Best State to raise a Family in 2025

Started by Bande, Jan 31, 2025, 10:30 PM

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Best State to Raise a Family in has California in dead last.
California ranks 51...
As well by 2030 California will lose 4 to 6 Congressional seats due to population decline.
Now you say how is that? The State reports the population is dead even.
Problem with that is to skew the numbers the State of California is counting illegals in the state.
Affordability rank is 46 out of 50...
Safety rank 40 out of 50.
Quality of Life 50 out of 50.

Great going Newsome....


California has been ranked as both the worst and one of the best states to raise a family, depending on the study. In one study California has been ranked as one of the worst states to raise a family due to issues with affordability, education, and quality of life. However, some California cities are considered good places to raise a family. Link

Forbes Updated May 28, 2024
25 Best Places To Raise A Family In The U.S.

1.   Fremont, California
2.   Overland Park, Kansas
3.   Irvine, California
4.   Plano, Texas
5.   Seattle, Washington
6.   Gilbert, Arizona
7.   San Jose, California
8.   San Diego, California
9.   Boise, Idaho
10.   Huntington Beach, California
11.   Bismarck, North Dakota
12.   San Francisco, California
13.   Scottsdale, Arizona
14.   Charleston, South Carolina
15.   Madison, Wisconsin
16.   Lincoln, Nebraska
17.   Chandler, Arizona
18.   Virginia Beach, Virginia
19.   Austin, Texas
20.   Sioux Falls, South Dakota
21.   Columbia, Maryland
22.   Omaha, Nebraska
23.   Chesapeake, Virginia
24.   Fargo, North Dakota
25.   Urban Honolulu, Hawaii

Some of those places don't make a lot of sense, unless you are wealthy. In a dogwalker perspective my family is grown and I not rearing another one. At my age I'm not going anywhere, so I don't care, lol.

Too much sex is still not enough.


While Newsom is an incompetant narcissist the blame is not solely his, it's the Democrat party that ruined Cali.
I agree that there are good and bad cities in Cali. For instance, I wouldn't raise a family in the city of Sacramento but the suburbs have good schools and less crime. The same with the city of Los Angeles where I grew up, their school district sucks and the teachers don't give a shit about the students. But some of the surrounding cities have great schools with low crime.

Fremont being #1 on the list is a surprise to me, I agree with Irvine being in the top 5 though.
Are we having fun yet?


While it is easy to blame the Dems, the lack of a balanced legislature is probably more accurate.  Single party rule is NEVER a good idea of a long time.


Those rankings depend on so many factors which may or may not apply to any individual family that I can't take most of them that seriously.  Also I'm not raising a family.  Therefore I don't care what their opinion is!

That list reminds me of similar lists which I rarely agree with that list the best places to live.  All those lists are compiled based on a limited number of criteria the survey uses. They are not all my criteria.  Therefore they are biased.  When I chose a place to live I place weight on certain factors.  The lists and others may place weight on factors different from what I would.  At the end of the day I make my own decision rather than let a list make or influence my decisions.  Our world is full of lists now.  10 ways to lose weight.  15 ways to sleep better.  It's mostly BS to me and often an attempt to get you to look at an ad or buy something related to the list.


California. 6 of the top 12 cities, not bad! 
We all got two lives, the second one begins when you realize you only have one.


IMO California is the best state to raise and educate a child.  Where else can a child learn how to do things wrong?