Biden Team On Gas Prices: We Give Up!

Started by Hobby, Jun 07, 2022, 03:36 PM

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Watch the secretaries of Treasury and Commerce declare that nothing can be done about gasoline prices. Gas prices continue rising hope they start to fall soon or we are going to be in really bad economic trouble, not that it's good now. Fuel affects the cost of almost everything.




To play devil's advocate what should be done about it?
Give out more stimulus checks to compensate?  That could clearly be done but they'd probably argue about how much and who to give it too so long prices could be back to normal by then.
Force oil companies to give away part of their profits?  Probably would not pass Congress.
Put an end to Ukraine war because IMO that ultimately is much of what triggered it?  Not easily done by US alone.
Eliminate federal and state gasoline taxes?  It's been proposed but at this point is only a fraction of the cost so may not have that much impact. Then that has impact on what is funded by such taxes. It's the cost of crude oil that would have to be ~$50/bbl or less to matter.
Any other brilliant ideas?  Don't drive gas-powered cars or use oil to heat homes [in progress but over a long period]?  If you eliminate the expense, there is no cost.


Biden created the problem the day he killed Trump's policies on energy causing the US to import more oil.  Biden tried to blame Russia and Covid for his screwup.  Now his administration has no clue what to do and toss in the towel hoping that by not talking about the high fuel costs the problem will go away. Devil's Advocate?  Sounds more like playing the Devil's idiot!

Biden should lift the restrictions he put in place and let the US go full bore producing and exporting oil and gas, flooding the world market to cause oil prices to drop.


I'd say that's one of many reasons for the current situation. 
It's complicated and there's rarely only a single cause for macro-scale things like this.
Meanwhile, who cares what caused it?  We are there now.  What is the solution?
Is the sole solution going to be to build more US pipelines and drill for more US oil [Trump policy]?  I doubt that because, like it or not, OPEC and the arab countries still influence oil prices and are major producers worldwide.  You could say we were on the way to complete self sufficiency in combination with developing energy sources that do not require oil.  Could be, but when would that happen?  Not in a time frame that helps anyone's budget now.


People keep saying it's Biden's fault we have high gas prices. And yet they also keep ignoring the more obvious cause:

If the cause wasn't gas companies why would the PROFIT be that much?  That is after their costs right?  And why aren't they lowering the price if they are making so much?You cannot view this attachment.


Before you blamed Covid and Russia, and world oil market now its Gas Companies.  Who next... how long before you wake up and realize Biden did this and no one else.


please explain how it's Bidens fault so that I can explain it to my friends.
also tell me about those tax cuts Trump made that you like.
also what was the price of a barrel on Jan  20, 2021?

Quote from: Hobby on Jun 11, 2022, 12:55 PMBefore you blamed Covid and Russia, and world oil market now its Gas Companies.  Who next... how long before you wake up and realize Biden did this and no one else.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 11, 2022, 12:55 PMBefore you blamed Covid and Russia, and world oil market now its Gas Companies.  Who next... how long before you wake up and realize Biden did this and no one else.

You are thinking of someone else. I never blamed the high prices on covid. I said it was why they were so low, true. And despite your wanting to shift blame it doesn't take away from the fact that TENS OF BILLIONS were made by oil come. Why are you not outraged that they are profiteering while everyone suffers?


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 11, 2022, 02:31 PMYou are thinking of someone else. I never blamed the high prices on covid. I said it was why they were so low, true. And despite your wanting to shift blame it doesn't take away from the fact that TENS OF BILLIONS were made by oil come. Why are you not outraged that they are profiteering while everyone suffers?

Where else would the money be going that is paid at the pump if not to the oil companies, Biden's son Hunter?... people here said the price rise at the pump was due to gas shortages and then Russia... now it is the oil companies.  How much did oil companies lose when they had to shut down and lay off workers during covid?


I am not as smart as many of you here are and none of you know more about politics and history as Bill Orielly knows with 43 years in the busisness. Has the number 1 selling book in the World right now and has many best sellers in the past so for me I consider him an expert. No he is not always right, and no I don't always agree with his opinions but we are both independents and agree on many things.

All I know is the country was doing really good when Trump was President up until Covid despite early on Democrats saying the country would go to shit under Trump. Trump lost the election even though Oreilly says there is no proof or evidence the election was stolen.  Biden becomes president and soon after the country starts going to shit and gets worse and worse... Ukraine is invaded by Russia just like Crimea under Obama.  Orielly has lots of facts and figures and says it is Biden's fault he owns it, all of it! Biden supporters will never blame Biden so any further discussion is pointless!


As I asked before and no one answered. What is the Republican plan?
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 11, 2022, 05:27 PMWhere else would the money be going that is paid at the pump if not to the oil companies, Biden's son Hunter?... people here said the price rise at the pump was due to gas shortages and then Russia... now it is the oil companies.  How much did oil companies lose when they had to shut down and lay off workers during covid?

What republicans will NEVER admit as they make excuses for the gas companies is they DO have direct control over the gas prices. If Mobile wanted to, tomorrow they could lower the price of gas by $2. Period. They have literally made billions on the high prices they charge. Why is there no call for them to lower the prices? Because, they want a scapegoat in Biden so ignore/shuffle under the table the record profiteering that is going on.

To republicans money trumps suffering people as long as they can shift the blame to their political enemies...


ok some of you....see my previous posts.....oil companies are NOT charities!   DUH!    And on top of that they have LEGAL obligations to MAXIMIZE PROFIT so attacking them, blaming them, and thinking they can easily reduce gasoline prices is stupid.....   


last time a barrel was this price, gas was $2/ gal cheaper. hummm
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome