The Convict held event at wall Obama built highlights an unkept promise

Started by Blkfyre, Aug 25, 2024, 07:57 AM

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"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump came here on Thursday to heap praise on the structure standing to his right — "the Rolls-Royce of walls," he called it — and lament the unused segments lying to his left. Joining him there, Border Patrol union leader Paul A. Perez called the standing fence "Trump wall" and the idle parts "Kamala wall," after his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Those labels were inaccurate. This section of 20-foot steel slats was actually built during former president Barack Obama's administration. Trump added the unfinished extension up the hillside, an engineering challenge that cost at least $35 million a mile. The unused panels of 30-foot beams were procured during the Trump administration and never erected.

"Where you were, that was kind of a joke today," said John Ladd, a Trump supporter whose ranch extends along the border, explained while driving the dirt road along the barrier, the gapped panels making a flipbook out of the shrubby trees and grass on the other side. "Had to be in front of Trump's wall, but you went to Montezuma, and that's Obama's wall."

The Cochise County Sheriff's Office confirmed that the barrier next to Thursday's campaign stop was built during the Obama administration. The Trump campaign and Perez did not respond to questions about the discrepancy.