

Yeah, you are right, he hasn't shown up at all in MONTHS...

(Also, wasn't Trump the one who cancelled ALL Press briefings for almost a year?)

Oh yeah, that's right, he did...



Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 18, 2024, 03:41 PMAt least Trump talked to the press, he's an egomaniac and loves to hear himself speak but at least he talked to the press. Biden hasn't had a press conference in months, is he still alive?
Biden does a lot of press interactions called an "exchange with reporters."  An exchange with reporters typically happens incidentally alongside some other meeting or event.  These are often while the President is moving from one location to another and pauses to take questions from reporters.

You basically see Biden every day. If he were dead you would certainly know about it.

The Trump press conferences were filled with lies, bragging, and blaming.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Off topic but now Trump is pulling out the same old play book on Nikki Haley (who he 7th grade, name calls as "weather girl"--Haley----Haily-----get it?) as he did on Obama claiming she was not born in America and is not qualified to be seems mostly because she has foreign born parents and a first name that is not Donald or Jane.  It seems she was born in SC though.  Given that Trump reverses everything maybe he was not born in the US????   Read the book 1984 if you haven't....and be concerned.


Biden(and many Democrats) say if Trump is re-elected then our democracy will end: "Our democracy is at stake!"
lol hyperbole much?

That's what all politicians do, they slander their opponents.
Did you watch the Newsom-DeSantis debate?
There was some good old fashioned mud-slinging going on there.
Newsom: "Why do you wear go-go boots Ron?"
DeSantis: "Why does San Francisco have feces everywhere Gavin?"
Also DeSantis: "Why did your wife sleep with Harvey Weinstein Gavin?
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 19, 2024, 02:31 PMBiden(and many Democrats) say if Trump is re-elected then our democracy will end: "Our democracy is at stake!"
lol hyperbole much?

That's what all politicians do, they slander their opponents.
Did you watch the Newsom-DeSantis debate?
There was some good old fashioned mud-slinging going on there.
Newsom: "Why do you wear go-go boots Ron?"
DeSantis: "Why does San Francisco have feces everywhere Gavin?"
Also DeSantis: "Why did your wife sleep with Harvey Weinstein Gavin?

It's strange, You keep saying Biden, but keep saying things Trump is doing:

Optimistic exaggeration, which Trump called "truthful hyperbole" in "The Art of the Deal," is a hallmark of the cutthroat New York real estate world where many developers, accustomed to ramming their way into deals, puff up their portfolios.
"A little hyperbole never hurts," he wrote. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular ... It's an innocent form of exaggeration - and a very effective form of promotion."

It's possible that Trump simply can't remember some of the accurate figures. But his exaggerations come not only in impromptu musings but when he is mostly reciting a prepared text. Though he occasionally cites the correct numbers, he embellishes so consistently -- and so consistently avoids the use of any figure that is lower than the true figure -- that we're confident it is intentional.

This is simply what the man does.

It has, after all, been his pattern for decades. Before Trump was exaggerating his poll numbers and the size of his rally crowds, he was exaggerating his wealth, his television ratings, the size of his buildings. As a developer, Trump was famous for marketing his properties as if they had many stories more than they did: "52" for a 44-story building, "90" for a 70-story building, "68" for his 58-story Trump Tower.

Even other conservatives talk about Trump and all the hyperbole he uses:

In an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Cassidy said that he does not try to parse the difference between whether Trump is lying or merely exaggerating, because it would distract him from "core" issues.

"This president speaks in hyperbole, and hyperbole is interpreted by some as lies, and by the president it is interpreted as just his exaggeration," Cassidy told host co-host Mika Brzezinski. "'The most beautiful in the world' — well, what's the most beautiful in the world? That's in the eye of the beholder."

"So the president has a manner of speaking which is easily taken as a lie, and the president will refute that," he continued. "I frankly don't focus on that, Mika."

Strange that Biden keeps being mistake for Trump by conservatives when there's proof to the contrary...


That's too long to read, can I get the Cliff's Notes version?
Are we having fun yet?


Too long for me to read too but I think the jist of it is what Trump accuses Biden of, he does something similar.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 19, 2024, 06:12 PMThat's too long to read, can I get the Cliff's Notes version?

Trump exaggerates and Trump says nothing wrong with it as everybody does it.

Trump projects the faults he has on to his opponents.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jan 19, 2024, 06:12 PMThat's too long to read, can I get the Cliff's Notes version?

Conservatives ignore Trump's failings and project them on his opponents.


Vivek rhymes with FAKE.  That all I need to know about him.


Trump is showing the same 50% lead going into New Hampshire. The economy and the border are what matters to most Americans, he's going to President again so get use to it.
Are we having fun yet?