Healthcare for illegal immigrants

Started by thaikhan, Jun 27, 2022, 02:54 PM

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Quote from: Hobby on Jun 28, 2022, 08:35 PMI think a majority of California wastes money on the high-speed train to state bankruptcy. Just think what that money for the high-speed rail could have done for schools, communities, the homeless... and the price tag for the train keeps getting bigger and bigger.

That is a Newskum project that is a complete failure and waste..


Quote from: Bande on Jun 28, 2022, 08:01 PMCrazy shit.
Tax payers paying for ILLEGAL Healthcare.
Take care of our own.
A majority of population in California agree we should not pay for Illegal Immigrants healthcare.

Facts, they are wacky things aren't they?

"Finally, outreach to immigrant communities through community-based organizations and other trusted messengers would begin to alleviate some of the fear many undocumented immigrants and their family members have surrounding government programs. These efforts would be consistent with the changing sentiments of state residents. In California, public support for inclusive health care coverage is growing—66 percent of adults supported health care coverage for undocumented immigrants in 2021, up from 54 percent in 2015"

Hmm. 66 percent of adults support it, wow, that sure sounds like a majority to me., and that is HIGHER than it was a few years ago. Almost as if the public is rejecting the xenophobic rhetoric of Trump, huh?


Trump is not apart of my party so I've a clean conscience. I just want free healthcare for all.  I'd rather that $11 billion dollars for the relief package go towards free healthcare for all instead. I'd save more than $300 a month


The relief package has been expanded to $17 billion dollars now


I will say in the Healthcare debate the loser in it is Obama and we the people suffer for it.  He's the idiot president who promised affordable healthcare for all and drove up rates for those of us that were paying decent premiums to tripling our premiums with the ACA.  There are democratic scrotum licker apologists who'll blame everyone but their lord and savior for his fuckups... similar to Trump's rabid bunch.  It's like two looneys in a mental ward arguing about how crazy the other guy is and how sane there are while they're both sticking crayons up their noses and eating dog food claiming it's caviar to show how posh and fancy they are.


Quote from: thaikhan on Jun 28, 2022, 11:10 PMI will say in the Healthcare debate the loser in it is Obama and we the people suffer for it.  He's the idiot president who promised affordable healthcare for all and drove up rates for those of us that were paying decent premiums to tripling our premiums with the ACA.  There are democratic scrotum licker apologists who'll blame everyone but their lord and savior for his fuckups... similar to Trump's rabid bunch.  It's like two looneys in a mental ward arguing about how crazy the other guy is and how sane there are while they're both sticking crayons up their noses and eating dog food claiming it's caviar to show how posh and fancy they are.

Yeah, anybody involved in creating Obamacare should be shamed...oh, wait:



Obama's vision for healthcare was that everyone in America should have health insurance as good as what we have in the Senate. Attainment was blocked by the Blue Dog Democrats and a Republican leadership with the goal to make Obama a one term president.

The Affordable Care Act legislation initially included a nationwide public option. But it was eliminated from the final bill amid opposition from Republicans and moderate Democrats, and also in an effort to win support from Sen. Joe Liberman. A public option aims to improve coverage and bring down costs through greater competition in insurance markets.

Too much sex is still not enough.