Trump fined $9,000 over gag order violations as judge warns of jail time

Started by Blkfyre, Apr 30, 2024, 09:56 AM

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"Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment," Merchan wrote in an eight-page order.

Trump may find himself subject to further penalties as soon as Thursday, when the judge is scheduled to hear arguments from Manhattan district attorney prosecutors that Trump violated the gag order several more times since they submitted their initial list of 10.

The contempt hearing ended particularly poorly for Trump when the judge interrupted Blanche to clarify that it was wrong to characterize one post as just reposting Watters' words. Trump "manipulated" the quote by making his own additions, and then put quote marks around it, Merchan said."

Trump continues to say he has a first amendment right to say whatever he wants of course. He is acting like the idea of a gag order was created only for him and nobody *ever* has had to "suffer" from being ordered by a judge not to say certain things.

Trump appeared to call Bragg's bluff. Trump said in April that it would be a "GREAT HONOR" to become a "modern-day Nelson Mandela" in the "clink" for speaking the truth about Merchan.

"The gag order has to come off," Trump previously told reporters outside the Manhattan courthouse. "People are allowed to speak about me, and I have a gag order, just to show you how much more unfair it is."

"They can say anything they want," Trump said about his political foes. "They can continue to make up lies and everything else. They lie. They're real scum. But you know what, I'm not allowed to speak."

"So why am I gagged about telling the truth?" Trump questioned. "I'm only telling the truth. They're not telling the truth."


Trump is so full of shit. However he does know how to play the victim. 
He moans about not being able to campaign because he has to sit in court. Yet on a lot of his off days he is out playing golf.

"The judge won't let go me to my son's graduation." Yet he will be off from court that day.
The judge is making this court proceedings go to fast, then moans he has never had to sit in court so long because the judge is going to slow.

Biden is the mastermind behind all these trials, all while being a senile demented old man. Absolutely no evidence to support any involvement by Biden.

Trump wants to sick his MAGA maniacs to intimidate witnesses  and all those associated with the trial. This is not about not free speech. 
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 30, 2024, 09:56 AM"They can say anything they want," Trump said about his political foes. "They can continue to make up lies and everything else. They lie. They're real scum. But you know what, I'm not allowed to speak."

"So why am I gagged about telling the truth?" Trump questioned. "I'm only telling the truth. They're not telling the truth."
You'd think that many of the folks who previously voted for him have tired of his act by now. He never stops complaining about how unfair everyone is to him, when, in fact, he's getting special treatment that no other criminal defendant has ever gotten.


Trump doesn't know when to shut up but he still has a lot support and his supporters think this trial is a sham.
The DA is going after Trump when commuters are getting murdered on the subway in NYC, when innocent children are being murdered by gangbangers in NYC, when shopkeepers in NYC are getting attacked and murdered by criminals.

The average American doesn't care he paid an escort/porn star hush money.

The sick pig Harvey Weinstein had his rape conviction overturned, you know the guy Democrats loved because he donated to Democrat politicians, he even raped Newsom's wife. He has to appear in a NYC court to have his case retried but Alvin Bragg is too busy trying to convict Trump.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 30, 2024, 11:36 PMThe average American doesn't care he paid an escort/porn star hush money.
I think this is correct, but only because of the "average American" part. Average Americans are either too busy with their own lives to become informed or too vulnerable to disinformation to know what's true.

Bragg is trying to prove that the "hush money" payments were part of a scheme to influence the 2016 election illegally. That's a serious felony allegation, although arguably not as serious as some of the federal charges against him.

Either way, Trump is such a crook that he's unfit to run a lemonade stand, let alone function as a legitimate president. In light of his many crimes and sociopathic personality disorder, he needs to go.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 30, 2024, 11:36 PMTrump doesn't know when to shut up but he still has a lot support and his supporters think this trial is a sham.
The DA is going after Trump when commuters are getting murdered on the subway in NYC, when innocent children are being murdered by gangbangers in NYC, when shopkeepers in NYC are getting attacked and murdered by criminals.

The average American doesn't care he paid an escort/porn star hush money.

The sick pig Harvey Weinstein had his rape conviction overturned, you know the guy Democrats loved because he donated to Democrat politicians, he even raped Newsom's wife. He has to appear in a NYC court to have his case retried but Alvin Bragg is too busy trying to convict Trump.

Do you actually think that there are no other trials going on?  That they've stopped ALL other indictments while the Trump trial is going on?  If not, the argument of X crime is going on while the trial is and that is awful is just BS


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 30, 2024, 11:36 PMTrump doesn't know when to shut up but he still has a lot support and his supporters think this trial is a sham.
The DA is going after Trump when commuters are getting murdered on the subway in NYC, when innocent children are being murdered by gangbangers in NYC, when shopkeepers in NYC are getting attacked and murdered by criminals.

The average American doesn't care he paid an escort/porn star hush money.

The sick pig Harvey Weinstein had his rape conviction overturned, you know the guy Democrats loved because he donated to Democrat politicians, he even raped Newsom's wife. He has to appear in a NYC court to have his case retried but Alvin Bragg is too busy trying to convict Trump.
Trump keeps pointing to all the street crimes going on to deflect from his own crimes. The judicial system prosecutes both white collar crimes and street crimes simultaneous.

The news media in its thirst for the salacious, incorrectly refers it to the "hush money trial." Trump is not being charged with paying off a porn star.

Alvin Bragg is NOT too busy trying to convict Trump to retry Harvey Weinstein. Bragg has told the court they will be ready for a retrial of Weinstein in the fall.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Trump was complained that he couldn't campaign. So on his day off from court he went golfing. More lies. IF you still believe in a guy that has lied over 30,000 times, you are the mark.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Donald Trump's New York hush money trial has resumed at Manhattan Criminal Court with Judge Juan Merchan finding the former president in contempt of court for a tenth time, fining him another $1,000 and warning the next violation of his gag order will result in jail time.

"Going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction if it is recommended," Merchan said from the bench as the trial resumed on Monday.

Judge Juan Merchan said Trump violated his order on April 22 when he commented on the political makeup of the jury.

"That jury was picked so fast — 95% Democrats. The area's mostly all Democrat," Trump said in an interview with the network Real America's Voice. "It's a very unfair situation, that I can tell you."

In his written order, Merchan said Trump's comments "not only called into question the integrity, and therefore the legitimacy of these proceedings, but again raised the specter of fear for the safety of the jurors and of their loved ones."

He said jailing Trump was "the last thing I want to do," since it would disrupt the trial and present challenges for the Secret Service and court officers tasked with protecting the former president.

"The magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me," he said. But the gag order violations "constitute a direct attack on the rule of law — I cannot allow that to continue."


Here's Trump today suggesting he'd go to jail as a "sacrifice" in the name of the Constitution. The con never stops.


Imagine how many T-shirts he'll sell if he goes to Rikers.


The master conman is raising money off of his phony gag order claims. He can't threaten witnesses, talk against the jury members revealing personal information, and can't threaten court staff members or their families. He is trying to get his crazy MAGA maniacs to attack.

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His campaign keeps sending me these messages. He said I was banned from MAGA since I donated to Nikki Haley and voted for her in the primary.
Too much sex is still not enough.



Stormy Daniels Hate Crimes at Her House

July 3, 2024 today Daniels said, "She can't go outside mow her lawn, her kids can't go outside, her mailbox was destroyed and they tried to kill her dog.  It was really bad, they almost kllled her dog.  That dog has nothing to do with this election. 

We know who is behind all of this,  Trump Kills Dogs
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Quote from: zoezane on Jul 03, 2024, 05:41 PMStormy Daniels Hate Crimes at Her House

July 3, 2024 today Daniels said, "She can't go outside mow her lawn, her kids can't go outside, her mailbox was destroyed and they tried to kill her dog.  It was really bad, they almost kllled her dog.  That dog has nothing to do with this election. 

We know who is behind all of this,  Trump Kills Dogs
As we discussed almost 2 years ago MAGA Maniacs incite violence. Donald Trump plays his victim card and the fanatics rise up to protect their "orange Jesus."

Too much sex is still not enough.