Barack Obama at the DNC: *SAVAGING* The Convict

Started by Blkfyre, Aug 20, 2024, 11:31 PM

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Having a President who can speak in full sentences and coherent thoughts is sorely missed. Obama destroys the Convict over and over again. Obama, is a consummate orator, having the crowd in his hand with every word, and just highlights the incomprehensibility of The Convict.

Here is President Obama's full speech, it's worth a listen to.

BTW, Barack Obama wasn't the only one to get in a good one:

Also, something for you to note, almost all the signs in the crowd on the night Obama spoke said what you'd expect at a National Convention of those who are engaged in deciding who the next candidate for President: "VOTE" And on another night it was "USA".

What did the RNC delegates have as the theme of their convention?

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Thus showing which side is interested in democracy, and which in hate and prejudice...


I like Obama as a person not some of his policies or some things he did. Obama is very intelligent and good speaker. I vote for him in 2007 but not in 2011.  Bush left Obama a big mess to cleanup. Trump maybe not all his fault left Biden with a huge mess with Americans dying from covid, millions out of work and business going out of business. Even worse is Trump lies about it.


The RNC message is jobs and a safe America, they also had a lot of American flags at their convention. In contrast the DNC is obsessed with Trump, their platform is: everything normal and good is bad(bizarro world). I also don't see very many American flags so far at their convention.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 06:35 AMThe RNC message is jobs and a safe America, they also had a lot of American flags at their convention. In contrast the DNC is obsessed with Trump, their platform is: everything normal and good is bad(bizarro world). I also don't see very many American flags so far at their convention.

Obama gave a really good speech!

Trump said in 2017 he would reduce tax on the rich and lower tariffs to bring manufacturing companies back home to give more jobs.  That didn't happen. Now he is saying it again. 

Trump campaign hands out American flags to wave.  It's decoration.  You really think all those flags are brought by attendees? You going to for that again?


All of their speeches were laughable, talking about change when the Democrats control the Executive branch and
the Senate.
Bernie Sanders talking about the high cost of everything when he's rich and owns four houses, the Obama's are also rich and own two mansions. I can't wait to hear what the elitist douchebag Newsom has to say today.

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 08:41 AMAll of their speeches were laughable, talking about change when the Democrats control the Executive branch and the Senate.
I didn't watch any of it, but I laughed when I read your comment saying the Democrats "control" the Senate. That makes it sound as if the Democrats could pass anything they wanted.

But a guy with an IQ as high as you've claimed knows it doesn't work that way. And that's without even considering that we have a bicameral legislature.


new job are all time high, even fast food with the new pay.
high IQ, no common sense

Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 06:35 AMThe RNC message is jobs and a safe America, they also had a lot of American flags at their convention. In contrast the DNC is obsessed with Trump, their platform is: everything normal and good is bad(bizarro world). I also don't see very many American flags so far at their convention.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Then you have the felon sabotaging the Boarder bill. Now he's trying to sabotage the Israel, Hamas agreement.

Quote from: bats on Aug 21, 2024, 10:32 AMI didn't watch any of it, but I laughed when I read your comment saying the Democrats "control" the Senate. That makes it sound as if the Democrats could pass anything they wanted.

But a guy with an IQ as high as you've claimed knows it doesn't work that way. And that's without even considering that we have a bicameral legislature.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 06:35 AMThe RNC message is jobs and a safe America, they also had a lot of American flags at their convention. In contrast the DNC is obsessed with Trump, their platform is: everything normal and good is bad(bizarro world). I also don't see very many American flags so far at their convention.

Cool story. Here is JD Vance's speech. Guess what you don't see AT ALL?

Oh yeah, American flags.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 08:41 AMAll of their speeches were laughable, talking about change when the Democrats control the Executive branch and
the Senate.
Bernie Sanders talking about the high cost of everything when he's rich and owns four houses, the Obama's are also rich and own two mansions. I can't wait to hear what the elitist douchebag Newsom has to say today.

As opposed to when The Convict was in power and controlled all three branches?

Also, you need BOTH sides of Congress to pass something. Having control of just one doesn't get you a damn thing if the other side controls the other and is being obstinate.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 08:41 AMAll of their speeches were laughable, talking about change when the Democrats control the Executive branch and the Senate.
Schoolhouse Rock - I'm Just a Bill

3 minute video written in 1975 makes it easy to understand the process.

Some of President Biden's legislative accomplishments.
  • Inflation Reduction Act:  Among other things it includes provisions for Medicare to negotiate drug prices, caps on insulin costs for seniors.
  • American Rescue Plan: included a COVID-19 relief extended unemployment benefits, and funded vaccine distribution.
  • Infrastructure Law: Includes roads, bridges, public transit, and broadband internet.
  • CHIPS and Science Act: invests in domestic semiconductor manufacturing and scientific research to bolster U.S. competitiveness.
  • Safer Communities Act: gun safety legislation addressing gun violence prevention.
  • Violence Against Women Act: Strengthens protections and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • PACT Act: Expands health care benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.

Please tell us the legislative accomplishments of Trump.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Predictably, The Convict had a tantrum over what was said about him. He had the audacity to try to say he did not get personal when all throughout his entire RNC speech he was denigrating Biden...


I'm enjoying the TDS parade and the protestors, as I predicted it was just like 1968(same city too).
The Obama's got to catch a plane back to one their mansions, they were smart and got the hell out of Chicago.
Are we having fun yet?


Sounded like nothing but decisiveness and scared socialism to me throughout the dnc so far!  I was intrigued today to see an illegal Venezuela immigrant not able to join the dnc celebrations when the Biden campaign clearly welcomed them into the USA!  Disgusting and disgraceful group of self serving people!


Quote from: Romanticlover on Aug 21, 2024, 07:26 PMI'm enjoying the TDS parade and the protestors, as I predicted it was just like 1968(same city too).
The Obama's got to catch a plane back to one their mansions, they were smart and got the hell out of Chicago.
Yeah, sure, just like 1968. That's ridiculous.

I'm old enough (barely lol) to remember what happened then, and it was an entirely different atmosphere for many, many reasons.