FBI Agents Reportedly Looked For Nuclear Documents In Search Of Trump’s Home

Started by Blkfyre, Aug 11, 2022, 07:05 PM

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Kash Patel, a former official in the Trump administration, argued that the former president could declassify piles of documents with a single utterance. "On the way out of the White House he issued further declassification orders declassifying whole sets of documents," Patel said. "And this is a key fact that most Americans are missing. President Trump, as a sitting president, has the unilateral authority for declassification." Patel added: "He can literally stand over a set of documents and say these are now declassified and that is done with definitive action immediately." Link

It is amazing how many loyal Trump supporters want to believe in this ridicules assertion.

There is a declassification process for a president to follow when declassifying documents. And there is no evidence that the documents found at Mar-a-Lago had been declassified. Also, the President cannot declassify nuclear secrets without Congressional oversight.

Even if there were unclassified documents that Trump stole, the classification status does not matter he is still in violation of the laws mentioned in the warrant.
Too much sex is still not enough.



Joseph Siracusa, so called professor, sounds like a blooming idiot. He quotes an excerpt of the 4th amendment "freedom from unreasonable searches, and seizures" man's house his castle and you better have a damn good reason to come through the door with 30 agents and spend 9 hours. Well you dumb shit, read the warrant and inventory list.

So far Benedict Donald has not been indicted.  I don't know if he will or will not. And if he is, tried and found guilty, I doubt he will serve any jail time, like anyone that was not a former President would. It might be sufficient that they just got back what he stole.
Too much sex is still not enough.


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Quote from: Bande on Aug 14, 2022, 06:35 PMSunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 8/14/22

OK, I listened to about 9 minutes of Scott Perry and Maria Bartiromo. I didn't listen to the whole 28 minutes.
What are the key points you would like to make?

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Bande on Aug 14, 2022, 06:56 PMUnfiltered With Dan Bongino 8/13/22

Dan Bongino says Trumps lawyers certified months ago that there were no classified documents stored at Mar-A-Lago. LMAO. Trump has a reputation of not paying his lawyers, has multiple legal cases going, Trump is terrible at keeping his mouth shut, gets caught in lies. No good lawyer wants to take his case anymore.

Trump lawyers "certified" that there was fraud in the 2020 election. That is until they had say in court. No sane person would trust the certification of something by a Trump lawyer.

Even IF the documents were not classified, Trump still had no right to have them at Mar-A-Lago. And the FBI had the authority to recover them.
Too much sex is still not enough.


The lawyers that signed off on the docs may be in more trouble then him. 
Always get a fall guy to do your dirty work for you!


"So far Benedict Donald has not been indicted.  I don't know if he will or will not. And if he is, tried and found guilty, I doubt he will serve any jail time, like anyone that was not a former President would. It might be sufficient that they just got back what he stole."

I don't think the DOJ is going to charge Trump over this issue better to just let Trump hang out to dry!  Biden should give Trump a pardon for all Trump's crimes, wow would this ever raise questions about Donald...LOL Talk about speculation and public negative opinion, Far right would be wondering just what crimes is Trump guilty of without ever going to trial...lol



Quote from: Hobby on Aug 14, 2022, 11:07 PMI don't think the DOJ is going to charge Trump over this issue better to just let Trump hang out to dry!  Biden should give Trump a pardon for all Trump's crimes, wow would this ever raise questions about Donald...LOL Talk about speculation and public negative opinion, Far right would be wondering just what crimes is Trump guilty of without ever going to trial...lol
I think we all remember that when Ford pardoned Nixon in '74 he (Ford) said it was "the right thing for the country." Better to put the whole mess in the past and move on rather than drag it out even longer than it had already gone on.

But Nixon's pardon was also tied to the preservation of presidential records. Here's some of what a 2014 Wall Street Journal piece said about it:

As Nixon left office in August of 1974, thousands of boxes of presidential records and tapes were stacked up in the Executive Office Building, ready for shipment to him in California. Attorney General William Saxbe, a Nixon appointee, issued an opinion that the records and tapes were the personal property of the former president. White House chief of staff Alexander Haig, who had held the same position under Nixon, ordered that they be shipped to California.

Ford refused to allow the documents to leave the White House, fearing their destruction. He instructed Mr. Becker to secure a deed of gift from Nixon to keep these materials under the control of the government, while allowing Nixon free access to them. Ford's gambit succeeded. At the same time the pardon was negotiated, Nixon surrendered custody of the records and tapes. Congress later passed the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 to keep Nixon's records and tapes in government custody, followed by the Presidential Records Act in 1978, safeguarding presidential papers for public use.



Quote from: dogwalker on Aug 11, 2022, 09:52 PMSources lie.  Also I would not trust journalists to convey what a source said accurately.

I would not Trust the F.B.I. with all the lies, fake documents, along with bombshell witnesses that never materialized.
Imagine that. For the last 6 years in which they have not succeeded with anything.
Thus leaves me WAY skeptical of this...




Quote from: Bande on Aug 15, 2022, 04:50 PMI would not Trust the F.B.I. with all the lies, fake documents, along with bombshell witnesses that never materialized.
Imagine that. For the last 6 years in which they have not succeeded with anything.
Thus leaves me WAY skeptical of this...
On the right-wing media you seem to consume so much of they constantly tell you that all the scrutiny into Trump's misconduct has produced zero results. All hoaxes, all the time.

But that's nonsense. Just off the top of my head, I can think of many instances where investigators did indeed find misconduct and even criminality:

The Mueller investigation was not a hoax; it's just that DOJ decided not to charge the bastard.
The only reason he got acquitted after his two impeachment trials was because of unethical Republicans in the Senate. In the real world, he was guilty as hell in both trials, and it was obvious to any objective observer.
He was an unindicted co-conspirator in the scheme to pay off women who had dirt on him.
He had to pay $25 million to victims of his Trump University scam.

And on and on, culminating in the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results by fomenting a deadly mob at the Capitol.

But if it makes Trumpers feel better to go along with his persecution complex in which he is always being treated so unfairly, well, I guess that's the way it goes.


I guess you are posting these video for Trump fans. Otherwise most readers are not going to invest over an hour in watching Fox News propaganda.

As I've suggested before post your key points/arguments and use the video as the source of your statements.

Too much sex is still not enough.