I love TRUMP

Started by Sexykitty, Nov 29, 2022, 10:25 PM

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Thank god that rich guy Trump is running again in 2024!
At this point, goofy would be better than what we have now running the world ... no offense to the dems but you all need to find someone  a little better than what you have now, at least find someone that remembers his name would be nice ...

And as long as you keep talking about racist bullshit, you are the one that keeps racism around and in everyone's minds  ....

Xoxo Kitty
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Miss Kitty you know I love you but we're just never going to agree on this subject. Oh well, who gives a shit. lol


Oh Kitty I love (your pussy and titties) LOL :yellow_heart:
Hi all, I'm new, started partaking in Apr 2022, b4 that long time mute lurker


Okay, blk is really going to make me post all million of Biden's off the wall stuff he says ....okay we can do this ... in all fairness trump never got his wife and sister in law mixed up but hold on I will post video ms for you blk
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And you all know I love you to, someone has to give you a run for your money so I thought I would be the difficult one and serve it out ....I still fuck Modt Democrats seeing as I don't have a choice in this blue state of ours lol
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A lot of people love Trump, most don't. A lot of people love getting fuck in the ass through anal sex, most don't.
A lot of people love Trump to the point of sending him money through his political fund raising scams.

There are girls I love, but I don't let them in my house anymore so they can steal stuff.
There are girls I love, but I no longer go for their honey help me hustles for more money.

So, revel in Trump's rebellious nature, just don't let him fuck up our country.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I wonder if these are reasons conservatives love Trump?


A Judge Said Trump Signed Court Documents That He Knew Included Lies

The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public," Carter wrote. "The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States."

Carter was referring to figures Trump and his attorneys had put in a Dec. 4, 2020, court filing in Georgia in which they had alleged authorities in Fulton County had improperly counted the votes of 10,315 dead people, 2,560 felons, and 2,423 unregistered voters.


everyone everywhere all at once, is full of shit and fucktardish, both parties are each 1 side of the same crooked fucked up coin, fuck em all.
 imma eat lumpia now then go fuck some chick in the butt and leave you guys to it


Trump is the past, De Santis is the future!


Trump can't tell the truth about anything. Said he didn't have a storage unit. Turns out he does and classified documents found there.
Hey Donald. Did you just take a shit? No I never shit.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


@Tuscano     LMAO....perfect length because I read the first sentence, realized your post was going to be way off-topic, glanced through some text and saw the words "gym" and "football", then skipped to the last sentence....


Now that the Republicans took the house back, it looks like Biden has some charges against him now......they tried to get trump with the four eyes that told everyone he carried out boxes of important papers and they raided his house and found nothing ...?

In the meantime Biden sold us out to many different countries, him and his son and got paid millions of dollars , that should make you feel good..... Can't you guys find a better President than the one you have in office now? Someone that remembers who he is and doesn't shit his pants while giving a speech to the nation? That's the most qualified person you guys can come up with to be president?  Come on Man


I don't feel sorry for these A-hole politicians with such a short-time view. I love to see them torched following the next election. Go ahead! Impeach, throw out the filibuster—dumb short-sighted assholes.
Vorresti essere me


Quote from: Sexykitty on Dec 15, 2022, 06:04 PMNow that the Republicans took the house back, it looks like Biden has some charges against him now......they tried to get trump with the four eyes that told everyone he carried out boxes of important papers and they raided his house and found nothing ...?

In the meantime Biden sold us out to many different countries, him and his son and got paid millions of dollars , that should make you feel good..... Can't you guys find a better President than the one you have in office now? Someone that remembers who he is and doesn't shit his pants while giving a speech to the nation? That's the most qualified person you guys can come up with to be president?  Come on Man
First, there have been no credible allegations of wrongdoing with respect to Biden. Second, the FBI apparently found A LOT of stolen materials, including highly sensitive materials related to national security, during the lawful execution of the search warrant in August.

As to finding a good president, Trump has made it so I'm just happy to have a guy in there who isn't a psychopathic wannabe authoritarian who led an attempt to overturn a presidential election. On the other hand, Trump does now have for sale a collection of digital NFTs for people dumb enough to buy them.