January 6th Hearings

Started by bats, Jun 21, 2022, 03:12 PM

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Quote from: Danno on Jun 29, 2022, 02:58 PMlet's get Trump to testify for 11 hrs like Hillary did.
Why should he testify. After how many years with the lies and corruption trying to discredit Trump.
I as 1 would not.
They have to prove, in which they have not.
No BOMBSHELLS have landed my friend.
Hillary testifying is a joke.. Nothing but scandals and Lies from that lady.


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 29, 2022, 11:40 AMPeople in the White House Administration are held to higher standards than regular folk.  What was told to Cassidy Hutchinson about Trump was from other officials' reports that were there and what was reported to her.  This is not hearsay.  If Secret Service wants to testify under oath that this did not take place I am sure they are welcome to testify but they won't...

What was testified was from hear say. Not admissible in any court of law.


Quote from: Danno on Jun 29, 2022, 03:02 PMIf you get a Pardon, you are admitting guilt. And every member of Congress that wanted one should get the boot. MTG was only on her new job for 3 days and requested one. lol. End of story
No guilt at all my friend.
They know the Demoncrats will make anything up and try to prosecute.. Just preparing.
With the DEmoncrats and all the lies and F.B.I. corruption it surprises me a smart man like you still believe their BULLSHIT.


The committee played footage of Michael Flynn, the former Army general who resigned in disgrace after just 24 days as Trump's national security advisor, invoking his Fifth Amendment rights in response to basic questions.

Flynn ― a QAnon conspiracy theorist ― was asked if he thought the violence on Jan. 6 was justified and if he believed in the peaceful transition of power. He declined to answer, repeatedly pleading the Fifth.

Uhm, he swore an oath to serve the country, NOT a man, and yet he declined to say whether or not what happened on Jan 6th was justified, or even in the peaceful transition of power.

When people want to ask what is it that Trump has done to the country, this is the sorry state he brought things to...


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