
Started by Bande, Aug 16, 2024, 09:20 PM

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200k a year for a photographer, Paid for by the taxpayer. Ridiculous.
Salary for the Governor is?? Photographer salary way to much....
All these bills to fight crime all the sudden after how many years...
These are designed to sway the voter from voting for prop 36.
Prop 36 will do much better than these new bills.
Vote yes on 36.
Not to forget another bill introduced to end prop 13 with proposition 5 that will raise property taxes and more..
Yeah, Demoncrats are for the people.. LIARS..


The voters in this state are hopeless and will continue to vote for Democrats.
They love Newsom even though he's a narcissistic douchebag, even Trump doesn't have a personal photographer.
His wife is equally disgusting, she slept with Harvey Weinstein to get a movie role but claimed he raped her.

He terms out of office 2028, I can't wait to see what other leftist retard the people vote for.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 16, 2024, 09:36 PMThe voters in this state are hopeless and will continue to vote for Democrats.
They love Newsom even though he's a narcissistic douchebag, even Trump doesn't have a personal photographer.
His wife is equally disgusting, she slept with Harvey Weinstein to get a movie role but claimed he raped her.
When Trump was president, he had the services of the official White House photographer. But no, I don't think an official photographer is included in his Secret Service detail. lol


Quote from: bats on Aug 16, 2024, 09:46 PMWhen Trump was president, he had the services of the official White House photographer. But no, I don't think an official photographer is included in his Secret Service detail. lol

Yes but the official White House photographer only makes $58,000 a year and Newsom has a security detail(DPS) provided by the CHP, have one of those people take photos of him.
Are we having fun yet?