Draft SCOTUS Opinion would Overturn Roe

Started by bats, May 02, 2022, 06:57 PM

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Is there such a thing as a right to life? When a person becomes incapacitated to the point they are unaware of their surroundings and cannot care for themselves, others step in to make decisions for them, to feed them, to care for them. They are not unlike the fetus that is connected to its mother. Yet to terminate the life of a person outside the womb could be considered murder while removing the fetus from the womb when the fetus can't survive on its own outside the womb is a woman's right to decide and not murder! Democrats say follow the science, Biden says to follow the science. When it comes to abortion the science is conveniently ignored and discounted. Science says now life begins at conception and is definitely human life when the heartbeat begins. Some argue it is just a clump of cells. Who are they to say if this is not life?


and who are these people that step in and take care of the ones that can't anymore?
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Hobby on May 10, 2022, 09:54 AMDemocrats say follow the science, Biden says to follow the science. When it comes to abortion the science is conveniently ignored and discounted. Science says now life begins at conception and is definitely human life when the heartbeat begins.

The majority of biologist believe that life begins at fertilization. Sperm cell fertilizes a cell in an ovary.
Yes follow the science. But, not just biological science. Include medical science also.
For now we can leave social science out of the discussion.
I don't know why people keep wanting to bring up "fetal heartbeat" a non scientific term as the determining factor to exclude an abortion.

  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate serious health issues that could lead to the mother's death
  • Fetal heartbeat is not a guarantee of infant viability.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate that fetus will be born without a brain.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't predict a myriad of catastrophic medical conditions.
  • Fetal heartbeat is not detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 10, 2022, 10:50 AMThe majority of biologist believe that life begins at fertilization. Sperm cell fertilizes a cell in an ovary.
Yes follow the science. But, not just biological science. Include medical science also.
For now we can leave social science out of the discussion.
I don't know why people keep wanting to bring up "fetal heartbeat" a non scientific term as the determining factor to exclude an abortion.

  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate serious health issues that could lead to the mother's death
  • Fetal heartbeat is not a guarantee of infant viability.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't indicate that fetus will be born without a brain.
  • Fetal heartbeat doesn't predict a myriad of catastrophic medical conditions.
  • Fetal heartbeat is not detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart.

Talk about reaching!  One thing is for sure an abortion will guarantee the death of the fetus and will never know if any of the things you listed would ever be known. To say the science does not know the condition of the cardio system is viable is not the point. The point is the start of the heart beat is human life!


Quote from: Hobby on May 10, 2022, 11:26 AMOne thing is for sure an abortion will guarantee the death of the fetus and will never know if any of the things you listed would ever be known. To say the science does not know the condition of the cardio system is viable is not the point. The point is the start of the heart beat is human life!

The medical team can tell a lot about the health risks of the mother and a lot about what kind of diseases/deformities that the baby will have.
We have come a long way in having diagnostic technology. 

Biologist say fertilization is the start of life, which happens way before "heartbeat" and is not necessarily indicative of viable life/capable of sustaining life.
There are a number fatal, life threatening conditions that can be identified during pregnancy. It is not uncommon for thing to go wrong. Often the body self aborts, "miscarriage."

Too much sex is still not enough.


If men could get pregnant, they would make abortions available at a drive through.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


going to be a much higher rate of babies with Down Syndrome, not fun. who's going to take care of them? they can make a heart beat in a petri dish.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


So are you ok with a 12 yr old girl that is to young to buy to pg 12 movie ticket, a lottery ticket, or cold medicine. To young to drive or vote. But not to young to be forced to carry a baby to term or marry.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


so if the fetus is a person, why didn't the repubs give stimulus money to them. because they are full of it and they know it.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Hobby wrote. When a person becomes incapacitated to the point they are unaware of their surroundings and cannot care for themselves, others step in to make decisions for them, to feed them, to care for them.

Who are these people that step in and do these things?
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


I recently saw a quote, supposedly by some pastor, that made an excellent point about how easy it is to advocate for the unborn. It was essentially about how the unborn present zero political or moral problems, unlike living and breathing human beings, who tend to be rather complicated. The unborn can't commit any crimes, adopt political stances you disagree with, or take any resources from you.

I suppose that explains why, once the unborn are born, almost all the "pro-life" people cease giving a shit about them.


Your daughter or grand daughter gets raped. She's 13,  Pro-lifers are good with her being forced to carry and give birth even if her doctor says she is too young to give birth and survive???   

I'm guessing most of these pro-lifers would be traveling to a pro-choice state..
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: Zep on May 11, 2022, 07:17 PMYour daughter or grand daughter gets raped. She's 13,  Pro-lifers are good with her being forced to carry and give birth even if her doctor says she is too young to give birth and survive???   

I'm guessing most of these pro-lifers would be traveling to a pro-choice state..
Exactly. And it wouldn't even have to be something as horrific as that. Pro-lifers have "regular" unwanted pregnancies, too, and it's not as if they never go for an abortion if it suits their personal situation.


Quote from: bats on May 11, 2022, 04:39 PMI recently saw a quote, supposedly by some pastor, that made an excellent point about how easy it is to advocate for the unborn. It was essentially about how the unborn present zero political or moral problems, unlike living and breathing human beings, who tend to be rather complicated. The unborn can't commit any crimes, adopt political stances you disagree with, or take any resources from you.

I suppose that explains why, once the unborn are born, almost all the "pro-life" people cease giving a shit about them.

Posting for Bats what he saw:


Quote from: Zep on May 11, 2022, 07:17 PMYour daughter or grand daughter gets raped. She's 13,  Pro-lifers are good with her being forced to carry and give birth even if her doctor says she is too young to give birth and survive???   

I'm guessing most of these pro-lifers would be traveling to a pro-choice state..