Draft SCOTUS Opinion would Overturn Roe

Started by bats, May 02, 2022, 06:57 PM

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Quote from: Blkfyre on May 03, 2022, 06:56 PMFunny, I know people who still aren't vaccinated. Nobody is threatening to throw them in jail or fine them or have them have to be responsible for the next 18 years of their lives for something they didn't have to be...

Now what are you mumbling about? I did not say to throw the people who want an abortion in jail... throw those that perform the abortion in jail is what I said... god damn get it right...

And for the hobby I live in fucking Pahrump Nv with two brothels down the road where it is legal...laws in Nye County are different than in California...


One of the greatest modern day Presidents, Ronald Reagan, famously said that those who support abortion have already been born.




Quote from: Hobby on May 03, 2022, 07:14 PMNow what are you mumbling about? I did not say to throw the people who want an abortion in jail... throw those that perform the abortion in jail is what I said... god damn get it right...

And for the hobby I live in fucking Pahrump Nv with two brothels down the road where it is legal...laws in Nye County are different than in California...

You did not, but there are plenty of lawmakers out there ready to do just that if Roe goes away: https://www.businessinsider.com/women-30-years-prison-miscarriage-georgia-abortion-2019-5

"Allow for women who perform their own abortions outside a formal medical setting to be charged with first-degree murder, which could carry a sentence of up to life in prison or the death penalty." - This could include taking pills to terminate a pregnancy btw.

"State prosecutors, for example, might be able to charge women whose pregnancies end in miscarriage with second-degree murder, which carries a sentence of 10 to 30 years, if they can prove the miscarriage was a result of the woman's own conduct"


Not you again... isn't it past your bedtime?


Quote from: bats on May 03, 2022, 02:24 AMNever mind. It turns out that the entire problem can be solved if women would just quit having sex.


So, women should forego the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Or they should deny their husband's conjugal rights. Lysistrata, a play written in the year 411 B.C.E., in which women stage a sex strike to force men to stop the Peloponnesian War.

Conjugal rights: the sexual rights or privileges implied by and involved in the marriage relationship: the right of sexual intercourse between spouses. Link

In the U.S., had long held that it wasn't legally possible for a man to rape his wife. Marriage constituted permanent consent that could not be retracted. Of course nowadays marital rape is illegal.
It would seem quite a conundrum. The wife refuses sex to avoid getting pregnant because she can no longer get an abortion. This could present grounds for divorce.

Quote from: Romanticlover on May 03, 2022, 09:25 AM...or men could use a damn condom or women could use the pill or the morning-after pill. Lots of possibilities to prevent unwanted children other than abstinence.

Condoms can break/slip off. California became the first state to prohibit "stealthing," or removing a condom without permission during intercourse.

For some the pill s contraindicated. The morning after pill can be an expensive and cumbersome process. I helped a lady through that once...not fun.

Quote from: Hobby on May 03, 2022, 12:46 PMPerhaps the best way to settle the abortion issue is to stop arguing about the right to abortion and make performing abortions illegal with a stiff penalty. Mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison, 10,000 dollars fine, and loss of medical license. Physicians oath... do no harm. Time to ensure they don't do any harm...

Quote from: Hobby on May 03, 2022, 07:14 PMNow what are you mumbling about? I did not say to throw the people who want an abortion in jail... throw those that perform the abortion in jail is what I said... god damn get it right...

So, you are saying that just the doctor not the woman is to be punished.

Trump said the woman should also be punished. His statement brought a strong backlash from the Left and the Right.


No pro-lifer would ever want to punish a woman who has chosen abortion.  That was the position back then, before the Supreme Court 6-3 conservative make up.


Quote from: rooftop on May 03, 2022, 02:53 PMCan we start by asking for a definition of Life.  When does Life start?  If a man walks away from the mother of his unborn child, is that as serious an act of abortion as a medical procedure? 
Three clergymen, a Catholic priest, a Baptist minister, and a Rabi, would often go fishing together. One day they discussed when does life begin.

The priest said at the point of conception. It is written in the cannons of the church.
The minister say not until the baby's bottom is slapped and draws first breath. Just like God blew breath into Adam.
The Rabi said, life doesn't begin until the children leave home and the dog dies.

Quote from: rooftop on May 03, 2022, 02:53 PMIf a man walks away from the mother of his unborn child, is that as serious an act of abortion as a medical procedure? 

Why do we have so much law enforcement attention on abortion and so little on failure of fathers to provide financial, emotional, and child care support? 

BINGO! It may be hard to enforce "emotional" support, however, financial support should be pursued.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 04, 2022, 04:30 PMSo, women should forego the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Or they should deny their husband's conjugal rights. Lysistrata, a play written in the year 411 B.C.E., in which women stage a sex strike to force men to stop the Peloponnesian War.

Conjugal rights: the sexual rights or privileges implied by and involved in the marriage relationship: the right of sexual intercourse between spouses. Link

In the U.S., had long held that it wasn't legally possible for a man to rape his wife. Marriage constituted permanent consent that could not be retracted. Of course nowadays marital rape is illegal.
It would seem quite a conundrum. The wife refuses sex to avoid getting pregnant because she can no longer get an abortion. This could present grounds for divorce.

Condoms can break/slip off. California became the first state to prohibit "stealthing," or removing a condom without permission during intercourse.

For some the pill s contraindicated. The morning after pill can be an expensive and cumbersome process. I helped a lady through that once...not fun.

So, you are saying that just the doctor not the woman is to be punished.

Trump said the woman should also be punished. His statement brought a strong backlash from the Left and the Right.


No pro-lifer would ever want to punish a woman who has chosen abortion.  That was the position back then, before the Supreme Court 6-3 conservative make up.

Three clergymen, a Catholic priest, a Baptist minister, and a Rabi, would often go fishing together. One day they discussed when does life begin.

The priest said at the point of conception. It is written in the cannons of the church.
The minister say not until the baby's bottom is slapped and draws first breath. Just like God blew breath into Adam.
The Rabi said, life doesn't begin until the children leave home and the dog dies.

BINGO! It may be hard to enforce "emotional" support, however, financial support should be pursued.

Science says when there is fetal heart beat.... Follow the science. Right?


Quote from: Hobby on May 04, 2022, 05:10 PMScience says when there is fetal heart beat.... Follow the science. Right?

We can follow science. Science should be tempered with compassion and the prediction of expected outcomes.

First of all "fetal heartbeat" is not a scientific term, it is the buzz word used by demagogic lawmakers.
Health care providers might use the term "fetal heartbeat" in conversations with patients during this early stage of pregnancy,
but it's not actually a clinical term. Link
However, not to quibble we can use your term "fetal heartbeat."
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate serious health issues that could lead to the mother's death
  • Fetal heartbeat is not a guarantee of infant viability.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate that fetus will be born without a brain.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't predict a myriad of catastrophic medical conditions.
  • Fetal heartbeat is not detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart.
This is why asshole politicians and pontificating Justices dripping with hubris should stay out of the conversation.
As former First Lady Barbara Bush said, "For me, abortion is a personal issue—between the mother, father, and doctor."

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 04, 2022, 06:24 PMWe can follow science. Science should be tempered with compassion and the prediction of expected outcomes.

First of all "fetal heartbeat" is not a scientific term, it is the buzz word used by demagogic lawmakers.
Health care providers might use the term "fetal heartbeat" in conversations with patients during this early stage of pregnancy,
but it's not actually a clinical term. Link
However, not to quibble we can use your term "fetal heartbeat."
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate serious health issues that could lead to the mother's death
  • Fetal heartbeat is not a guarantee of infant viability.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate that fetus will be born without a brain.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't predict a myriad of catastrophic medical conditions.
  • Fetal heartbeat is not detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart.
This is why asshole politicians and pontificating Justices dripping with hubris should stay out of the conversation.
As former First Lady Barbara Bush said, "For me, abortion is a personal issue—between the mother, father, and doctor."

Even if Supreme Court does reverse Roe it won't affect California in any way.  Abortion is legal in California by statute and constitution, this won't change. California recognizes same-sex marriages, and gay and lesbian rights that won't change should in the future the Supreme Court reverses itself on these issues. For Californias there is nothing to cry about, nothing to protest.


Quote from: Hobby on May 04, 2022, 06:50 PMFor Californias there is nothing to cry about, nothing to protest.

1.    There is a concern that if the Conservatives take control of Congress and the Presidency they will pass a National ban on abortion.
2.    The concept that we are all Americans there is empathy for those women living in other states.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 04, 2022, 07:06 PM1.    There is a concern that if the Conservatives take control of Congress and the Presidency they will pass a National ban on abortion.
2.    The concept that we are all Americans there is empathy for those women living in other states.

Abortion Ban across the US... won't happen. States don't enforce immigration laws what makes you think they would enforce a ban on abortion?  Especially California...would become a sanctuary state for abortions. 

There will be abortions in other states they just might not be able to get it done at home. I believe all the states will allow abortions to some degree.  The difference might be the stage at which the fetus is in.  Texas won't allow an abortion unless there are special circumstances after the fetus's heartbeat is detected.  Oregon will continue abortions up to delivery.


Naive to this day. I like to believe people are better than they are...Brett Kavanaugh Calls Roe V. Wade "Settled" Precedent.
Vorresti essere me


Quote from: Tuscano on May 04, 2022, 08:35 PMNaive to this day. I like to believe people are better than they are...Brett Kavanaugh Calls Roe V. Wade "Settled" Precedent.

They all did. Even Alito. The only one who left wiggle room was the one who grew up in a Christian cult.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 04, 2022, 07:06 PM1.    There is a concern that if the Conservatives take control of Congress and the Presidency they will pass a National ban on abortion.
2.    The concept that we are all Americans there is empathy for those women living in other states.
Exactly. It's not as if this will be the end of it. The right-wing nutters want to do away with abortion altogether, all across the country. This is just the camel's nose under the tent for them.


Quote from: Hobby on May 03, 2022, 07:14 PMNow what are you mumbling about? I did not say to throw the people who want an abortion in jail

Oh look: https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/09/texas-legislature-abortion-criminalize-death-penalty/

Gee, who could have imagined that happening? Yes, it's from 2021 but also yes, this is what their thinking is...

Here is one from earlier this year: https://www.newsweek.com/death-penalty-abortions-becomes-pivotal-issue-gop-runoff-texas-1692240