Jan 6th continued

Started by Bande, Jul 14, 2022, 08:58 PM

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 15, 2022, 11:49 AMThey sentenced a 69 year old cancer patient to Federal prison for trespassing on 1/6/21:
Yet Ray Epps is a free man.
That poor, poor granny. Prosecutors presented a rather different account of her actions on January 6th. Read it here if you have any desire to become informed without resorting to the usual right-wing propaganda outlets:



Quote from: Hobby on Jul 15, 2022, 04:27 PMIs the US Capital posted no entry or only authorized personnel?  Is it illegal to enter the US Capital?  Who owns the Capital if it is not We the People?  How are we supposed to exercise our free speech against our government if we are no allowed into the Capital in the first place? 


"There was a time where anybody could come walk into the building," Jane Campbell, president of the United States Historical Society, said.

But Campbell said that time was more than 70 years ago and adds laws have been on the books since 1946 controlling public access to the Capitol. Congress tightened restrictions in the 1970s after a radical left-wing militant group set off a bomb in the Capitol and again in the late '90s when an armed assailant stormed past a U.S. Capitol security checkpoint and killed two Capitol Police officers.

Now, the only public access to the Capitol is through the visitor's center and even that has been shut off due to the pandemic.

US Capitol Police said when it comes to the Capitol riots, none of that matters.

"When it comes to the violations on Jan. 6, it is not relevant whether or not the U.S. Capitol is a public building," USCP said in a statement to WUSA9. "It was not open to the general public that day. First, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, because of the Joint Session of Congress. The rioters violated the law the moment they crossed the police line."
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The Hollywood production continues and will be strung out as long as Demoncrats can to take the publics mind off the REAL issues at hand and hopefully save them from Midterm disaster..


This might enlighten you a bit. Nevermind many of you got the media manipulation so far up your ass there is no help.



Quote from: Bande on Jul 21, 2022, 05:31 PMThis might enlighten you a bit. Nevermind many of you got the media manipulation so far up your ass there is no help.


How is an old story about a proposed documentary about Jan. 6 supposed to "enlighten" me? What do you think this article says?


Show me some evidence of wide spread voter fraud that would hold up in court and I'll stop thinking of these January 6th rioters as terrorists trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and install Trump as a Fascist Dictator.


what happened that day at the capitol is all on video, just have to let yourself watch.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Jul 21, 2022, 05:31 PMThis might enlighten you a bit. Nevermind many of you got the media manipulation so far up your ass there is no help.

I would imagine there will be a lot of Hollywood movies and TV serious about January 6th riots.

If you want to avoid media manipulation going up your ass, look at the hearings on C-Span.
Right Wing media won't even carry the full hearings. Left Wing media airs the hearing with political commentary afterward. So watch C-Span.

As Bats pointed out when he started the original thread, the hearings are not for everyone. Especially the MAGA faithful that are Americans who genuinely care for their country come to find out how they were lied to by the people that they put their faith in.

What we cannot ignore is that we have longtime conservative Republicans who were loyal to Trump giving testimony under oath.
There are no Trump political enemies.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: shellback97 on Jul 21, 2022, 06:36 PMShow me some evidence of wide spread voter fraud that would hold up in court and I'll stop thinking of these January 6th rioters as terrorists trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and install Trump as a Fascist Dictator.
There is no evidence to be found. Just a blabber mouth conman. Donald Trump will take his place in history along with Benedict Arnold known as a traitor.   
Too much sex is still not enough.


I haven't watched all of tonight's hearing, but here's a pretty good clip:


This one is even better:


Trump said it was Antifa invading the Capitol, then still didn't want to send help to the end it. Then called them special and he loved them. Hmmmmm
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome



"But this election is now over. Congress has certified the results."

The 45th president stops again.

"I don't want to say the election's over. I just want to say Congress has certified the results without saying the election's over, OK?"

And it's funny those who make fun of Biden's recognized speech impediment, but Trump has problems saying the word "Yesterday"  ;D

For those who will inevitably say what he said was misunderstood:



I believe in the Constitution and those who do.  The time it was created was a moment of higher consciousness.  It's the people who will fail not the constitution/democracy.  If American leaders don't do it, someone else will.  After what Hitler did, let's see if we learned our lesson.  EDGAR CAYCE'S A.R.E.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


For those that don't think anything bad happened that day.
just one mans story.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome