Jared Kushner

Started by Hobby, Apr 12, 2022, 06:31 PM

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I posted this as a topic on BOR Political Message Board Today. So I am posting it here as well to see if I get the same types of reply.

How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?
Hint: It's not because of his track record as an investor.

"Jared Kushner's new private equity firm got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia because maybe that's how you can cash in when your investing experience is slender but your father-in-law may wind up back in the White House. It's also possible that you can get billions for a firm with no track record because the White House did favors for the Saudis when your father-in-law still occupied the Oval Office.

It's probably a mix of both. Regardless, it's certainly not a reflection of Kushner's investing prowess. Before entering the White House as an adviser to former President Donald Trump, Kushner, 41, inherited wealth and his first adult job from his father, then botched his biggest gambit: vastly overpaying for a Fifth Avenue skyscraper soon before financial and real estate markets tanked."

Read more here...

Maybe Trump's inquires into Hunter Biden weren't because he thought what Hunter did was wrong. Maybe Trump wanted to find out how Hunter did it so Trump could cash in for himself! Appears Trump is the better deal maker afterall, Hunter gets 1 billion from China and Jared gets 2 billion from the Saudis! Can't wait to read how the right-wing spin this!


I have 2,543 posts on BOR they think I am a Democrat...LMAO I tell them I am Independent and if they don't stop attacking me I will start leaning left. LOL