Sam Alito, Insurrectionist

Started by bats, May 20, 2024, 05:26 PM

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Not since Richard Nixon Have I feared the loss of our government.
Pence was a hero!

Do we have another Pence?... I can't find him or her...I had hope for Nikki...

My politics? More than two decades ago, I described myself as SO far right! I was on the LEFT.

Yeah, I had a 4W pickup! Hunting dogs!!! I eat red meat! LOL! I was raised in a San Franciscan artisan environment! I went ROGUE!!!

60's hippy chicks...loved my outlandish politics!

Vorresti essere me


Here we are on Memorial weekend, honoring men and women that fought for freedom and the Constitution. And Trump is Praising Putin and saying the crowd at his rally was 35000.
It was less than 1000. Lol
Claiming he is going to do this and that for the working folks.
Well he's to late because Biden has already done everything he claims to do if elected. But you know faux not news people don't have a clue what has been done already.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


We've got Clarence Thomas, whose wife was at the heart of the plan to "stop the steal" in January 2021. Now, Sam Alito blames his wife for flying their American flag upside-down in the days after Jan. 6.

At home, are they fighting trying to get themselves out of the upside down flag?  Yes.  Alitos blames his wife, what a coward.  It don't matter who hung the flag, it's on their property they live in.  He drives home evey night and see the flag upside down.

Judge Alitos, is he in support of United States of America and Constitution?  No, and he gets paid by us.  Alitos works for Trump not "we the people".  George Washington would of shot them ALL as traitors.  He would of shot Trump long before Clarence & Alitos, then the flag would not be upside down.  Roar of laughter.
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