Guns don’t kill people…

Started by HighStepper, May 16, 2022, 02:24 PM

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...hate speech does.

Politicians, media commentators, social media algorithms make fame and fortune pushing hate and anger. 

Adherents of "The Great Replacement Theory" believe a conspiracy is afoot to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color. Ideas from the conspiracy theory reportedly filled a manifesto apparently posted online by Payton Gendron, the white 18-year-old who authorities identified as the gunman who targeted Black people in Saturday's rampage at a supermarket in Buffalo.

Once a fringe conspiracy theory pushed by white supremacists, replacement theory has seeped into the mainstream and has been promoted by some conservative politicians and commentators. Link

At one time we were concerned about ISIS/Al-Qaeda terrorist coming to America. Radicalizing Muslims to have home grown terrorists. The NOW problem is domestic terrorist.

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation. Link

Too much sex is still not enough.


Yes I've never heard of a gun shooting itself.  That would be some Terminator level stuff where the gun had gained intelligence and we're fortunately not there yet.


Guns don't kill people but drugs sure do. Overdoses in the US are at record highs. 4 times as many deaths from drugs last year than from guns. Democrats are more concerned and fixated about Roe V Wade and Gun violence in the US than they are on all the drugs pouring in from Mexico. Stop the drugs and much of the gun violence will stop. I suspect Democrats and Biden Administration do not want to admit their policies on the border stink to high heaven and are why they stay silent on the border issue.


I must be living in a "hole". Yesterday was the first I heard of this "replacement" theory. I got news for you, we are constantly being replaced. The most obvious today is COVID. Some people are genetically immune, and no vaccine is required. I can't remember where I got this, but FWIW, a 2% negative genome ( if 2% of people with wisdom teeth die, all causes including iatrogenic), will drop from the population.
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Quote from: Tuscano on May 16, 2022, 07:13 PMI must be living in a "hole". Yesterday was the first I heard of this "replacement" theory. I got news for you, we are constantly being replaced. The most obvious today is COVID. Some people are genetically immune, and no vaccine is required. I can't remember where I got this, but FWIW, a 2% negative genome ( if 2% of people with wisdom teeth die, all causes including iatrogenic), will drop from the population.

What does your reply have to do with guns?  You should not Drink and Post....LOL


Quote from: Hobby on May 16, 2022, 07:11 PMGuns don't kill people but drugs sure do. Overdoses in the US are at record highs. 4 times as many deaths from drugs last year than from guns. Democrats are more concerned and fixated about Roe V Wade and Gun violence in the US than they are on all the drugs pouring in from Mexico. Stop the drugs and much of the gun violence will stop. I suspect Democrats and Biden Administration do not want to admit their policies on the border stink to high heaven and are why they stay silent on the border issue.

LMAO supply and demand. The American Way. Cutting the supply doesn't change the demand. Well maybe, if enough die of overdose the gene pool will change reducing demand.
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Quote from: Tuscano on May 16, 2022, 07:17 PMLMAO supply and demand. The American Way. Cutting the supply doesn't change the demand. Well maybe, if enough die of overdose the gene pool will change reducing demand.

We could have an exchange program... trade the druggies for illegals...LOL


The concept of other races taking "white people's jobs" [if there such a thing....shouldn't jobs be open to those best qualified?] has been around for a long at least for the last few decades when so many companies shipped factories and jobs overseas. It just seems to be more amplified now.  I also had not heard of the word "replacement" being used to describe it.  My thought on that and the shooter in Buffalo is: so what.....worry about yourself.....get off your ass....get an education or a job or whatever it takes to avoid being replaced and then you don't have to worry about it or whine about it or kill people over it.  To me it's kind of like those "incels" that blame all their dating, romance, and other problems on women.....lame, weak, and ridiculous IMHO.  However instead of taking charge I guess it's easier to blame others now.  Not how I was raised....


Quote from: dogwalker on May 16, 2022, 10:35 PMThe concept of other races taking "white people's jobs" [if there such a thing....shouldn't jobs be open to those best qualified?] has been around for a long at least for the last few decades when so many companies shipped factories and jobs overseas. It just seems to be more amplified now.  I also had not heard of the word "replacement" being used to describe it.  My thought on that and the shooter in Buffalo is: so what.....worry about yourself.....get off your ass....get an education or a job or whatever it takes to avoid being replaced and then you don't have to worry about it or whine about it or kill people over it.  To me it's kind of like those "incels" that blame all their dating, romance, and other problems on women.....lame, weak, and ridiculous IMHO.  However instead of taking charge I guess it's easier to blame others now.  Not how I was raised....
It's not how you were raised, and that's why you're not the problem. But quite a lot of people do adhere to this kind of irrational conspiracy theory, and it breeds more hatred and more violence, as we've seen over and over again.

The fear that some White people have of being "replaced" goes back at least as far as Reconstruction, and it seems that in recent years it's a growing trend as minority groups continue to demand equal treatment. It's safe to say the fear of being replaced is a big reason Trump got elected, and then he poured gasoline on the fire whenever he got the chance.

So you can say people just need to get off their asses and such, but that overlooks a serious threat to life, liberty, and happiness here in the good old USofA. I don't have any solutions, either, but saying these kinds of idiots just need to buck up and take care of their own shit really ain't it.


You don't need a gun to kill people, that black guy in Wisconsin used his SUV to mow down a bunch of people last year at that Christmas parade.
He was high on drugs and had a history of mental illness and committing crimes.

The subway shooter in NYC was black and posted a bunch of crazy racist stuff on YouTube.

The other day an Asian man shot up a church in Orange County killing one.

There are crazy people in all races, blaming a talk show host or a news outlet for these atrocities is ridiculous.

Are we having fun yet?


what does this have to do with gun shooting
Quote from: Hobby on May 16, 2022, 07:11 PMGuns don't kill people but drugs sure do. Overdoses in the US are at record highs. 4 times as many deaths from drugs last year than from guns. Democrats are more concerned and fixated about Roe V Wade and Gun violence in the US than they are on all the drugs pouring in from Mexico. Stop the drugs and much of the gun violence will stop. I suspect Democrats and Biden Administration do not want to admit their policies on the border stink to high heaven and are why they stay silent on the border issue.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


what Tucker is doing is no different than what Charlie Manson did.
I never heard the "replacement" theory either. but I don't watch Fox news.
The last time I watched Tucker was At the gym, he said that none of the mass shooters used AK 47. Click. what an idiot.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 17, 2022, 08:58 AMThere are crazy people in all races, blaming a talk show host or a news outlet for these atrocities is ridiculous.

They do have a contributing role toward hate and violence when they energize white racist with disinformation, conspiracy theories and bombastic rhetoric while they attempt to drive up ratings.

Democrats blame gun violence on inadequate gun laws and Republicans blame gun violence on mental illness. I don't know if we can call extreme hatred a mental illness. Leaders need to speak out against the prejudicial disinformation that feeds this illness.

White supremacist marched with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us." a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd leaving a woman dead. The famous Trump response, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

Where are the John McCain Republicans? "no ma'am he's not an Arab"
He spoke with truth and honor. There was no fear that he would lose the woman's vote to Obama. There was not a risk to telling her the truth.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 17, 2022, 08:58 AMThere are crazy people in all races, blaming a talk show host or a news outlet for these atrocities is ridiculous.

It's funny, when he's saying things that Republicans believe in, he's the only one telling the truth and people should believe every word he says and even go out and protest if he says so. When he says something hateful that they can't rationalize away, they say people are crazy for blaming someone who's "only" a talk show host...


I'm not condoning anything Tucker Carlson says on his show, in fact I rarely watch him.
He's an entertainer and a shock jock just as Chris Cuomo from CNN was, MSNBC have some nutballs as well. They all make wild accusations so ratings go up and get viewers, more viewers equals more money from advertisers.
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