This Is Sad and Dangerous!

Started by Hobby, Apr 21, 2022, 10:59 AM

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Quote from: Hobby on Apr 21, 2022, 01:35 PMTrump was blasted and ridiculed when he was president and impeached twice. They tried to remove him and failed.  Why should I waste my time like you on Trump?  Trump is in the past a leftover man, I doubt Trump is going to run again.  And if he does run again we will deal with it when that time comes. Meanwhile, today if you can focus on today, Biden's lack of leadership is beyond scary! Polls indicate American people have lost their confidence in Biden!

Ronald Regan's gaffes were often celebrated. We have seen the mash-up gaffes of Trump looking as bad as Biden. I would love to support your argument that Trump is no longer president so we should not bring him into a discussion about the concern over Biden's abilities.

Unfortunately, Trump did not follow the path of other former Presidents, like work on their Presidential Library. Trump is presenting himself as the Republican nominee for the 2024 Presidential Election. Therefore, he remains relevant in political discussions that compare him to Biden.

You may think he won't run, and if he does we can deal with it then. This attitude may be convenient for now, however, it is not politically strategic.  As crazy as it may seem Trump cannot be counted out. He is the head of the Republican Party and yields considerable influence. Biden may be sad, but Trump is dangerous.

BTW, at this time in Trump's presidency his pole number were underwater essentially the same as Biden. The comparison is relevant for midterm election expectations. Trump lost Congress so can Biden.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 22, 2022, 12:37 AMRonald Regan's gaffes were often celebrated. We have seen the mash-up gaffes of Trump looking as bad as Biden. I would love to support your argument that Trump is no longer president so we should not bring him into a discussion about the concern over Biden's abilities.

Unfortunately, Trump did not follow the path of other former Presidents, like work on their Presidential Library. Trump is presenting himself as the Republican nominee for the 2024 Presidential Election. Therefore, he remains relevant in political discussions that compare him to Biden.

You may think he won't run, and if he does we can deal with it then. This attitude may be convenient for now, however, it is not politically strategic.  As crazy as it may seem Trump cannot be counted out. He is the head of the Republican Party and yields considerable influence. Biden may be sad, but Trump is dangerous.

BTW, at this time in Trump's presidency his pole number were underwater essentially the same as Biden. The comparison is relevant for midterm election expectations. Trump lost Congress so can Biden.

Reagan in his second term started showing symptoms of dementia, then after Reagan left office we learned Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  Are we not going to learn from history?  Biden is showing symptoms as Reagan did only much worse, but not to worry Reagan made it through so will Biden! Right? Reagan's approval rating stayed well above both Trump and Biden throughout his 8 years as president. Trump was an idiot with no experience in politics. What I mean by an idiot is Trump's big mouth. Biden is a career politician with plenty of experience yet one wonders when seeing Biden performance as Commander and Chief, Afghanistan was a nightmare!

Trump could run again, I hope not! Trump in my mind was responsible for the riot on Jan 6th and belongs in prison. During Trump's four years no matter if you give Trump the credit or not the border was much more secure, the economy was doing really good and there were no wars going on! If Trump does run again and get the nomination there is nothing you or I can do anything about that.  If Democrats have a better candidate in 2024 I will vote for that person if not I won't vote.

In contrast, since Biden took office the border is wide open and unsecured, illegals and drugs pouring in and getting worse, inflation is at a record high with no end in sight, and Ukraine is at war with Russia! Biden with low polling approval is talking about running for a second term WTF... Biden lives in fantasyland!