Trump's Vision as Fascist Dictator

Started by bats, Jul 28, 2022, 01:16 PM

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The other day Trump gave a speech to a bunch of "conservatives" in Washington, D.C. Reportedly, he provided some thoughts on how he would run the country from a "law and order" standpoint. Remember that these are just the things he's willing to talk about out loud, things he hopes will resonate with the angry white people that make up his base without alienating too many other folks who might vote for him.

He talked of the U.S. being "a cesspool of crime" and how "there is no longer respect for the law." This is the guy who's being investigated for crimes of his own and who uses every tool he possibly can to avoid accountability.

In any case, to solve these problems, he talked of giving the president (i.e., Trump himself) the power to push aside a "weak, foolish, and stupid governor" and "send the National Guard to the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago until safety can be restored." So much for state's rights.

He wants the president (i.e., Trump) to be able to fire "radical and racist prosecutors." (He means prosecutors who are too easy on black and brown people.)

He said the federal government needs to clear out homeless camps and put those people in tent cities, using "thousands and thousands of high quality tents" on the "outer reaches of the cities." Only Trump knows just how great these tents would be.

He wants to "return to stop-and-frisk policies in cities." He said, "Our great police know what to do," but we need to "allow them to do it." We can probably assume that he didn't have the Capitol Police in mind when he said this.

He recounted what Chinese dictator Xi Jinping told him about how the Chinese handle drug dealers using "quick trials." Trump wants "a very strong death penalty for the people who sell drugs," noting that "it goes quickly." Due process is for suckers.

There's more, but you get the idea. Trump is a sociopath who shouldn't be allowed to run a lemonade stand, let alone the country.


In all of Trump's speeches, he talks about things that the President has no control or  should never have control over.  Much of what he says is best left to the states or to the local communities to resolve. President does not have reigning power over governors or local jurisdictions that would be too much power placed in our federal government. Trump thinks he alone has the answers to solve our problems when he could not even predict the weather. Trump needs to STFU and ride off into the sunset. Adios mother fucker...


The Federal government has the right to protect law-abiding citizens rights if local or state officials won't, the Feds charge people all the time for hate crimes and violating civil rights. We are US citizens who reside in a city and state.

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Quote from: Hobby on Jul 28, 2022, 04:26 PMIn all of Trump's speeches, he talks about things that the President has no control or  should never have control over.  Much of what he says is best left to the states or to the local communities to resolve. President does not have reigning power over governors or local jurisdictions that would be too much power placed in our federal government. Trump thinks he alone has the answers to solve our problems when he could not even predict the weather. Trump needs to STFU and ride off into the sunset. Adios mother fucker...

If we all saw the energy field of Trump, he's been in jail by now..  Evil people are tricksters.  He's  Hitler or worse.  I see worse.  No one stopped Hitler.  But this time, too many of us see what Trump is doing.  Most of us can't be lied too.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 28, 2022, 04:34 PMThe Federal government has the right to protect law-abiding citizens rights if local or state officials won't, the Feds charge people all the time for hate crimes and violating civil rights. We are US citizens who reside in a city and state.

There are federal criminal statutes involving civil rights violations and hate crimes, but it's not generally true that the feds can "protect law-abiding citizens rights if local or state officials won't," whatever that's supposed to mean.


Federal LE agents(FBI, US Marshalls, etc) can make arrests anywhere in the US, it was US Border Patrol agents who took out the Ulvade shooter after local LE failed to act. And yes the President or a Governor can activate the National Guard during an emergency.

You might want a lawless society where violent criminals go free but I and most Americans don't.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 28, 2022, 04:34 PMThe Federal government has the right to protect law-abiding citizens rights if local or state officials won't, the Feds charge people all the time for hate crimes and violating civil rights. We are US citizens who reside in a city and state.

They can only prosecute federal laws, not state laws. If what you say is true then why didn't Trump have people arrested and prosecuted when he was the pres... Hate crime is a federal crime. Any civil rights violation is a federal crime.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 28, 2022, 07:37 PMFederal LE agents(FBI, US Marshalls, etc) can make arrests anywhere in the US, it was US Border Patrol agents who took out the Ulvade shooter after local LE failed to act. And yes the President or a Governor can activate the National Guard during an emergency.

You might want a lawless society where violent criminals go free but I and most Americans don't.
They can make arrests anywhere in the U.S., but they don't just go around arresting car thieves and burglars. Their cases come under federal statutes.

Uvalde was an emergency, and CPB acted as first responders. In addition, Uvalde is 80 miles from the border, and a lot of border agents live there. So it would have been pretty odd for them not to be on that scene.

And you're wrong about the president being able to activate the National Guard. Except in D.C., they're under the authority of the state governors.

It might be advisable to do a minimum of homework before speaking on some of these issues.


Yes a minimum of
Usually governors control National Guards in their states......but there are exceptions.


Quote from: dogwalker on Jul 28, 2022, 10:43 PMYes a minimum of
Usually governors control National Guards in their states......but there are exceptions.

Fine, but the exceptions enumerated in the statute to which you've linked have nothing whatsoever to do with the claims I've refuted.


@ bats   You're always right aren't cha?  Just like when you were so fucking sure I was going to kill someone's grandma by not locking down and living in a cave at the beginning of COVID.  Yes I remember that BS and I'm calling out your BS on that now.  Name one grandma I killed. God damn people that have to dictate to others how to live...Fuck you.

DW has been banned for 1 day for this off topic reply and saying Fuck You to another member of the Saloon... This will not be tolerated for any reason! This post will remain as a reminder of what not to post

Conflicts like this should be addressed in PM and not on the public board!


Quote from: zoezane on Jul 28, 2022, 05:05 PMIf we all saw the energy field of Trump, he's been in jail by now..  Evil people are tricksters.  He's  Hitler or worse.  I see worse.  No one stopped Hitler.  But this time, too many of us see what Trump is doing.  Most of us can't be lied too.

I agree... Trump's personality is that of Hitler... Russia did finally stop Hitler and killed him. according to 100s of Pyschriatris and Phycologist Trump has the same or similar personality traits as other ruthless dictators... Trump had he been reelected I am convinced he would have shown his true colors... he would not be concerned about relection or being removed from office...


Quote from: dogwalker on Jul 29, 2022, 02:11 AM@ bats   You're always right aren't cha?  Just like when you were so fucking sure I was going to kill someone's grandma by not locking down and living in a cave at the beginning of COVID.  Yes I remember that BS and I'm calling out your BS on that now.  Name one grandma I killed. God damn people that have to dictate to others how to live...Fuck you.

Yup, you are right, who do that suck! And to get this back on topic here's another person who has to dictate to others how they live:

Banned 1 day from posting for replying to the DW reply to further it...


The mayor of DC(who is a Democrat) wants the National Guard activated to cope with all the illegals the Democrats let into our country.

Everything Democrats touch turns to shit.
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