Insurance Tax

Started by Bande, Aug 15, 2024, 07:22 PM

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Insurance tax may be coming....


My car insurance went up  40% this past year for no reason, it's only going to get worse.

Newsom doesn't care because he's rich, he just bought a house in Marin County so his kids can go to an exclusive private school. God forbid his kids have to associate with Sacramento riffraff. He also is paying a photographer $200,000 a year  to be his personal photographer...being paid by the taxpayers of course.

Newsom was heard saying "Let them eat cake."
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 15, 2024, 07:31 PMNewsom doesn't care because he's rich, he just bought a house in Marin County so his kids can go to an exclusive private school. God forbid his kids have to associate with Sacramento riffraff.

So, to be clear, according to conservatives rich people make their money and should be able to spend it how they want, except, you know, when they are in another party when their spending their money is a BAD thing???

"To ensure continuity in their children's education, the family will split their time between Sacramento and Marin heading into the coming academic year," said Izzy Gardon, a spokesperson for the governor.

The family will return to where Newsom and Siebel Newsom grew up and raised their kids before he was elected governor in 2018. They are currently not looking to rent or purchase a home there, Gardon said.

Leaving Sacramento will allow the Newsoms to start their eldest of four — a rising high school freshman — at a new school rather than having to weigh a potentially disruptive transfer when Newsom's term is up in January 2027, two of the people said."

So, rather than having his kid have to move schools in the middle of high school, always a seriously disruptive thing to happen to a kid, he's moving them NOW so that his kid's continuity can be maintained outside of his job.

So, to be clear, doing things to make his kids life better is...wrong?


HUHHH? WTF. Insurance rates do go up for a reason.  Just as one simple example......home values increase.....home owners love that.....but the consequence of that is when homes burn down or suffer other large losses then it costs more to rebuild them or pay a claim. Coverage amounts should correlate to insurance cost.  Should insurance for a crap car cost the same as for a high end luxury vehicle? Should insurance companies just refuse to pay for such claims, uuhhhh like if you romanticlover had such a claim?  How would you feel then?  Don't like higher rates, then you might get subpar coverage.  yay!

However I personally think the reasons for rate increases should be better addressed and plans to keep such rates affordable should be enacted.
The Governor is FAR from the only reason insurance rates increase (clue: policy payments in vs. claim payments out matters most).  Major insurance companies no longer insure homes in CA for a reason.  They can't make money and losing money is not a good business plan....duh.


Quote from: Bande on Aug 15, 2024, 07:22 PMInsurance tax may be coming....

This Carl DeMaio guy, what a fear-monger. According to him, wildfires in California are getting worse not because of climate change but because of poor forest management practices by, who else, Democrat politicians! And the liberal media help with the scam by lying to us! (There may be some truth to the forest management thing, but of course, he doesn't point us to any information that would help us find out for ourselves.)

As for the supposed insurance tax, he talked about how the same evil Democrats are scheming to have your homeowner insurance paid through an escrow account with your mortgage, through which they will apparently add amounts to cover rate increases! (I thought they already did this, but again, he doesn't point us to any background information where we can find out for ourselves what's going on.)

I didn't watch the entire 18 minutes, but I'm quite sure I watched more of it than Bande did, so my conscience is clear. lol


Still waiting for those pictures of Trump's ear.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


my rate went down and I have new car. maybe you need to shop around

Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 15, 2024, 07:31 PMMy car insurance went up  40% this past year for no reason, it's only going to get worse.

Newsom doesn't care because he's rich, he just bought a house in Marin County so his kids can go to an exclusive private school. God forbid his kids have to associate with Sacramento riffraff. He also is paying a photographer $200,000 a year  to be his personal photographer...being paid by the taxpayers of course.

Newsom was heard saying "Let them eat cake."
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Everything in Calif is getting expensive and people are moving out of the state.


Quote from: Hobby on Aug 16, 2024, 10:14 AMEverything in Calif is getting expensive and people are moving out of the state.
good, most are Trumpers. There are lot of people that left CA that are moving back. Grass isn't always greener on the other side. Most moved to Texas, Tenn, Idaho. They find out it cost more to live there.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Here in Pahrump Nevada it's much less expensive to live than calif. You can buy a really nice home here for like 2/3 the cost of a home in California.  My auto insurance runs me $70 per month full coverage. Home insurance is around 90 per month.  Elect is a flat 14 cents per kilo watt. 


Quote from: Danno on Aug 16, 2024, 10:19 AMgood, most are Trumpers. There are lot of people that left CA that are moving back. Grass isn't always greener on the other side. Most moved to Texas, Tenn, Idaho. They find out it cost more to live there.

That is not true, a lot of Democrats are also moving to other states because everything is cheaper.

Are we having fun yet?


My grandfather used to have a saying:

I have fought in two ward (WWII and Korea), been shot at, been in a fist fight, and the only time I get scared are when politician get smug.

So if you look fkr politicians to find a solution for your problem, probably need to continue waiting.


Quote from: Bande on Aug 15, 2024, 07:22 PMInsurance tax may be coming....

So, to be clear, that bill is mandating that people have the insurance enough to be able to cover the rising costs in car repairs by saying how much insurance they have to carry. Because of this, insurance companies are passing the costs on to the public.

So, is it better for people to carry insufficient insurance to cover car repairs and the injured party then be libel for those costs, or does it make more sense to raise the amount required so that the person who CAUSED THE PROBLEM is the one who has to pay?

This bill would, commencing on January 1, 2025, increase the amount of liability insurance coverage an owner or operator of a motor vehicle, and an owner of a vehicle used to transport passengers for hire not regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, is required to maintain to $30,000 for bodily injury or death of one person, $60,000 for bodily injury or death of all persons, and $15,000 for damage to the property of others as a result of any one accident. The bill would also increase the deposit to $75,000.

The bill, on January 1, 2035, would increase the minimum amounts of required liability insurance coverage by $20,000 and $40,000 for bodily injury or death of one person and all persons, respectively, and by $10,000 for property damage, and increase the minimum cash deposit by $50,000. T
I have been involved in an accident where the person was insufficently insured and yes, did end up having to pay for the remaining repairs out of my own pocket for THEIR hitting me, so this makes perfect sense't%20fooling,and%20pandemic-induced%20supply%20shortages.

Repair costs are rising relative to the overall rate of inflation. Motor vehicle maintenance and repair costs increased 4.1% per year from November 2013 to November 2023, compared with just 2.8% for the overall consumer price index.

The increase has been especially sharp since the pandemic. Prior to it, repair costs increased at an annual rate of somewhere around 3.5% to 5%, according to Mitchell, which makes software for the collision repair and auto insurance sectors. But in 2022, the rate jumped to about 10%, and hasn't dropped since

Medical bills after an accident are even worse

Gee, I can't see why the amount of insurance would need to go up at all..


Minimum Liability Insurance Requirements for Private Passenger, Commercial and Fleet Vehicles
Here are the minimum liability insurance requirements (per California Insurance Code §11580.1b):
  • $15,000 for injury/death to one person.
  • $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person.
  • $5,000 for damage to property.

If your car is paid for you don't have to insure damage to your car.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Carl is right.  But this is the blue forum, so that's all I need to say.