Tim Walz

Started by Hobby, Aug 06, 2024, 03:56 PM

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Quote from: CigarMan on Aug 07, 2024, 06:03 AMHe did nothing to either prevent the George Floyd riots or stop them after the started.
It's not that he did nothing. Some faulted him for not moving faster. This happened early in his first term. The voters gave him a second term. This is similar to criticisms of Trump not moving fast enough during the Jan 6 riots. Unlike Trump, I'm not sure about Walz's role in preventing the riot.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Republicans are upset now they know Trump is finished.  Harris in now ahead of Trump in all the polls. Trump is losing!


Tim Watz made sure a women was hydrated at his convention speech.  Watz stopped his speech, she drank water and okay.  This is what American really is meant to be.  Kind to one another, thriving, creative, that's what the Constitution has given all the people America.  We have thrived for a long time until one "MAD Motherfooker" by Old Donald.  At ten he was out to kill the Statue of Liberty.  MAGA "make america gag again" HA HA HA HA, it's Trump's truth.  There is no gag order on my America by a rapist that hates women and molests teenagers/children.  Trump hates everything including his MAGA.  And you can not change the minds of MAGA who are filled with hate and anger lusting like Trump. They all lust for war, destruction and a brain dead wannabe dictator.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Those two are just examples of exactly what is wrong with this country.  No, I'm not gunna cut/paste all the lies he has told and how badly he runs the state or his "military" career or "coaching job."  LOL...


Quote from: kidinacandystore on Aug 08, 2024, 10:58 PMThose two are just examples of exactly what is wrong with this country.  No, I'm not gunna cut/paste all the lies he has told and how badly he runs the state or his "military" career or "coaching job."  LOL...
No problem. There must be tons of concrete evidence to support the claim that he has lied about his military service and his coaching gigs. ::)


Quote from: kidinacandystore on Aug 08, 2024, 10:58 PMThose two are just examples of exactly what is wrong with this country.  No, I'm not gunna cut/paste all the lies he has told and how badly he runs the state or his "military" career or "coaching job."  LOL...
Minnesota is ranked 6th in the nation for top states for business 2024. Earlier in the year Tim Walz had a 55 percent approval rating among Minnesota voters. He was reelected as governor. The majority of Americans support many of Walz's polices

"military" career
Christopher LaCivita was behind the "Swift Boat" lies about John Kerry's military record is back with the same old playbook.  JD Vance asks what kind of weapon did Walz take to war. And what weapon did Vance carry in to war...a typewriter? JD Vance in the Marine Corpse served as a Combat Correspondent. His job was to document the experiences of fellow Marines and provide a unique perspective on military operations. He did not see direct combat. Link

Bottom line. Both Walz and Vance put on the uniform and served the country with honorable military service. Walz 24 years, Vance 4 years. Neither Vance or Walz saw combat action.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Vance made it all the way to E4, that requires no testing, rank given for time served. E5 rank is given by test score ranking against others in same job.

So Vance claiming some big military career is BS.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Vance is attacking Walz service record saying Walz retired so he didn't have to go to Iraq.  Interesting Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years and retired.  Trump had doctor tell the draft board he had bone spur on foot. Trump never served in our military basically a draft dodger. The Trump supporters don't care Trump was a cowardly draft dodger...


Quote from: bats on Aug 08, 2024, 11:10 PMNo problem. There must be tons of concrete evidence to support the claim that he has lied about his military service and his coaching gigs. ::)
Just to fact-check my own sarcasm, the Harris campaign did put out a video of Walz in which he's shown telling a group of supporters in some kind of town hall environment in Minnesota that we shouldn't have on America's streets weapons like the ones he carried in war.

Walz never served in a combat zone, so he obviously never carried weapons of any kind "in war." That's embellishment, at the very least.

But Vance also says Walz "abandoned" his unit just before they were deployed to Iraq. That's a stretch, considering Walz served honorably and retired.

Additionally, Vance accused Walz of "stolen valor." That's also a stretch.


everyone in the military has gun training
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


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Quote from: bats on Aug 09, 2024, 11:57 AMAdditionally, Vance accused Walz of "stolen valor." That's also a stretch.
JD Vance knows full well that "stolen valor" term in no way applies to Waltz. Vance does a disservice to every man and woman that put on the uniform to serve our country.

Stolen Valor Act of 2005, made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal. June 28, 2012, United States v. Alvarez the Supreme Court held that the Stolen Valor Act was an unconstitutional abridgment of the freedom of speech under the First Amendment.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Yes Vance is no better than Trump attacking service members.  Trump attacked John McCain service.  How can anyone condone these idiots attacking our service men