I Agree With Tucker On This!

Started by Hobby, May 05, 2022, 03:45 PM

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Tucker is right. Nowhere in Alito's draft does it say anything about abortion being right or wrong or if Alito is for or against it. I agree that the voters of each state have the right to vote to approve or ban abortion.  This is how our Democracy is supposed to be. Would love to see someone try to spin this and still say they believe in Democracy.


Quote from: Hobby on May 05, 2022, 03:45 PMTucker is right. Nowhere in Alito's draft does it say anything about abortion being right or wrong or if Alito is for or against it. I agree that the voters of each state have the right to vote to approve or ban abortion.  This is how our Democracy is supposed to be. Would love to see someone try to spin this and still say they believe in Democracy.
Tucker quoted the part of Alito's draft where he says "The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion." In fact, as Tucker and Alito both note, the Constitution doesn't mention abortion in any way.

At this point, Tucker's gullible audience probably says to themselves, "Ah-ha! Tucker is right again!"

The thing is, the Constitution doesn't mention a lot of things. It doesn't mention women at all, for example, because at that time women were not seen as fully participating members of the political class. As Biden correctly observes, under Alito's reasoning, there's really nothing to prevent this court from permitting the states to ban LBGTQ kids from public schools, because the Constitution doesn't mention those folks, either.


Quote from: bats on May 05, 2022, 05:57 PMTucker quoted the part of Alito's draft where he says "The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion." In fact, as Tucker and Alito both note, the Constitution doesn't mention abortion in any way.

At this point, Tucker's gullible audience probably says to themselves, "Ah-ha! Tucker is right again!"

The thing is, the Constitution doesn't mention a lot of things. It doesn't mention women at all, for example, because at that time women were not seen as fully participating members of the political class. As Biden correctly observes, under Alito's reasoning, there's really nothing to prevent this court from permitting the states to ban LBGTQ kids from public schools, because the Constitution doesn't mention those folks, either.

10th Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The intent of the 10th is clear and does not say make shit up that is not in or what people think should be in the constitution. The founding fathers made clear the role of the federal government is to be. The constitution set the powers of the federal government and regulating social issues is not among them. For the Supreme Court to have ruled abortion is a right or is legal, amounts to the Supreme Court writing law and bypassing our Democracy.

Many classes of citizens were left out and later remedied by amendment not the Supreme Court ruling.

Biden doesn't know what day it is... he reads off what his handlers hand him.




Quote from: Hobby on May 05, 2022, 06:15 PMMany classes of citizens were left out and later remedied by amendment not the Supreme Court ruling.
Supreme Court rulings overturned state laws that prohibited same-sex marriage, intimate relations between homosexuals, and even contraception. In each case, the Court found that the states were denying their citizens fundamental rights. That's the same thing the Roe court found--women have a fundamental right to an abortion.

Now, this extreme right-wing court, three members of which were picked primarily because McConnell and Company knew they'd vote to overturn Roe despite each of them testifying during confirmation hearings that Roe set an important precedent, has decided that precedent is only important when it favors their personal political leanings.

All of this is a matter of public record, but with all the nuttery going on in today's Republican party it's no surprise that they continue to lie through their teeth about it.


Quote from: bats on May 05, 2022, 11:56 PMSupreme Court rulings overturned state laws that prohibited same-sex marriage, intimate relations between homosexuals, and even contraception. In each case, the Court found that the states were denying their citizens fundamental rights. That's the same thing the Roe court found--women have a fundamental right to an abortion.

Now, this extreme right-wing court, three members of which were picked primarily because McConnell and Company knew they'd vote to overturn Roe despite each of them testifying during confirmation hearings that Roe set an important precedent, has decided that precedent is only important when it favors their personal political leanings.

All of this is a matter of public record, but with all the nuttery going on in today's Republican party it's no surprise that they continue to lie through their teeth about it.

Same-sex, gay, or lesbian marriage issues are not the same as the rights of blacks and women to vote. States set the laws as to who can marry at what age and the relationship, not the Supreme Court. The conservative justices are not banning abortion they are just saying the 10 th amendment puts these issues in the hands of the States not the Supreme Court.


Quote from: Hobby on May 06, 2022, 09:08 AMThe conservative justices are not banning abortion they are just saying the 10 th amendment puts these issues in the hands of the States not the Supreme Court.
That's the Republicans' insulting lie. The truth, which even the justices themselves must know somewhere deep in their deceitful hearts, is that they're ignoring long-established precedent for no other reason than that they now have the votes on the Court to do it.


Quote from: Hobby on May 06, 2022, 09:08 AMSame-sex, gay, or lesbian marriage issues are not the same as the rights of blacks and women to vote. States set the laws as to who can marry at what age and the relationship, not the Supreme Court. The conservative justices are not banning abortion they are just saying the 10 th amendment puts these issues in the hands of the States not the Supreme Court.

They are not the same to you. They are to the women affected by this. Or are you going to say your opinion trumps theirs?


Quote from: bats on May 06, 2022, 12:31 PMThat's the Republicans' insulting lie. The truth, which even the justices themselves must know somewhere deep in their deceitful hearts, is that they're ignoring long-established precedent for no other reason than that they now have the votes on the Court to do it.

Dems only believe in Democracy when it suits their needs or they believe they will win. When they don't win they pressure the government to step in and override the will of the majority!


Quote from: Blkfyre on May 06, 2022, 01:23 PMThey are not the same to you. They are to the women affected by this. Or are you going to say your opinion trumps theirs?

Takes a real Pin Head to ask and answer their own question. No reason to answer when being answered for us or put words in our mouth!


Quote from: Hobby on May 06, 2022, 01:23 PMDems only believe in Democracy when it suits their needs or they believe they will win. When they don't win they pressure the government to step in and override the will of the majority!

That's ok, Republicans only believe in States Rights when they agree with the right, then it's governors or liberal dems manipulating the government and shoving policy down the throats of people who don't want to do something and should have the right to not do it, such as, you know, masking or vaccinating or social distancing or lockdowns :)


I would not take Tucker Carlson's interpretation, analysis of Alito's draft. Carlson is not a trustworthy journalist.

I have not read Alito's draft, so I make no comment on it, other than to say it is a DRAFT.

Too much sex is still not enough.