Tucker Carlson Insanity

Started by bats, Jun 15, 2022, 01:45 AM

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This will be short enough that even dogwalker can check it out if he so chooses.

Tucker Carlson, who is the most-watched cable news host in the country, spews a neverending stream of bullshit. This is well known. Still, I sometimes check it out just to get an idea of what his rather large audience is consuming.

So, tonight, I watched just a snippet of his program, on YouTube. He said a lot of shit, as he always does, but this line that he slipped in about Joe Biden as though it were a factual statement was classic Tucker:

"Biden is the single most destructive force in the history of the United States."

Objectively, it's both hilarious and ridiculous, but Tucker makes statements like this all the time, presumably because they enrage his viewers. That's his whole schtick.

What a total and complete POS.


Does not affect me directly.  I do not own FOX news.  Therefore he can do what he wants.


I am guessing you don't like Tucker the Fucker!


Like the Surgeon General's warning on a pack of cigarettes, I see the waning on Tucker Carlson.
Fox lawyers and the courts have warned, no reasonable person would view him as being factual.

So he is now in love with Vice President Kamala Harris extolling her accomplishments and endorsing her for President in 2024.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I know you'll all be shocked when I say I love Tucker.  Sure, he's a bit theatrical, but all of these TV personalities have the same DNA when it comes to building an audience and keeping it.  Good for Tucker.

Oh, and Biden is probably not the most destructive force in the US today...it is all of his handlers and the rest of the US Royal Elite...He's just their sock pupet.


At least Tucker is not as stupid as Rachel Madcow
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Tucker has been more Correc
Quote from: bats on Jun 15, 2022, 01:45 AMThis will be short enough that even dogwalker can check it out if he so chooses.

Tucker Carlson, who is the most-watched cable news host in the country, spews a neverending stream of bullshit. This is well known. Still, I sometimes check it out just to get an idea of what his rather large audience is consuming.

So, tonight, I watched just a snippet of his program, on YouTube. He said a lot of shit, as he always does, but this line that he slipped in about Joe Biden as though it were a factual statement was classic Tucker:

"Biden is the single most destructive force in the history of the United States."

Objectively, it's both hilarious and ridiculous, but Tucker makes statements like this all the time, presumably because they enrage his viewers. That's his whole schtick.

What a total and complete POS.
Quote from: bats on Jun 15, 2022, 01:45 AMMaybe you should of watched the whole program. You might of learned a thing or two. Expand the brain a bit.
Fact is Tucker has been more correct than ChinaBiden ever has.
So you are saying Chinabiden is not the most destructive?
The polls and economy reflect your statement to be incorrect.
This will be short enough that even dogwalker can check it out if he so chooses.

Tucker Carlson, who is the most-watched cable news host in the country, spews a neverending stream of bullshit. This is well known. Still, I sometimes check it out just to get an idea of what his rather large audience is consuming.

So, tonight, I watched just a snippet of his program, on YouTube. He said a lot of shit, as he always does, but this line that he slipped in about Joe Biden as though it were a factual statement was classic Tucker:

"Biden is the single most destructive force in the history of the United States."

Objectively, it's both hilarious and ridiculous, but Tucker makes statements like this all the time, presumably because they enrage his viewers. That's his whole schtick.

What a total and complete POS.
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We will get better proposals by challenging the right to be more respectful of democracy and the left to be more respectful of conditions that enable people to make a living by working

The list of mistakes is long for the Biden administration. But facts undermine any suggestion Biden is soft on China.  This is nothing more than disingenious deflection on Trump's subserviance to Putin and the oligarchs.

On China:
Taiwan has stronger support from western nations than any time in past fifty years.  This really upsets China.

US importing less from China than any time in a decade (a result of covid and related supply chain disruption not policy-induced)
Ironically there is growing consensus that import duties on Chinese goods need to be reduced or eliminated to help reduce inflation
China's belt and road initiative that emerged in Trump years is failing now (not due to Biden but clearly contradicts any assertion that Biden enables much less supports China agenda.

I would caution against mindless Support for Trump or silly criticism of Biden.  If Trump wins then democracy loses and no amount of fealty or track record spewing his hatred will save you.  Pence proves that. 

Biden has done many things poorly; democrats have catered to a welfare dependent group for waay too long and ignored people who work for a living. 



Spot On...
Cowards and Pussies have taken over..


I can't tell if Tucker is happy democrats are running away from Biden or he is complaining about it.  Tucker would not have a show if not for Democrats and Biden. LOL