Bidens Week.

Started by Bande, Apr 06, 2022, 01:21 PM

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Quote from: Zep on Apr 06, 2022, 04:32 PMWhat?  A booming economy, lowest unemployment ever, Covid licked, infrastructure finally being addressed, Winning in Ukraine with no soldiers of ours involved, Every Democrat and a number of Republicans supporting his Supreme Court pick.   The man is loved and respected around the world. 

Inflation / fuel prices. Caused by nothing Biden did. A result of the lack of supply with high demand.

I really am amazed at all the good President Biden has achieved.  Really, can any of us imagine the hatred, deceit and blame games that we'd would all be enduring if the other "candidate" had won the election?
That is a laughable statement.
Lots of people brainwashed with the media and political mass miss information..
Everything with the economy is due to Biden's administration.. This administration has put all the regulations in place that turned our economy upside down. 1 item is we went from a self dependent nation to a dependent nation.  A nation of wokeness and PUSSIES...
Hell, even get female and male mixed up. Crazy shit. There is no in between. Now , whatever ones sexual preference is one thing. Medical modifications does not change one being male or female, just the looks...


So world wide inflation is Biden's fault?   World wide fuel prices, Biden's fault?  Human beings wanting to be identified how they are born and how they experience the world is Biden's fault?  Regulations that make us look before we leap, make all world issues Biden's fault.

Talk about brainwashed people...   (But it's on FoxNews).  Lol.
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 06, 2022, 07:01 PMYou should have stayed for the whole video Tucker played, can't make this stuff up. Biden looked like a lost puppy in the was sad!

I saw way past that part, like I said I bailed at the halfway point.
Perhaps because I'm a Republican, I don't care all that much about Democrat's party face at political events. You cannot view this attachment.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Zep on Apr 06, 2022, 07:56 PMSo world wide inflation is Biden's fault?   World wide fuel prices, Biden's fault?  Human beings wanting to be identified how they are born and how they experience the world is Biden's fault?  Regulations that make us look before we leap, make all world issues Biden's fault.

Talk about brainwashed people...   (But it's on FoxNews).  Lol.

Putting words in my mouth. The economy in the states is a direct result of Bidens administrations actions.


"Perhaps because I'm a Republican"

Republican my You may be a register Republican but your views IMO are definitely Democrat. I am an registered independent however I lean to the right because I can't stand the blubbering idiot Democrats and the direction they want to take our country. Democrats several years ago had very good leaders, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer sure are not it...


Quote from: Zep on Apr 06, 2022, 04:32 PMWhat?  A booming economy, lowest unemployment ever, Covid licked, infrastructure finally being addressed, Winning in Ukraine with no soldiers of ours involved, Every Democrat and a number of Republicans supporting his Supreme Court pick.   The man is loved and respected around the world. 

Inflation / fuel prices. Caused by nothing Biden did. A result of the lack of supply with high demand.

I really am amazed at all the good President Biden has achieved.  Really, can any of us imagine the hatred, deceit and blame games that we'd would all be enduring if the other "candidate" had won the election?

Booming economy as compared to what? May 2020 till now? The economy was pretty much dead for almost a year because of Covid. Job markets reports of unemployment are people that have gone back to work to jobs prior to the shut down... Biden has not created a lot of new jobs that did existed before. Inflation is a direct result of Biden's reversal on Trump policies and executive orders. I don't disagree on some of the changes made but doing them so fast had dire consequences we are all paying for now...


Quote from: Bande on Apr 06, 2022, 07:46 PMEverything with the economy is due to Biden's administration.. This administration has put all the regulations in place that turned our economy upside down. 1 item is we went from a self dependent nation to a dependent nation.  A nation of wokeness and PUSSIES...
Hell, even get female and male mixed up. Crazy shit. There is no in between. Now , whatever ones sexual preference is one thing. Medical modifications does not change one being male or female, just the looks...
What do you mean when you say "we went from a self dependent nation to a dependent nation?" If that's supposed to be about so-called energy independence, that has never been the case even though every president since Carter (at least) has talked about it. It's bullshit.


Low unemployment.  Yes Biden's fault.    :P

Inflation.  As much as you want to blame Biden, is a world wide issue.  No decisions made by Biden caused inflation in USA any more than in Germany, France, Japan.

I get it,  you want to blame Biden but it's a world wide issue.
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: bats on Apr 06, 2022, 08:52 PMWhat do you mean when you say "we went from a self dependent nation to a dependent nation?" If that's supposed to be about so-called energy independence, that has never been the case even though every president since Carter (at least) has talked about it. It's bullshit.

It means the US does not have to rely on foreign oil to meet its needs.  Sure we import oil from foreign countries to help stabilize their economies. Up until what 2016 or later the US was dependent on imported oil. US harvesting of oil could not keep up with domestic demand. Now if the US decided to cut off all oil imports like we did with Russia we can with a step up on Oil production.  However the restrictions for permits put in place by Biden caused a reduction in opening up new fields on federal lands and this is what has led to our high gasoline prices at the pump.


Quote from: Zep on Apr 06, 2022, 09:03 PMLow unemployment.  Yes Biden's fault.    :P

Inflation.  As much as you want to blame Biden, is a world wide issue.  No decisions made by Biden caused inflation in USA any more than in Germany, France, Japan.

I get it,  you want to blame Biden but it's a world wide issue.

World economies are linked and dependent on other countries economies. The US has one of the biggest if not the biggest economy in the world so when inflation hit the US you bet it is going to create ripples in other countries economies. For instance 2007 when the housing market and stock market collapsed wreaked havoc on England and other European nations economies they felt it too.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 06, 2022, 03:23 PMIt's obvious they can't stand Biden by the way they ignored him at that meeting, they acted like he wasn't there. It's sad the way Biden is walking around and nobody wants to talk to him.
Quote from: Bande on Apr 06, 2022, 07:34 PMDude you are a smart man. You may not like Tucker, the video and reactions show it all..

Carlson's producers showed about 15 seconds of a video that covered 10 full minutes after the signing ceremony broke up and people were glad-handing. And you guys ate it up just as Tucker intended you to.

If you care to watch the whole thing in context, here it is. Go to about 38:00 to skip all the speeches.


Quote from: bats on Apr 06, 2022, 09:17 PMCarlson's producers showed about 15 seconds of a video that covered 10 full minutes after the signing ceremony broke up and people were glad-handing. And you guys ate it up just as Tucker intended you to.

If you care to watch the whole thing in context, here it is. Go to about 38:00 to skip all the speeches.

I left about half way through... too boring for me...


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 06, 2022, 09:04 PMIt means the US does not have to rely on foreign oil to meet its needs.  Sure we import oil from foreign countries to help stabilize their economies. Up until what 2016 or later the US was dependent on imported oil. US harvesting of oil could not keep up with domestic demand. Now if the US decided to cut off all oil imports like we did with Russia we can with a step up on Oil production.  However the restrictions for permits put in place by Biden caused a reduction in opening up new fields on federal lands and this is what has led to our high gasoline prices at the pump.
First, we're always going to rely on foreign oil, at least to an extent. There are economic and technological reasons why we'll continue to both export and import oil, no matter how much we produce. Here's an explainer:

Second, the restrictions on permits aren't the reason for high gas prices. Instead, it's market instability, which has not been caused by the Biden administration. In short, the people with skin in the U.S. oil game have become reluctant to increase production. Here's an explainer:


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 06, 2022, 09:40 PMI left about half way through... too boring for me..
I get it. It's much easier to rely on Tucker Carlson to frame things for you.


Quote from: bats on Apr 06, 2022, 10:33 PMI get it. It's much easier to rely on Tucker Carlson to frame things for you.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson nor Fox News.  No cable out here.  I read news on the internet. No particular media agency I favor to speak of... I see a report or a clip and I watch it. All the news agencies edit and misrepresent the facts to fit their agendas.  Its not news mostly propaganda. However when it come to Joe he is a lost wondering soul... everyday it becomes clearer no one has to edit or make up shit when it comes to Biden. Joe doesn't need help to look befuddled. When ever joe is out in public and especially around the press staffers hold their breath praying he doesn't fuck things up as Obama once said about his vice president. Just like when Joe gave his Nato speech things were fine then he went of script saying Putin need to be removed.... wasn't 30 minutes later and the White House went into damage control mode. Joe is right Puttin has to go but saying it in front of the world caused everyone to gasp ..... Trump could have got away with it but not Joe.