Gas price hike & why..

Started by Bande, May 27, 2022, 04:35 PM

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Imagine that..
It is a transitional period.. LMFAO...
Lets not discuss the hazardous waste being produced by electric cars. But hey, No carbon is being released.
We just put hazardous directly in the ground.. Hide it.. CRAZY...


Quote from: Bande on May 27, 2022, 04:35 PMImagine that..
It is a transitional period.. LMFAO...
Lets not discuss the hazardous waste being produced by electric cars. But hey, No carbon is being released.
We just put hazardous directly in the ground.. Hide it.. CRAZY...

You do know we've been putting car hazardous waste into the ground for decades right? Car batteries, oil, other fluids? That the process of getting the oil for gas can and has polluted the environment? To say that EV is crazy is to say gas cars are crazy too...


You obviously missed the point.
There is no gain trading one for the other.
They have taken and made us dependent.
Fossil fuels are used to manufacture so much there is virtually no getting rid of.
Making vehicles electric when we can not even sustain electricity for homes or businesses is Crazy.
The Government needs to build more Reservoirs to store water & electricity plants..



Quote from: Bande on May 27, 2022, 06:38 PMYou obviously missed the point.
There is no gain trading one for the other.
They have taken and made us dependent.
Fossil fuels are used to manufacture so much there is virtually no getting rid of.
Making vehicles electric when we can not even sustain electricity for homes or businesses is Crazy.
The Government needs to build more Reservoirs to store water & electricity plants..

Bande you be better off talking to a fence post.  Anyone who thinks Biden knows what he is doing doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


Lets see what the economy was like during the Trump Presidency..

Dow Jones:
You cannot view this attachment.

Gas prices:
You cannot view this attachment.

I and most Americans miss those days.

Are we having fun yet?


Wow. Imagine that. When the country was completely shut down gas prices went down. Who could have expected a lack of demand would mean lower prices. Oh wait, everybody...


The country
Quote from: Blkfyre on May 30, 2022, 08:56 PMWow. Imagine that. When the country was completely shut down gas prices went down. Who could have expected a lack of demand would mean lower prices. Oh wait, everybody...
Quote from: Blkfyre on May 30, 2022, 08:56 PMWow. Imagine that. When the country was completely shut down gas prices went down. Who could have expected a lack of demand would mean lower prices. Oh wait, everybody...

When the country was shut down no one was going anywhere. No trips, no vacations. Stay in place. So it really didn't matter what the price of gas was now did it?  Could have been 10 cents per gallon or 10.00 per gallon no one benefited other than those that had to work. Prices did start to rise back to normal pre-pandemic levels and for a short period but the real hike came after Biden started attacking fossil fuels and throwing out all of Trump EOs.  Democrats were so full of shit in 2020 they cause the entire US to run out of toilet paper yet the shortage did not set record prices at stores for craper wrapper.


Quote from: Hobby on May 30, 2022, 10:49 PMThe country
When the country was shut down no one was going anywhere. No trips, no vacations. Stay in place. So it really didn't matter what the price of gas was now did it?  Could have been 10 cents per gallon or 10.00 per gallon no one benefited other than those that had to work. Prices did start to rise back to normal pre-pandemic levels and for a short period but the real hike came after Biden started attacking fossil fuels and throwing out all of Trump EOs.  Democrats were so full of shit in 2020 they cause the entire US to run out of toilet paper yet the shortage did not set record prices at stores for craper wrapper.

That's great. That's not what Romanticlover was saying tho. He was trying to make a dig at Biden for gas prices by showing what they were under Trump (no other possible reason to add that graph for gas prices)


Quote from: Blkfyre on May 30, 2022, 11:32 PMThat's great. That's not what Romanticlover was saying tho. He was trying to make a dig at Biden for gas prices by showing what they were under Trump (no other possible reason to add that graph for gas prices)

Under Trump precovid fuel prices were stable.  I would not say low, but a hell of a lot lower than they are today.


Quote from: Hobby on May 31, 2022, 07:47 AMUnder Trump precovid fuel prices were stable.  I would not say low, but a hell of a lot lower than they are today.

Yes, stable because of Covid. Go look at his chart. Before Covid the gas prices were ticking up as they do, when Covid hit, they dropped and didn't start going back up until the country opened up when they jumped up. On 5/5 2020 they were $1.74 when he left office they were approximately $2.30. Doesn't seem stable to me when people were actually getting out and about now does it?

But again, that stability and drop were due to Covid, and it's kinda hypocritical for RL to claim that stability due to an outside influence (Covid) but then turn around and deny another outside influence (Russia) is not affecting the prices now.


It's not hypocritical, the chart speaks for itself.
Under Trump gas was around $3.25 in CA now it's almost $6.

The Dow Jones was trending up under Trump but now it's trending down.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 31, 2022, 09:29 AMIt's not hypocritical, the chart speaks for itself.
Under Trump gas was around $3.25 in CA now it's almost $6.

The Dow Jones was trending up under Trump but now it's trending down.

The hypocritical part was not the price in and of itself. It's you crediting Trump for the price and ignore that the price was due to Covid, a direct reason for the lowering price, but want to ignore the war and Russia driving up the price under Biden.

The same with the Dow. Everytime there is a conflict out there it affects the Dow and the fact that this conflict is causing raised prices in EVERY COUNTRY (thus, can not be Biden's fault) it's not only the DOW but other country's markets that are trending down as well. But you won't admit to that because those facts make it so you can't just blame Biden for everything...


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 31, 2022, 09:29 AMIt's not hypocritical, the chart speaks for itself.
Under Trump gas was around $3.25 in CA now it's almost $6.

The Dow Jones was trending up under Trump but now it's trending down.

You are right... Blkfry is wrong...  First 3 years economy was booming under Trump. First 1.5 years Biden is not so good... The majority of Dems do not favor Biden on the economy. The stock market is reacting to inflation and cost of fuel...


When Trump was President Democrats blamed everything on him even though the economy was good, now that Biden is President it's Republicans turn to blame him...except this time it's legitimate because inflation is hurting everyone.
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