Pro-abortion Protestors

Started by Romanticlover, Jun 25, 2022, 10:24 AM

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Pro-abortion protestors tried to break into the AZ legislature, police had to use tear gas to disperse them.

I wonder if anyone will be arrested and hearings on this.
Are we having fun yet?


I believe we can all agree that rioters destroying property should be arrested, prosecuted, and thrown in jail.

"The incidents in Portland occurred amid many other protests that were mainly peaceful. The group, made of about 100 people, were yelling and chanting as they marched down the streets and would periodically stop to destroy and graffiti objects."

President Biden: "I call on everyone, no matter how deeply they care about this decision, to keep all protests peaceful. Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful. No intimidation. Violence is never acceptable. Threats and intimidation are not speech." C-SPAN

Of course these "SHOCKED" antiviolence advocates had little to say when abortion clinics were being bombed and doctors that performed abortions were murdered.

Chuck Schumer as the Senate Majority Leader should not have given the bombastic political rhetoric. Of course Representative Maxine Waters gave what can be expected as her standard political rhetoric. Just like idiots followed the "call to action" speech of Donald Trump, it is the possibility for idiots to follow Schumer and Waters "call for action."

Too much sex is still not enough.


Maxine Waters is the absolute worst, I remember when she was on the school board and nobody could stand her then. She doesn't even live in her Congressional district, she owns a house in her district but lives in a wealthy area near Beverly Hills.
Are we having fun yet?


I don't live near the Subprime Court or an abortion clinic so I don't care if they protest or not.

As to why pro-abortion protesters protest in a state where abortion is legal, it's for the same reason protesters protest about anything worldwide that they are not close to.....they call it "solidarity."  [Ukraine for example]  Or a chance to break into stores and get some free TVs.


Some of us aren't privileged enough and we have to peacefully protest to obtain new tvs, kicks, and liquor
