Crazy stuff..

Started by Bande, Jun 22, 2022, 10:25 PM

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So this thread is shut down due to a crybaby that can not handle Criticism.
Stand by my statements People have become PUSSIES in U.S.A.,655.0.html

No reason to trim down. Edit maybe.
So much to if you can not handle it stay out of forum..


I disagree.  I doubt I'm the cry baby but I'll say the same thing I've been saying since P2P which is why even have a political forum on sites such as this?  Is that part of the purpose of this site?  Is it actually some people's "fantasy" to argue about politics and attack others because they do not have the same opinions?  If so I truly feel sorry for   Disagreements over politics have divided our community just like many others in the US, even within families.  Is that the goal and fantasy?  There an old saying not to discuss politics, religion and certain other hot topics with people you care about.  Given that I have to assume certain people here simply don't give a fuck about others in our community.  The notion of any community [and that we are a family---what a joke!] seems to have been thrown out several years ago, for the most part, from what I have seen.


Saloon does not edit or delete parts of comments or replies. The Saloon may correct spelling errors, typos but that is about it.  Otherwise at the moderator discretion the entire comment, reply or thread goes in the trash and the poster has to start over. Easy Peasy Quick and Easy. The Saloon believes in Free Speech as to content that can be published, however members including myself may need not to be so free with their speech... HS is the moderator of the Freedom Hall.


Posts criticizing moderating activities are subject to deletion, lol. 

The thread being referenced here, was filled with personal attacks. It could not be resolved through Private Message. The back and forth longwinded, convoluted responses between two posters made for a tedious read. Therefore, the thread was pruned. The thread was locked to give a cooling off period. It is now back open for discussion.
Too much sex is still not enough.