They Come But Don't Want To Leave

Started by Hobby, Apr 09, 2022, 05:16 PM

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Heard this complaint from providers so many times.  Guests stay beyond their allotted time. They want to camp out hangout tieing up the lady's time. Although I do empathize with the ladies when guests do this, however, I do not necessarily agree that it is all up to the guest to monitor their time. The lady is in control of her time, her place her rules. I am not suggesting to tell the guest "hey your time is up, now get the fuck out" I would suggest having a music playlist and when a certain song plays is the cue to wrap it up. Start by getting dressed and move the conversation to how you enjoyed them... if you did. Guys when the lady wants you to stay a little longer she sometimes asks you if you can stay a little longer this is not for the rest of the day! So when it is over, it is over till the next rendezvous to look forward a good sport and leave when your time is up and not hang around...


Camping out....that gave me a vision of a guy bringing a tent and sleeping bag to a meeting.....haha.  It's very true though.  I read various coed or open female forums and this is a very common complaint among ladies.  No reason for it to suddenly disappear so it seems it's always going to be an ongoing issue.  Due to the various issues caused by overstaying welcomes [by others] I decided very early in my career that I would always be the clock watcher.  I have no problem doing it.  I also have a very good sense of time so that helps [I can often guess when I wake up within a few minutes after I wake up].  Sometimes some ladies are clearly rather surprised when I suddenly say "it's time to go" which tells me that is not what many guys commonly do.  It seems some do indeed expect the lady to, in essence, kick them out but then some act like butt hurt babies when they are.....hmmm. 


I can understand why a guest might stay longer. Getting lost in the moment and losing all track of time happens. I doubt many ladies would want their guests loathing their time and can't wait to get out of there.  Having to watch your time would kill all the fun. Like I said earlier, I don't believe it is all up to the guest to know when to leave. Allowing a few minutes of chat beyond the allotted time is good business. A good idea would be to plan their session for 70 minutes and not 60 or 30 minutes plan for 40. Or in their ad have a $10 per minute extra charge for staying beyond their time. Guests not invited to stay longer need to leave.  All a lady needs to do is say, time for me to go, walking to the door say I have to shower and get ready, I can't do this with you here. If they don't get this hint to leave...then tell them to get out...


I'm with DW. I hear stories of 15 min guys pushing for hh or hh guys pushing for 2 pops and extending past the 30 min. I'm almost always an hour visit and try my best to get out in an hour. While I usually am able to keep track of our time on a clock in the room or my cell phone, I will also ask the lady what time it is or how much time we got left. 
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15 minute or 30-minute meals are fast food... get in, get off, and get out! In these situations, I believe it is not the responsibility of the lady to get a guy off in the allotted time.  Ladies have no control over others' bodies. The guy could be drunk, could have taken viagra who knows. The point is if the lady has done her best to ignite his missile in 30-minutes or less and the guy's missile is a dud,  his problem, not hers
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This is exactly why I don't offer half hour appointments. It's never a half hour
Lickity yo dickity


It is rude to stay much longer. Reminds me of working retail/restaurant, and getting customers stay way beyond closing. I imagine from a ladies' pov, just like retail, they'd get annoyed and might not want to see you again.


On the other side of this debate I've lost count of how many sessions I've walked into and found the room's clock to be set ten minutes fast (that's how it was set when I got here) plus or minus a few minutes. I have left early at times when I found we had nothing to talk about or she was honest and told me there was someone scheduled right after me.

For those of us who like MSOG we have all experienced the delaying strategies to run you out of time. Then comes the line "there isn't enough time left for another round". There are certain subtle clues such as she starts putting on her civie clothes so she can run a few errands, that's time to go LOL.                 
I have no problem with aging as long as I don't turn to vinegar.


Quote from: WolfAndCub22 on May 15, 2022, 01:29 PMOn the other side of this debate I've lost count of how many sessions I've walked into and found the room's clock to be set ten minutes fast (that's how it was set when I got here) plus or minus a few minutes. I have left early at times when I found we had nothing to talk about or she was honest and told me there was someone scheduled right after me.

For those of us who like MSOG we have all experienced the delaying strategies to run you out of time. Then comes the line "there isn't enough time left for another round". There are certain subtle clues such as she starts putting on her civie clothes so she can run a few errands, that's time to go LOL.                 

There are those that take Viagra before the appointment...


Overstaying the welcome is a civi girl issue. She doesn't want to be rude about getting her date for the evening to leave.

With providers I'm paying for a professional service. As the client it is not up to me to be the clock watcher, even though I may try to keep a sense of the time.

If one is seeing a therapist (physical therapist, emotional counselor) it is the therapist that keeps track of the time and guides the session accordingly.

The music playlist as mentioned above is a good way for the provider to keep track of her time. I think agood provider have learned (from experience or asking peers) how to communicate nicely when time is up.  The issue for a sensitive provider is that she picks up the vibe that he doesn't want the time to end. She knows he will be a little disappointed about having to leave. So she can express the desire of really wanting to do this again.

Also, good providers allow for some slippage of time over. Guy has to get dressed, the exchange of polite chitchat, and a good hug goodbye.

In the old days with street hookers, when you bust a nut the date is over. Get dressed and get gone. You had maybe 15- 20 minutes to cum. Get gone or get out more money to pay her again.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 15, 2022, 04:40 PMOverstaying the welcome is a civi girl issue. She doesn't want to be rude about getting her date for the evening to leave.

With providers I'm paying for a professional service. As the client it is not up to me to be the clock watcher, even though I may try to keep a sense of the time.

If one is seeing a therapist (physical therapist, emotional counselor) it is the therapist that keeps track of the time and guides the session accordingly.

The music playlist as mentioned above is a good way for the provider to keep track of her time. I think agood provider have learned (from experience or asking peers) how to communicate nicely when time is up.  The issue for a sensitive provider is that she picks up the vibe that he doesn't want the time to end. She knows he will be a little disappointed about having to leave. So she can express the desire of really wanting to do this again.

Also, good providers allow for some slippage of time over. Guy has to get dressed, the exchange of polite chitchat, and a good hug goodbye.

In the old days with street hookers, when you bust a nut the date is over. Get dressed and get gone. You had maybe 15- 20 minutes to cum. Get gone or get out more money to pay her again.

With Steet Warriors you did not want to stick around and hang out with them because of the crime area or chances of getting busted was a reality.  It was Wam. Bam, Thank You Maam, then put a whole lot of gone between you and them! Now days the affair is usually safer behind locked doors.


I'm old so someone remind of what "two pops" is all about?

Had a pretty, new, young lady show up late, get into bed, cuddle up, fall asleep, and had to wake her up ten hours later to start our session.  Went well.  I had gotten up, ate breakfast, ran a few zoom meetings, and made play time fit into a hole in schedule.  She hung around rest of day and took her back to her car about 4:30 in afternoon.  Enjoyable company.  She folded my laundry and was in no hurry to leave.  Nothing stolen or misplaced.  I made her a home-cooked meal for lunch; she commented it was her first non-fast food in a month.  think she just enjoyed the escape from crummy apartments and hotels.  Only hassle was returning her phone charger the next day.


Yes rooftop there are situations where she doesn't want to leave, lol. They enjoy your company and like having a comfortable place to hangout. 
Too much sex is still not enough.