Bigfoot and aliens.

Started by Fishhunter, Jun 21, 2022, 10:23 PM

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Nowadays you have to be pretty narrow-minded to think that nothing else exists.
About 20 years ago me and my wife were walking along a dirt road on top of a mountain above Donner summit.
Walking back to our camp where we had another couple staying with us we both noticed this huge gorilla type looking dude.
My God he was only about 30 yards away!
We were headed towards camp and this creature was headed away from camp.
Neither me or my wife want to make direct eye contact because this thing could have killed us both!
Yes I'm a Hunter but I still would not have to shot this thing it's because they look too much like a human but 8 ft tall....
Life is what you make it


naw....guy in a Halloween costume


What was the weed you were smoking? I want some of that good stuff...


Since the higher level topic included upcoming parties, I was thinking that somebody was going to announce a party with Bigfoot and aliens. I'm dissapointed.


Anyone so drunk or stoned that they think they saw big foot is given a pass for posting in the party planning. forum...  lol...


Just another spotting of D. B. Copper after all those decades in hiding. He probably ran out of razor blades years ago.  8)   
I have no problem with aging as long as I don't turn to vinegar.


Quote from: Fishhunter on Jun 21, 2022, 10:23 PMNowadays you have to be pretty narrow-minded to think that nothing else exists.
About 20 years ago me and my wife were walking along a dirt road on top of a mountain above Donner summit.
Walking back to our camp where we had another couple staying with us we both noticed this huge gorilla type looking dude.
My God he was only about 30 yards away!
We were headed towards camp and this creature was headed away from camp.
Neither me or my wife want to make direct eye contact because this thing could have killed us both!
Yes I'm a Hunter but I still would not have to shot this thing it's because they look too much like a human but 8 ft tall....

I guess you were lucky big foot did not make you his bitch....LOL
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Yeah I obviously posted in the wrong place..
. lol
But when you actually see one it's pretty cool....👍🏼
Life is what you make it


I wonder if bigfoot smells?  Next time I hit a Halloween party, I'm bringing my alien. 
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


This is a great thread! 

A couple of months ago my daughter and I were watching a documentary on the Moth Man.  The documentary is showing a driving down a deserted road at dark towards the foundarry when A loud BOOM, occurrd on the roof!  My daughter and I jump, look at each other
With eyes of panic and then we hear the sound of two cats fighting.

I was a believer fkr about 2 nano seconds