Corruption at its bes..

Started by Bande, Jun 01, 2022, 12:51 PM

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Shows how deep the corruption is when Sussman is found not guilty.. Crazy shit.
Look at the history of the jurors and one can see the biases involved.
Miss Trial and form another jury..
3 are Clinton donors.
2 are AOC supporters.
1 daughter on a sports team with the daughter of the Defendant.
Could not of had a more impartial jury. LMAO


They are not going to convict one of their own no matter how strong and convincing the evidence is, no more than a Republican Senate would convict Trump in an impeachment trial.


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 01, 2022, 02:51 PMThey are not going to convict one of their own no matter how strong and convincing the evidence is, no more than a Republican Senate would convict Trump in an impeachment trial.
Impeachment trial based on Lies and a corrupt F.B.I.


Have you considered the possibility that Durham didn't prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt? It's a very high bar, and by all accounts except those in the right-wing nutto-sphere, it was a bad prosecution from the get-go.

Trump knew his audience when he claimed that the election was rigged. You actually believed that shit.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 01, 2022, 03:16 PMImpeachment trial based on Lies and a corrupt F.B.I.

First impeachment was bogus. 2nd I would have hung Trump!


Special counsel John Durham has spent over 3 years searching for wrongdoing in a less than 2 year investigation on Russia. Durham's appointment was purely political to chase down right-wing conspiracy theories about the Russia probe.

Yeah blame it on a biased jury. Prosecutors get to question prospective jury members and can have them removed for cause or use their peremptory challenges.

Justice Clarence Thomas said people must "live with outcomes we don't agree with..." Thomas noted that as a society, "we are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don't like,"
Too much sex is still not enough.