Trump will take a cognitive test if Harris will.

Started by HighStepper, Aug 01, 2024, 12:05 PM

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Trump says he'd exit election if cognitive health declined, addresses Kamala Harris' bar exam
Video length 2:58 minutes
Trump grilled by hostile interviewers at professional organization for Black journalists. Trump was holding his own with political spin to push his talking points, then went of the rails with one of his rally style attacks on Harris about her not passing the bar.
Donald Trump about Kamala Harris, "She failed her bar exam. She did not pass her bar exam, so maybe she would not pass the cognitive test," Trump said. "She did not pass her bar exam, and she did not think she would pass it, and she did not think she would ever pass it, and I don't know what happened."
What happened is she passes the bar exam on her next try.
Donald Trump never took a bar exam, so we can't know if he would have passed.
Famous people that faild the bar on first attempt.
  • First Lady Michelle Obama
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • Kathleen Sullivan former dean of Stanford Law School
  • Governor Jerry Brown
  • Pat Robertson, broadcaster who made religion central to GOP politics
  • New York Mayor Ed Koch
  • John F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Benjamin Cardozo, justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Mayor Richard Daley
  • Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
  • Governor Pete Wilson, California
  • Governor David Paterson, New York
  • Governor Deval Patrick, Massachusetts
  • Governor Charlie Crist, Florida
  • Harold Ford Jr., U.S. House of Representatives, director Morgan Stanley.
  • Kim Kardashian, media personality, model, and businesswoman.

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As usual, Trump displayed his ignorance. First, he bragged (again) about having "aced" two cognitive tests. Person, Woman, Camera, TV. He is such a stable genius.

Next is the part you've highlighted--the ignorant claim that Harris didn't pass the bar. He's so fucking stupid he doesn't even know that for Harris to have practiced law at all in California--which she began doing in 1990--she had to have passed the bar.

Now, about Kim Kardashian, I was surprised to see her on the list because I had no idea that she was pursuing a career as a lawyer. But she hasn't passed the bar that graduates from accredited law schools take.

Instead, she passed (on her fourth try, but who cares) California's "baby bar" exam. The baby bar is much shorter and less arduous than the "real" bar exam and is part of a process that allows people a different route to a legal career.

Most people who take the baby bar study at unaccredited law schools, such as online schools, that don't confer upon their graduates the privilege of taking the "real" bar exam. Passing the baby bar is a requirement for continuing on that nontraditional path.


Yep pretty stupid.  Trump knows he says things without facts and people will believe it. 


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The Convict needs to take that test sooner rather than later because he's not so slowly sliding into complete and utter incomprehension...