Which Will Freeze Faster

Started by Hobby, Yesterday at 05:22 PM

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I used to get into arguments when  I worked at NASA Dryden as a engineer.  Which will freeze faster ice tray filled with 75 degree water or ice tray filled with hot water given same freezing conditions.  If we are only determined which freezes first then it's hot water will freeze faster than cool water.  However if monitoring the tray weight if the hot water when it reaches the starting temp of the cold water the hot water tray will have lost mass from evaporation.  If the weight of the hot water is restored it will lose the race.  Make sense?  Hot water cools much faster than cold water from vapor loss. So if you make a bet make sure you are betting hot water freezes faster regardless how much is is made.


Back in the days before automatic icemakers we filled ice trays with hot water then put into the freezer. The thought was that due to surface tension and molecular density the hot water would freeze faster. From a practical sense not sure there is a significant difference.

Instant vapor - Boiling water freezes instantly in Siberia

Too much sex is still not enough.


If you start with 10 oz of water at 212 degrees the weigh the water when it cools to the same temperature the 10oz cooler water you will see a significant weight loss which means the mass of water has changed.  Now if you replace the lost water to 10 oz it will take same amount of time to freeze as the cold water.  I have done the experiments. 