Guide to the ways Trump is legally screwed

Started by Blkfyre, Sep 04, 2022, 06:29 PM

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Every single criminal investigation and civil lawsuit the ex-president is currently facing, including the ones you've probably never heard about.


Doesnt matter how many crimes trump committed if he isnt charged and prosecuted!


Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 04, 2022, 06:29 PM

1.    The Classified-Documents Investigation
2.    The Justice Department's Criminal Investigation of January 6 and the Plot to Overturn the Election
3.    The Georgia Criminal Investigation
4.    The Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Case Against the Trump Organization, Etc.
5.    The New York Attorney General's Civil Investigation Into the Trump Organization
6.    The Westchester Criminal Investigation of the Trump Organization
7.    The DC Attorney General's Criminal Investigation of January 6
8.    The E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit
9.    The Mary Trump Lawsuit
10.    The House of Representatives' January 6 Lawsuit
11.    The Eric Swalwell Suit
12.    The Capitol Police January 6 lawsuits
13.    The Metropolitan Police January 6 lawsuit
14.    The Michael Cohen lawsuit
15.    The Class Action Lawsuit Against the Trump Biz and the Trumps
16.    The NAACP Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Lawsuit
17.    The Trump Tower Assault Lawsuit

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Hobby on Sep 04, 2022, 07:27 PMDoesnt matter how many crimes trump committed if he isnt charged and prosecuted!

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Too much sex is still not enough.


And while that is a lengthy list of the things for which he could be held legally accountable, there is undoubtedly far more misconduct that we'll never know about or for which there is no legal remedy available.

And yet there are people who continue to defend the odious oaf!



for those who want trump arrested, think he is already arrested, the mind is very powerful, when many BELIEVE this it has happened already
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


this is nothing new for him. 
He's been sued and in court probably almost nonstop, probably most of his adult life.
What have been the penalties for all of that?
He obviously has never gone to jail.
He may have paid some fines here and there. 
Cost of doing business as many companies would say.
They made enough to cover small fines.
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He won't declare he is running again for now.
If he did he couldn't use his Pac money to pay for his defense
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Trump has other's money and his own to send his attorneys to court and fend off the suits, if he can't win he settles out of court... Trump can buy off people, everyone has their price or he has the dirt on them to destroy them... rich people never go to jail...unless it is for taxes...


Quote from: Hobby on Sep 06, 2022, 04:10 PM... rich people never go to jail...unless it is for taxes...

That is probably why they were so opposed to IRS getting funding to higher 87,000 auditors to enforce tax laws on high-income earners. Link
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 04, 2022, 06:29 PM

Every single criminal investigation and civil lawsuit the ex-president is currently facing, including the ones you've probably never heard about.

Politics in General are corrupt. Nothing new.
Problem is the biases everywhere even with you.
Why not post all the corruption throughout than just one party????
Yeah I know I post generally 1 party Bullshit due to all the crying everyone does out here due to imbedded BIASES.
People are STUPID to see what I do.
I have no problem with prosecuting whomever needs to be held accountable.
like currently they are going after Steve Bannon for allegedly taking money from a organization yet Biden had a FAKE Cancer research organization going with Millions going to him and family with no issues at all. Be consistent and fair
Problem I have is with the witch hunts and investigations happening prior to a key event like MidTerms against 1 party while covering upm all the issues with another party.
Thus you really think Biden would of got elected if the Hunter laptop shit was not covered up.
ChinaBidens collusion with Ukraine made public. What about all the $$$$ going over to Ukraine currently? You think politicians are not getting a kick back and lining their pockets more?
All along pushing Trump had collusion with Russia that proved wrong.
People need to open their eyes and clear them of all the Bullshit.

I like to facilitate discussion and bring up alternate views. I remember when school taught debate and you had debate teams. One learned from them. Now days you are a Comi or against freedoms if you ?? anything. And wonder why this COUNTRY is screwed up. Now days people are so stupid and the politicians see this and take advantage of the people.

This NATION has become a bunch of PUSSIES who can not think for themselves, taking a parties voting pamphlet doing no research and voting parties suggestion while those parties laugh about the stupid people. Now we are the laughing stock of the world. We lost are position giving it away to China.
China is slowly buying land and American interests that if this continues to be allowed we will be a extension of China. No other Country allows another Country to come in and buy up land and businesses like crazy fathoms me why all the sudden we allow this.
No other countries allow entry to those that can not show they can support themselves. To not be a financial burden on the Country visiting. Why should we the tax payers support these people?

BLKFYRE I know This is a bit of a tangent, I think it was a needed tangent.

And yes I do not reply much due to all the biases and crying it is useless to reply making my point as stated above.

Many times its state your sources, Oh those are biased sources. ( Many times proven to be correct though), Like your sources are not biased? LMAO..


Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Sep 08, 2022, 09:29 AMPolitics in General are corrupt. Nothing new.
Problem is the biases everywhere even with you.
Why not post all the corruption throughout than just one party????
Yeah I know I post generally 1 party Bullshit due to all the crying everyone does out here due to imbedded BIASES.
People are STUPID to see what I do.
I have no problem with prosecuting whomever needs to be held accountable.
like currently they are going after Steve Bannon for allegedly taking money from a organization yet Biden had a FAKE Cancer research organization going with Millions going to him and family with no issues at all. Be consistent and fair
Problem I have is with the witch hunts and investigations happening prior to a key event like MidTerms against 1 party while covering upm all the issues with another party.
Thus you really think Biden would of got elected if the Hunter laptop shit was not covered up.
ChinaBidens collusion with Ukraine made public. What about all the $$$$ going over to Ukraine currently? You think politicians are not getting a kick back and lining their pockets more?
All along pushing Trump had collusion with Russia that proved wrong.
People need to open their eyes and clear them of all the Bullshit.

I like to facilitate discussion and bring up alternate views. I remember when school taught debate and you had debate teams. One learned from them. Now days you are a Comi or against freedoms if you ?? anything. And wonder why this COUNTRY is screwed up. Now days people are so stupid and the politicians see this and take advantage of the people.

This NATION has become a bunch of PUSSIES who can not think for themselves, taking a parties voting pamphlet doing no research and voting parties suggestion while those parties laugh about the stupid people. Now we are the laughing stock of the world. We lost are position giving it away to China.
China is slowly buying land and American interests that if this continues to be allowed we will be a extension of China. No other Country allows another Country to come in and buy up land and businesses like crazy fathoms me why all the sudden we allow this.
No other countries allow entry to those that can not show they can support themselves. To not be a financial burden on the Country visiting. Why should we the tax payers support these people?

BLKFYRE I know This is a bit of a tangent, I think it was a needed tangent.

And yes I do not reply much due to all the biases and crying it is useless to reply making my point as stated above.

Many times its state your sources, Oh those are biased sources. ( Many times proven to be correct though), Like your sources are not biased? LMAO..
So many on the right complain their side is treated unfairly by the media, the FBI, and any other bogeyman they can think of. This is what you're doing with this post.

Few of the complaints have merit. For example, the claim that Biden bribed the Ukrainians has long been debunked, yet you persist with the bullshit claim. Same with the Russia collusion "hoax." It was never a hoax, and if you didn't indulge right-wing media liars you'd know that.

Now the right is whining about the government executing the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. Trump has led the whining by claiming, variously, that the documents may have been planted, that he declassified them, that he would have given them over if the FBI had simply asked, etc. But all of his excuses have been bullshit deflections. 

Many times you've implied that people dislike Trump so much because of mean tweets and personal attacks. While it's true his demeanor is awful, that pales in comparison to the evidence of his self-dealing, abuses of authority, and blatant authoritarian character.


Bombshells... Interesting.. F.B.I. And D.O.J. corruption on going. Politizing in a area that should not be.
Yes I know a appeal is in order...


Quote from: bats on Sep 08, 2022, 02:22 PMSo many on the right complain their side is treated unfairly by the media, the FBI, and any other bogeyman they can think of. This is what you're doing with this post.

Few of the complaints have merit. For example, the claim that Biden bribed the Ukrainians has long been debunked, yet you persist with the bullshit claim. Same with the Russia collusion "hoax." It was never a hoax, and if you didn't indulge right-wing media liars you'd know that.

Now the right is whining about the government executing the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. Trump has led the whining by claiming, variously, that the documents may have been planted, that he declassified them, that he would have given them over if the FBI had simply asked, etc. But all of his excuses have been bullshit deflections.

Many times you've implied that people dislike Trump so much because of mean tweets and personal attacks. While it's true his demeanor is awful, that pales in comparison to the evidence of his self-dealing, abuses of authority, and blatant authoritarian character.

And it has been proven over n over they have been for the last 6 years now.
Thus Trump continues to win. I'm not saying Trump is the best, he sure as hell was better than this FOOL though.
You need to expand your knowledge and get rid of your biases. And do what is good for the Country.
It is so blatant..
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